Cao Jun, be my friend and my adviser

Jia Li entered the pavilion with Court Lady Xuan, where Cao Jun was waiting for the Crown Princess for over an hour. Seeing her entering the pavilion, Cao Jun left his seat and stood with his head low.

"Greetings to the Crown Princess. This is Cao Jun," he introduced himself after Jia Li halted in front of him.

"You may raise your head," Jia Li said. Court Lady Xuan pulled out the chair for the Crown Princess on which she settled. She gestured to Cao Jun to take the seat as well, who sat down.

The maidservant stepped up to serve them Melon Seed Tea. She stepped back after placing the teacups on the saucers for both of them.

"I would like everyone to leave," Jia Li said. Court Lady Xuan bowed and complied with the Crown Princess' order. The maidservants left followed by her.

Jia Li lifted the teacup gracefully with her both hands and took a sip. Cao Jun also tasted the tea and placed it on the saucer gently.

"What does Cao Jun do?" Jia Li inquired.

"I work in the Revenue Department as the Third Rank officer," Cao Jun replied.

"Why does Cao Jun think he is suitable to be my husband?" Jia Li queried. "I don't want to hear flattering words. So, whatever is in your head say it without any hesitation," she stated.

"I never thought I was suitable to be Her Royal Highness' husband. I believe my father's ministerial position is one of the chief reasons why I am selected as a potential groom by the Grand Empress Dowager for the Crown Princess," Cao Jun clarified the answer to the first question that Jia Li asked.

"What does the Crown Prince title mean to you?" Jia Li inquired. "If Cao Jun marries me, he will get the highest title of power after the Emperor," she asserted.

"However, the title can go to someone else if not wisely handled. So, this title means a power struggle to me. For me, it is the reason for fights," Cao Jun answered.

Jia Li smiled as she liked his truthfulness. However, she realized he was not suitable to become her husband. He had no intention to fight a battle for the throne with her. Cao Jun had a clear heart and upright personality, which was not made for the imperial palace. He would not be able to survive in the palace.

"Father said Cao Jun is a great person with a great personality. I would like to say one thing to him," Jia Li stated.

Cao Jun got inquisitive to know.

"Straight trees are cut first, and so are the upright people," Jia Li affirmed.

Cao Jun was amused to hear that statement.

"Cao Jun cannot be my husband. I expected a different answer from him," Jia Li answered.

She understood why her grandmother brought a good proposal to her this time. Her grandmother knew Jia Li would melt by his honesty. However, she was no longer the old Ji Li. She very well knew if Cao Jun married her, then Grand Empress Dowager would change his decisions easily and when she would find him useless, she would not hesitate to kill him.

"I understand, Your Royal Highness," Cao Jun accepted Jia Li's decision.

"However, I would like to have you as my friend," Jia Li stated with a glint in her eyes.

Cao Jun didn't expect this from the Crown Princess.

"Pardon me?" He exclaimed.

"As the Crown Princess of the Empire, I never got in touch with people of my age or even a few years older than me," Jia Li said. She remembered her father's advice and how he stressed her to strengthen her position. This was her chance and she wanted the best people by her side. "Cao Jun, be my friend and my adviser," she stated.

"I am happy being the revenue officer. I don't think I can be a good adviser to Her Royal Highness," Cao Jun said. "But I will be glad to become a friend of the Crown Princess. It will be a pleasure for me," he added.

"I will turn to you if I ever face the difficulty in the future. I am not asking you to leave your Revenue Officer position. So, you cannot refuse it because it's the Crown Princess's order," Jia Li stated.

Cao Jun apologized for misunderstanding her words. "I will always be there for Her Royal Highness if she ever needs me," he stated.

"Thank you, Cao Jun. I hope you don't take the rejection to your heart," Jia Li said.

"Your Royal Highness, I myself was not confident about this. Because Grand Empress Dowager asked my father, so I had to say yes. For me, the Crown Prince's position is quite troublesome. This is my personal opinion. I am surprised Her Royal Highness saw through me," he proclaimed and told her their tea had turned cold.

They both resumed drinking the tea.

"I would like to tell the Crown Princess that I admire her. I am not flattering her. But I am astonished by her fighting spirit. She was always remarkable while holding such a great position. Surely, men think weak of her, however, those men fail to see how strong she is from her heart and mind," Cao Jun declared.

He always wanted to tell these words to Jia Li, but didn't know if he would get such a chance ever. Finally, sitting in front of the Crown Prince, he said those words to her.

"No one ever said that to me," Jia Li said and smiled at him. "Even today in the court I am blamed for the last night's incident just because I am a woman. I feel good when my people come forward to support me. It gives me strength to keep moving forward," Jia Li asserted.

"Her Royal Highness needs to build strong ministerial support. Usually, the ministers are of older age, and never saw women ruling over them. That's why bringing a change is difficult for the Crown Princess," Cao Jun opined.

"I know. However, I will keep working toward it," Jia Li said in a confident tone.

"I want the Crown Princess to remain careful because of the people around her. Not everyone wants her good," Cao Jun said with a worried look.

"I will be careful," Jia Li said, passing a tiny smile to him.