We can choose to surrender

Fengming initiated the kiss with a tender rhythm, his lips tenderly meeting hers while his hand drew her closer by the neck. Mei Xin held onto the fabric of her dress tightly, reciprocating the fervent kiss with equal intensity.

After a few moments, they parted, their eyes locking in a shared gaze. Mei Xin's heart raced wildly within her chest, the pounding so audible she could almost hear each beat. 

Fengming didn't stop there as he kissed her again, this time more fiercely. Mei Xin was puzzled by his sudden action and tried to keep up with him. She slowly moved her hands from his chest to his shoulders when Fengming suddenly pulled away, leaving her in confusion. 

"It's strange," Fengming said while breathing hard. 

"Wh-what is strange? Did I do something wrong?" Mei Xin wondered if she made any kind of mistake.