Chapter 95

They have a hard time finding that adventurer's trace because he seems to disappear when he blends himself with the shadow. Elviira who is sensitive to the light was the only one who was able to feel the movements from the sudden ripple of the shadow. And luckily, today was a full moon and the moon shone brightly in the sky and helped her to be able to find that adventurer easier.

Light and dark magic are different in attributes but both of them are related to each other and it makes the user able to easier to detect the opposite attribute. That's why the temple often uses people with dark attributes to search for the people who are talented in the light attribute.

They move quickly in the direction that Elviira points. It was an abandoned building near the slum. As they get closer, they spread into four directions and use the barrier magic items that they secretly got from Favian before. They buy it under the Duke's orders and put a gag order because they know how dangerous the black robe group is and how they could put the people in this city into chaos.

"We need to capture or defeat them as quickly as possible to prevent any trouble in the city. We can't let them cause more victims." Darius declared and the people who had been on standby nearby came and helped them to surround the building.

They prepare the skills to attack the person who hides inside the abandoned building. As they finished putting up the barrier and wanted to attack the abandoned building, thorns of shadow came out from the building. The sharp thorns pierced the barrier wall before it got consolidated and broke it into pieces.

"Attack!" Hudson shouts to the people that surround the building and they release their spells and shoot it to the abandoned building.

Boom! Bang!

All the spells hit the abandoned building and caused an explosion that destroyed the building. Leaving a cocoon-like shadow in the middle of the explosion. When the explosion died down, the shadow changed its shape and became like a porcupine with thorns that spread to around that area. The adventurers and city guard avoid the thorns and the person in a black robe that comes out from the shadow breaks their encirclement.

"He must be the person that my Lord want to find. It was too strange for even the Duke to try to protect him like this. It was impossible for two people as talented as that to exist at the same time." The adventurer in the black robe mutters as he runs in the direction of the Red Dawn restaurant.

"That direction, this is bad!" Darius realized the adventurer in the black robe aimed and chased him.

Hudson, Alvera, Alviira and Einar who realized it later than Darius also quickly chased him to the Red Dawn restaurant. When they almost reached the restaurant, they saw some explosion near the Red Dawn restaurant. Fire flies into the shadow and the ground becomes thorns to stab the adventurer with a black robe. There is also light magic that flies in his direction. The shadow that surrounds the adventurer with a black robe was burned by the fire and it looks like the shadow was writhing as if it was alive.


A screeching sound could be heard from the adventurer in the black robe direction. It was like an animal or most cry when they got hurt. The fire and light magic keep burning the shadow that surrounds the adventurer in the black robe and reveal his appearance more clearly.

"W- Who are you? Show yourself!" The adventurer in a black robe shouted and looked around searching for his attacker but he could not find anyone.

Darius and the others were also surprised by the strange things that happened in front of them. They are also unable to find the person who attacks the adventurer in the black robe. They feel weird because they can't feel any magic power ripple in the air until the attack magic starts flying to the adventurer in the black robe. And there are many attacks from different attributes as if there are few people attacking the adventurer in a black robe at almost the same time and with good coordination.

"W-What is happening here? Is this a dragon attack? Could it be..." Darius who is speechless at the unbelievable scene in front of him makes a guess but he stops talking when an absurd possibility appears in his mind as he looks at the direction that the adventurer in the black cape aims.

"Do you also think what I am thinking? It might be me overthinking about it but why am I thinking about that Boy?" Hudson said while looking at Darius's expression.

"I know that it sounds like we are crazy to think about that possibility but didn't he also do something that we thought was impossible before?" Darius said as he focused his senses on the Red Dawn restaurant.


Before the magic attack barrage happened, Renneshia who unable to sleep because she was worried about the God of Chaos's apostles. She was afraid that the people she cared about become the God of Chaos's apostles. She didn't know what to do even when she knew about what happened to Shia before.

Although she could empathize with other people easily but it doesn't mean that she could know if they will become the God of Chaos's apostles someday or not. The human heart is too difficult for her to completely understand it because there are too many variables that might trigger them to take the offer from the God of Chaos.

Renneshia tried to find a solution from Shia's knowledge that she inherited but she could only find the knowledge of the seer race attribute, saeculum. As she tries to understand the attributes, she finds out that the saeculum attribute is able to control the space. And the leader of the seer race created some unbelievable overpower spells that could attack the enemy without them being able to trace the caster's position and it is hard to avoid.

'This is an interesting spell. With these spells, I could defeat my enemy without them being able to trace my identity and location. And if I did it without chanting it out loud, I could hide my power and act as if I didn't know about anything. What a brilliant idea!' Renneshia happily thought about the possibility.

But when she was planning about how she should try the new knowledge she just obtained, a disturbing feeling got closer and made her feel uncomfortable. She remember the person with a black robe who was the culprit of the cemetery case before.

'Hehe. I'm glad it comes at the right time for me to test it while I just want to try my new knowledge. I don't have any grudges with you but it was your fault for following the God of Chaos.' Renneshia grinned as she started to chant the spells in her mind.

The magic appears and disappears instantly like a mirage. This magic is a space magic that opens a small portal to send the attack magic to the point where the caster decides. Renneshia uses her senses to pinpoint the location of the adventurer with a black robe. And that's how the current situation happened as Renneshia kept attacking him while mixing the holy magic in her magic.

Renneshia opened and closed the space gate quickly so no one would be able to trace her location. She also changed the gate location or opened a few gates from different directions to confuse and prevent the person in a black robe from being able to stop or avoid the attack.

After attacking with the holy fire (a mix of the fire and holy magic), Renneshia could hear the screeching sound every time she opened the gate to send her attack. It gives her goosebumps as the screeching sound seems to attack her soul. As she believed that she was someone who reincarnated as Renneshia but her soul is not the real Renneshia.

Before she ended her attack, suddenly she was able to feel a calming magic power. It was a familiar magic as she had seen it a few times before. As Shia or as Ludger, the calming silver light that reminds her of the calm and elegant moonlight. The space magic is surprisingly took a lot of her magic power. Adding the attack magic that mixed with the holy magic, Renneshia almost used all of her magic power.

As she felt the silver magic power appear in the black robe person's direction, she lost all of her tension and fell asleep. She knows who defeats the black robe person as there is only one person in this city who is able to use that power, the current Duke Kadaklan whom she never met. But then she remembered Shia's words about Duke Kadaklan.

'I think it would be better if I could meet him at least one time. Shia said that I might find a clue to prevent my death flags as 'Renneshia'. But as I met with the First Duke Kadaklan because of the Goddess fragment power, maybe he will leave some clue to his descendants.' Renneshia thought but her eyes getting heavier and she fell asleep.

She woke up in the morning and prepare herself and change her appearance into Ludger as she went out to help the owner and her mother with their job at Red Dawn restaurant.

'I should ask Mr. Darius about meeting with the Duke later.' Ludger decided and start the day by helping with the preparation in the kitchen.