Chapter 123

After finishing his call, Ludger turned off the communication device and went to help the others who worked in Red Dawn restaurant to stop him from overthinking. He never thought that his call to Favian would cause another trouble in the future.


Inside Favian's Laboratory...After Ludger ended his call, Favian looked at Aqila who frowning beside him. 

"What do you think we need to do about the Winter Tournament?" Favian asked with a serious face

"Should we also tell about this matter to Mister Hugo? If we are unable to protect Master Ludger's current schedule, it will influence the creation of the new products in the future and it will also affect the merchant guild that currently became our partner for selling those new items. After that, we also tell the Guild Master that some items of research will have to be postponed until Master Ludger is able to check if there is no problem with it. Then..." Aqila starts to list all the things that they need to do.

"How about we split the works? I will go to report about it to Guild Master and you can call Mr. Hugo and tell him about Teacher's current situation." Favian said and left the Laboratory.

"You don't have to worry about it because I will tell him clearly about it!" Aqila confidently said.

But just like how words often get bent when it was told by different people, the same thing is currently happening to the news about Ludger's current situation. And Ludger will only be realized about it after the Winter Tournament. 


"Finally we are able to find you!" Edgar said while panting after looking around for Ludger.

"D-Did you tell the alchemist guild about it and stop the supply to this city?" Rainold asked with a pale face and heavy breath. 

"Huh? Why do I do something terrible like that? I only tell Mr. Favian, the alchemist to help me to create something that I might able as a secret weapon later if I need to fight. I hope they will cancel their demand before the Tournament starts." Ludger told them the truth.

"...Then, you won't do something like that?" Edgar asked with a relief expression.

"Of course, I won't do something like that even if I want to do it. What will happen if I hurt an unrelated person by doing something like that? Do you think that I was such a person?" Ludger asked while looking at his two new friends.

"We believe that you won't do it but because of the Guild Master's words and your expression before that, we become a bit suspicious...I'm so sorry for doubting you." Edgar apologizes and lowers his head.

"I'm really sorry, Ludy. I won't believe in the Guild Master's words again later if he says something about you in the future." Rainold also apologised and lowered his head like Edgar.

"But what if it really happens? Do you still believe in his words?" Darius asked with a suspicious smile on his face.

"How could you be so sure that something like that might be happen, Mr. Darius?" Ludger asked with a suspicious gaze.

"You seem to underestimate your true power in this city. But the results will only seen after few days later. Oh right! I want to ask you if it will be possible to apply to the Tournament as the alchemist guild or the merchant guild member? I think it will cause more fun to those fighting guilds." Darius smiles with an expression that looks as if he is a boy who is playing a prank.

"What kind of bad thing that you trying to make him do? How could you do that as Mmpff!" As Edgar did not agree with what Darius said, he scolded him before Darius used a meat bun to stop him from continuing to talk.

"It was a bad manner to use that delicious meat bun like that because it shouldn't made as a weapon like that. Do you want to get scolded by my Mom again?" Ludger said because he knew what Edgar was trying to say to him.

Ludger also feels confused because what Darius or rather the current Duke Kadaklan, Kismet is doing something that he should not have suggested or said as this city Duke. Ludger knows that by doing something like that he will be able to slap those fighting guilds face to vent his anger. But doing something like that might cause irreparable conflict between the guilds later.

Besides, there is also the Magic Tower which seems to be confident about their power to win the Tournament. And the existence of the Tower Master who seems to be a dangerous person. And it makes Ludger afraid of creating a conflict with them.

'I still don't know what kind of person the Tower Master of Magic Tower was. But if what I discussed with Sister Elviira before was right, then what can I do to protect the people around me? I needed to make sure which side he was standing at.' Ludger thought. 

"Why do you threaten me like that? Besides my suggestion is quite benefits you, right?" Darius protests.

"Oh right, I want to ask about what you know about the Tower Master of the Magic Tower. Have you ever met him this in a few years? Do you know how powerful he was?" Ludger continues to ask him with his questions.

"The Tower Master of the Magic Tower?! Why are you asking about him? I haven't met him for almost a decade. Why are you asking about him?" Darius's gaze became sharper as he could feel something wrong with Ludger's questions.

"'I can't say it here. How about follow me and we talk in my room? It was something that I haven't proven as it was something that I just discussed with someone that I trusted. So I don't want to talk about it here." Ludger said and walked to the back door.

"Can we listen to it too? Maybe we will be able to provide you with our help." Edgar suggests. 

"Alright, please follow me." Ludger said and showed the way.

When they arrive at Ludger's room, Ludger quickly activates the items in his room. It was a device that was able to prevent the other people from eavesdropping their conversation. As Ludger took and activated each and every device in his drawer. Darius was used to seeing Ludger doing that but it seemed like that it was a big surprise for Edgar and Rainold.

"H-How much he had activated those items?!" Edgar was surprised to see Ludger use those items as if he didn't have to care about the price of those items.

"How could you use those items like that? It was something that you need to buy it at a high price. Why do you do it as if you don't care about the price?" Rainold also felt surprised as he knew how much people needed to pay for one of those items.

"Did both of forget that he is also a member of the alchemist guild? Of course, he will be able to afford it. Both of you have only met him yesterday so you haven't seen his real talents." Darius reminds both of them about Ludger's status in this city.

Darius is able to know about it because he was using his power as the Duke to gather all the information that he is able to get and he also listens to the story or gossip when he eats in Red Daen restaurant. That is why he knows how famous and how great Ludger's influence was in this city.

"Alright,  first please help me with the spells that I will teach you, Ed. How good your light magic is? I need your help to cast the spell on your body." Ludger asks Edgar to help him.

"Alright,  what should I do?" Edgar asked for Ludger's pointer.

As Ludger start to tell him about what he needs to do and how he needs to use the spells that Ludger taught him. After around an hour,  Edgar is finally able to use it and his body starts to disappear from their sight. When Darius saw it he become more confused about what Ludger are trying to say about the Tower Master of the Magic Tower.

"What I show you was the magic that Sister Elviira and I created to help the people with light attributes who have a weak body to be able to hide themselves and support their allies and heal the others who get hurt. It was a useful because most people with light attributes act like a healer... With these spells, it will be able to prevent any accidents in the Labyrinth."  Ludger explains to them about the spells that Edgar used.

"Eh?! Ludy, is these the same spells that you used when the first time we met? Wow, I really can't see my own hand right now! Hey Ludy, why don't you just show us the spells and explain to us." Edgar was curious that Ludger was also able to use these spells but why he didn't do it and asked him to use it.

"Right, Leona said you use similar spells when you save that woman from the thugs...So, what are you trying to say?" Rainold asked with a confused expression.

"What if I say that the Tower Master of the Magic Tower is able to use it and he might be able to use it in a more advanced way? So, Mr. Darius, can you remember anything about the Tower Master's face or appearance?" Ludger asked with a serious face.