Chapter 141

"M-Mom...I...I'm really sorry for making you and the others feel worried. I..." Ludger didn't know what he should say to her.

As a mother, she must have had a different kind of worry when she saw Ludger in that condition. Especially because currently Ludger is the only family member living in this world. Her family has tried to live on this continent even if they know that they will be discriminated against by the people on this continent. Most of them die because of discrimination or monster attacks. And she is the only person from her family that still living in this world before her child is born into this world. 

"Everyone, can you please let me talk privately with my child?" Katarina asked politely with a smile on her face but anyone who saw her will feel pressure by unexplained feelings. 

That's why everyone quickly leaves Ludger's room but some people still trying to eavesdrop on their conversation from outside. Sadly they were unable to do that because Ludger had prepared for it and activated the soundproof magic. Ludger knew his mother, Katarina might get some explanation from that person so Ludger didn't want to lie to get about what really happened.

"Umm, Mom... Actually I... I want to tell you about my secret. This might sound unbelievable but I think I should have told you about it. I..." Ludger didn't know if it was the best solution but currently Ludger only wanted to make his mother feel less worried but Katarina suddenly stopped her child to continue with the explanation. 

"I only want to ask you one question. Please answer it truthfully. Did what happened to you have some relation with your fate?" Katarina asks with a serious and strangely calm face.

"Huh?! Is this related to the oracle that you told me before? That's right. It was something that related to my fate. And because of this accident, I know that something is currently making my fate to become something that no one can see the end of. I don't know why but my fate become unpredictable and I have to make sure it won't be dangerous to me or the people around me. I also want to apologize because I told Mr. Darius about our real hair and eye colour." At first, Ludger was surprised but then he remembered hearing about what had happened before from his mother and honestly told her everything. 

"Mr. Darius already told me about it so you don't have to worry about it. Do you know how panicked he was when he asked me to read or hold those documents to help you? And you should see how he keeps apologising for letting you experience such a thing. I know it was something that relates to your fate after I touched those documents. It was something similar to the power of the elder from my parent's story. But I'm really glad that you are able to come back safely from it. Sob... " Katarina hugs Ludger and cries as she can't hide her real feelings anymore. 

Although she was the only person who had some clue about Ludger's condition before, she still worried that something had gone wrong with her dear child. In the oracle that she often heard from her parents, they said that she needed to trust in her child's decision and was only able to support her child without influencing that child. 

As one of the members of her race, she knew that it was her duty to follow the oracle. But as a mother, how could she not do anything when her child was in trouble? She wants to be able to help her dear child but at that moment when she touched those documents, she realized how powerless she was as her child's mother.

That's why she feels guilty because she couldn't do anything to at least make the heavy burden that her child need to bear to be lighter with her help. She blames herself even more after hearing Ludger apologize even if it was just an unpredictable accident. 

"Why are you apologising? It's not your fault. The one who should apologize is your mother. I'm sorry for not being able to help you when you need it the most. I'm starting to understand about how heavy the fate that you have to bear is. But it makes my heart hurt every time I remember that this is something that you need to face even in the future." Katarina was sad because she was thinking about how powerless she was.

Hearing what his mother was thinking about, Ludger realized that she was feeling like this because she had known about her child's fate. And from what Ludger heard before, his mother was being warned to not help her child so she wouldn't cause any chance to her child's fate. Ludger doesn't understand why they doing something like that but right now he feels angry with their rule.

"Mom, I think you don't need to follow that warning. You can care and help me however you want. Don't worry about it because no one can decide my fate anymore. It was something that I was told by the person who was able to see my fate. You can do what you are able to do. It's alright. I promise you." Ludger tries to say whatever comes into his mind to stop his mother's tears.

"I'm really glad that you are my dear child. Do you know how proud and lonely I was because you seem to know what you need to do? I was proud because you always do the best things you are able to do. But it also makes me feel lonely because you never try to ask for any help from me. And although you often do something that seems stupid in other eyes, I always know that you have your own plans." Katarina stopped crying and started to caress Ludger's head.

"Huh?! If you know about it, why do you always scold me with your eyes every time I sweet talk to every female that I meet?" Ludger suddenly felt confused after hearing his mother's words.

"Do you know how rude you are when you are acting like that in front of the other? And sometimes I feel that you are acting more and more like a pervert old man rather than a gentleman. I always wonder if you are not forgetting that you are also a female. Do you know that you are currently playing with their feelings?" Katarina pinched Ludger's cheeks because she couldn't believe that Ludger did not feel remorseful for doing something like that and playing with other feelings. 

"Ouch! I know, I know. But didn't I have told you before that I do that because I have to make sure that no one will doubt or question our identity? It was something in my great plan." Ludger didn't try to avoid or defend himself from the punishment his mother gave him.

After Renneshia decides to hide her identity by turning herself to be a boy named Ludger, she always talks to each and every female that she meets with a sweet tone like some main characters in a harem story or a great playboy-like character to make other people in this world won't doubt Ludger gender. Because Renneshia knows about the difference in growth between the two genders.

Renneshia's plan was quite successful because no one doubted Ludger's gender and they even rather love him too much. Katarina understands in her mind that Renneshia is doing this to hide their identity. But at the same time, she started to feel worried that her child, Renneshia might cause the other people to hate her when they know about her real identity in the future. 

It was impossible to keep hiding it from the other. And it was impossible to keep it from the other later because her child would grow. The worst part is that her dear daughter could only live in a fake identity until she could not hide it anymore and gave no one to call her real name until then.

This kind of thought keeps appearing in Katarina's mind. Although it was lessened when Winslow and Ancelina arrived. But still, she always feels worried because she doesn't know how the people in this Labyrinth City will respond to the truth later. Currently, only Darius who didn't mind about their real identity and was able to accept them whoever they were. 

"Are you really alright?" Katarina asks and looks carefully at Ludger's condition.

"Except for the place where you just pinched me, I think nothing wrong with my body. I only feel really hungry right now. I think Brother Winslow has finished cooking and bring my food." Ludger smiled and deactivated the soundproof magic.

Winslow really arrived at the same time when the magic deactivated and they could hear the knocking sounds. After finished eating, a lot of people started to come to Ludger's room to visit him. Some of them asked about his condition and the others seemed to be trying to spy on his condition.

Ludger need to meet a lot of people and spend his time talking to all of them and it takes around another three days until Ludger is able to regain his strength and thank every single person who cares about his condition. Every day Ludger was too busy for meeting with every single person who worried about his condition and he can't do anything about it.

But after he able to replying to their care, the semifinal of the Winter Tournament have begin.