Family can turn into a foe

Lee Shimin reached his home in the late evening when he learned from his personal servant that Xianwu was attacked by some assassins.

"What!?" Lee Shimin lowered the glass of water. "Why did you tell me this now?" He got angry and decided to go to the palace and check on his son.

"My Lord, it was not a bad injury. It was a minor cut. You can go to the palace tomorrow. You have just returned from the journey," Lady Lingji suggested and gestured for the servant to take the glass of water from Lee Shimin.

"I'm not tired," Lee Shimin said as he handed the glass to the servant. "I'll be back shortly," he asserted. Lady Lingji got upset when her husband again didn't listen to her.

Outside the main hall, Lee Yujin told his father that he would also accompany him. Lee Shimin agreed to that and the father-son duo headed to the palace on the horses.