In terrible pain

"Miss Ning's wound is deep, Commander Ning," the head royal physician informed. "We have stopped the bleeding somehow. But it's difficult to say till when Miss Ning regains her consciousness," he asserted.

"Is she out of danger?" Wangjie asked.

"Unfortunately, no. The wound is severe. It's on the god if Miss Ning survives this injury," the royal physician truthfully said. He didn't wish any of them to remain in any false hope. Staying honest in his opinion was best.

"We must shift her to a more comfortable place. Can we take her to the palace?" Wangjie queried the royal physician.

"Miss Ning's wound should not get opened up in any condition. Also, the palace is far from here." The royal physician advised Wangjie to let Ning Hua stay in the same infirmary for at least one day.