I failed to convince Lee Xianwu

"What?" Grand Empress Dowager frowned as she heard Cao Jun's decision. After having a meeting with the Crown Princess, he was immediately escorted to the Grand Empress's chamber. "Why don't you want to marry the Crown Princess?" she asked.

"Grand Empress Dowager, I am afraid to say this but I am not the one who can hold the Crown Prince's position in the future along with the Crown Princess. That's why I decided to refuse," Cao Jun replied. He didn't want the Crown Princess to get scolded since with his earlier conversation, he realized Jia Li might get scolded severely.

Grand Empress Dowager was baffled, but she didn't say anything to Cao Jun since he was the son of the State Minister. She didn't want to deteriorate her relationship with him for the sake of Wangjie. "Such an opportunity hardly comes. I didn't expect Cao Jun to refuse to marry my granddaughter," she said.

"I apologize," Cao Jun said and lowered his eyes.

"You may leave," Grand Empress Dowager asserted.

Cao Jun bowed and left the chamber.

"Inform Prince Wangjie his grandmother wants to see him," Grand Empress Dowager ordered Court Lady Ruyan, who left to bring Tang Wangjie.

Soon, Court Lady Ruyan returned with Prince Wangjie and walked out of the chamber.

"Greetings to Grandmother," Wangjie said while keeping his head low. He raised his head and looked at her.

"Have a seat, Prince Wangjie," Grand Empress Dowager stated. He sat down on the broad wooden couch and placed his hands on his knees.

"What did Lee Xianwu say? Did he agree to join Prince Wangjie?" Grand Empress Dowager inquired.

Wangjie knitted his brows together and lowered his head. "Forgive me, Grandmother. I failed to convince Lee Xianwu. He refused me plainly saying he's not interested in working," he replied and again lifted his head.

"Grandmother, I don't think Lee Xianwu can be of my use. I wonder why Grandmother wants him to support me. He is born in the General's house, yet he possesses nil qualities. In my opinion, his younger brothers are better," Wangjie pronounced and waited for his grandmother's response.

"Because that's what Chief General Lee Shimin wants. He wants his son to be at the rank one position to support you fully," Grand Empress Dowager asserted.

"Does that mean I have to lick his shoes until he agrees to join hands with me?" Wangjie asked his grandmother.

"Prince Wangjie has to do that. Lee Shimin support can give you military support which will definitely help you replace the Crown Princess. But that's only possible if his eldest son joins hands with you," Grand Empress Dowager affirmed.

Wangjie understood what his grandmother wanted for him. "I will make sure to bring Lee Xianwu on my side, Grandmother," said Wangjie with assurance.


Chen Xin bowed to the Crown Princess, who gestured to him to take a seat around the table.

"The man about whom Her Royal Highness wanted to know is nowhere to be found. Also, I cannot leave the palace since Her Majesty wants me to stay around the Crown Princess all the time," Chen Xin replied.

"It's alright. He is a regular in the palace. I will myself find out about him," Jia Li asserted.

"How will Her Royal Highness do that?" Chen Xin was curious to know. "In the Crown Princess's eyes, he is the prime suspect who is associated with Lee Shimin," he muttered.

"I don't know yet. However, I thought of something, Chen Xin. I need to train myself and learn the art of self-defense. Will you teach me? Please don't tell my mother about this," Jia Li requested him. Though she had decided not to take help from him, except Chen Xin no one could help her in learning self-defense and warfare in the short interval.

"Where would the Crown Princess like to learn all these? I don't think in the imperial palace she should learn since words spread faster than air here," Chen Xin remarked.

"I have a place in my mind. I am usually free in the evening, so you can teach me at that time," Jia Li opined.

Chen Xin agreed with her.

Jia Li thanked him. "I had a doubt if you would agree to teach me or not," she muttered and passed a tiny smile to him.

"Her Majesty saved my father's life many years ago. That day I pledged myself to protect not only the Empress but the Emperor and the Crown Princess too," Chen Xin told her the reason why he could not refuse her request.

Jia Li was touched by his words. Indeed, he was the most loyal person in his eyes. The time he was cutting the ropes of the bridge, he didn't think of his life even for a second. He was ready to die for her. She could never forget that scene.

Court Lady Xuan entered the pavilion. "Pardon me for intruding on the conversation, Your Royal Highness. The Grand Empress Dowager wants to see the Crown Princess and she's waiting in her chamber," she informed Jia Li.

Jia Li left her seat and so did Chen Xin. "I will see you in the evening," she told him before leaving for her chamber.