We cannot lose our son

Xianwu sipped the tea from the cup while Sun Liwei remained standing behind him. "Why don't you sit? It will take time for both the masters to be here?" He suggested as he settled the cup on the table. 

Sun Liwei pulled out the chair and sat beside him. 

"Master Sun Mingyu will be surprised to see his brother," Xianwu pronounced. 

"He will not forgive me probably for betraying him and the Dao Sect," Sun Liwei replied.

"You should have returned to the sect the moment you were free from the old hag's clutches," Xianwu asserted. The rain had started pouring down. Its pattering was clearly heard on the roof of the isolated restaurant. 

"You should drink the tea too." Xianwu poured the tea for Sun Liwei in a cup and forwarded it to him. His fingers rested on the rim of the glass and he brought it close to his mouth. Taking a long sip of the hot tea, he felt better.