Chapter 122

"We wanted to help Ludger with his problem if possible. Is there any way to help him?" Edgar asked with a serious expression.

"Ho! Do you want to help the Boy? You just met him yesterday, right? Can you tell me why you want to help him?" Hudson asks while looking at Edgar and Rainold's expressions.

"I just wanted to help him. Do I need any reason to do that? Can I answer it because we became friends yesterday?" Edgar asks while looking straight into Hudson's eyes.

"Hahaha. As expected from the Boy, you are always loved by almost everyone. Can you share it to me about your secrets? I think it would be helpful for me as the Guild Master of the adventurer guild. What do you think about it, Boy?" Hudson laughed and looked at Ludger who sighed at his usual behaviour. 

"As I told you before, that I don't know why they do that. Maybe because of my good personality or because I am a good boy. If I know the reason I won't have any trouble with acting low profile like now." Ludger said with a tired tone.

"..." The three of them were speechless when they heard Ludger's words.

The three of them seem to want to make a retort on Ludger's words but when they look at his confused and tired face, they decide to stop themselves from saying anything. But when they carefully think about it, Ludger is a talented person who is able to do so many different things. Whatever he does to hide his talent, he won't be able to hide it for a long time. Especially when Ludger was too kind to other people who needed his help.

  "Why are all of you looking at me with a pitiful gaze? Stop it! Just tell me what do you want to say." Ludger feels angry because the three of them have the same reaction when they hear his words.

"It was nothing but looking at you, I just realised how troublesome it was." Hudson shook his head and answered as he realized that Ludger's fame was also bringing him a lot of trouble.

"Oh, right! I also want to tell you that I might not be able to come to the adventurer guild until the Winter Tournament because I need to make some preparations for it. And I also need to train before the Tournament." Ludger tells Hudson about what he will do.

"Do you have any plans for the Tournament?" Hudson seems to understand that Ludger wants to do something to make them stop.

"You know that I have joined more than one guild, right? Then I need to show them all the power of my guilds, right? It was better if I could use it all." Ludger has an evil smile on his face.

"Don't go make any trouble because you are angry." Hudson reminds him as he feels that he will create bigger problems later.

"I won't make any problems but I might make them realise what kind of monster they are trying to create later. Tomorrow I will be really busy and I need to help them with their work. Should I ask for their help too?" Ludger asked with a curious smile.

"I think that they will stop the supply for the other guilds if they know about it. Don't you think the city will become more chaotic because of that?" Hudson who realises what Ludger is talking about starts to think about the worst possible probability that Ludger's other guilds might do.

"That was a good idea! I will tell them as quickly as I can. See you later." Ludger smiled happily as he quickly left the Guild Master's room.

"Wait! You can't do that! Come back here!" Hudson tried to stop him but Ludger had disappeared.

"Haa...How can he do that?! Let's just tell that person about it and hope he will be able to stop him." Hudson sighed with an extremely tired face.

"I-Is he trying to do something that will be dangerous to him?" Edgar asked with a shocked expression, the same expression as Rainold who stood beside him.

"Oh! Both of you didn't chase that Boy? It will be better if both of you are able to stop him before he really does what I just said about those supplies." Hudson said with a light tone and took a strange crystal from the drawer.

"Can you explain what he is going to do? Why could it cause this city to become chaotic? Did he want to do forbidden things?" Edgar asks with a pale face as he imagines all kinds of possible things that Ludger might do.

"It was not something dangerous for him or something forbidden like what you are thinking. I also only guessed about it because like what he said, it was related to the guilds where he became their member except for the adventurer guild.

"Do you mean the alchemist guild? Is that something wrong with it?" Edgar feels confused by Hudson's vague explanation.

"Then, do you know what the alchemist guild is famous for?" Hudson didn't answer but asked another question.

"Isn't it to make a potion or magic items that will be able to help everyone and useful for our daily life?" Rainold answers Hudson's question with a confused face.

"! That's it! Can Ludger really do something like that? He just joined the guild so how can he make the alchemist guild stop supplying them to those guilds? And didn't the merchant guild might be keep selling those potions to them?" Edgar understands Hudson's meaning but he still can't understand why Hudson acting like that.


The crystal that Hudson took from the drawer shines and a person's appearance appears in the crystal. 

[Why did you suddenly call me like this?] The face of a person with dark blue hair appears in the crystal and asks with an annoyed tone.

"Are you in the Red Dawn restaurant? Is Ludger in that place now?" Hudson quickly asked.

[What? Did something happen in the meeting? Why are you making such a panic expression? Nothing happened to Ludger, right?] Darius asked with a worried tone.

"Nothing happened to him, for now except that he might need to fight against the winner of the Winter Tournament. But He might have asked them to stop the supply to other guilds because he was too angry at their unreasonable act. So can you please stop him before he tells them to do any reckless things? It might cause the guilds to get angry at Ludger later.

[What are you talking about? Isn't it a good chance to change other people's views about the fighting guild and make those strong people think twice if they want to cause trouble in the future? I think he will create a great show later. I'm busy, bye.] Darius happily said.

"Hey! What do you mean by busy?!" Hudson yells but the connection has been cut off by Darius.

"So, what do you want to do, Guild Master?" Edgar asked while hiding his surprise.

"Then can you help me to persuade that Boy?" Hudson said with a tired tone.


Ludged arrived at Red Dawn and quickly ran into his room after greeting the other. Everyone feels surprised by how hurried Ludger was. It had never happened before for Ludger to do something like that so they thought that something must happen to Ludger.

Ludger who get into his room quickly and took his communication device and called the first person that he needed to call.


The call has been connecting and the other person seems to quickly pick up the call.

[Teacher, do you need something or did something happen?] Favian panicly asked.

"No, nothing happen but could you do something for me? Today I just have a meeting with other Guild Masters to discuss about the Winter Tournament. And they threatened me to promise them to join the guild of the winner of the Winter Tournament. Can you help me to prepare some items and potions so I can keep doing what I'm doing now? I don't want to get more busy than my current schedule." Ludger explains it quickly.

Ludger never want to cause any chaos in this city so he only asks Favian to make something for him. While Hudson is worried about how great Ludger's influence is in this city, but he is never able to guess about how loved Ludger is by the people who decide to follow him.

[Can you tell me about the guilds that appeared in that meeting?] Favian asked with an emotionless tone.

"What? Why do you ask about it?" Ludger feels a bit suspicious and asks.

[It's nothing. I just want to know how many people are in that meeting and how many medium and small guilds who dare to trouble you, Teacher.] Favian answers with a light tone.

"Well, I think that you can say that almost all of the fighter guilds come into that meeting like the hunter guild, the martial arts guild, the knight guild and there are around ten other medium and small guilds if we do not include the mercenary guild and Magic tower."  Ludger feels a bit suspicious but he still tells him because he feels that Favian won't do anything to them.

[So they are the ones who make such unreasonable demands... Right, what are you asking me to make, Teacher?] Favian remembers Ludger's reason for calling him and asking.

"I don't have a long time but could you help me make something like this?" Ludger asks as he shows a blueprint of the thing that he wants to make.