
My hand was still shaking as I rummaged through the bag to find my car key.

When I found it, I hurriedly maneuvered my car out of the parking lot. I didn't know it was a dark shovel.

I was even able to look at the wristwatch; it's already three minutes after five in the afternoon.

I had not gone far when a black dog blocked my path.

I violently stepped on the brake.

I almost hit my head in the steering wheel because of the sudden brake.

"What he heck!"

Irritability can be seen in me, especially when the dog has not even moved. I also had no plans to go out, so for a few seconds I stared at the dog that was still standing on the road.

It's as if the dog is staring at me too.

Does it annoy me? Because if so, it is effective.

Several times, I angrily blew the horn just to divert my frustration.

Fortunately, it left immediately.

When I turn to look at the road where I stopped, I notice that I'm in the part where it's almost not residential.

Almost nothing could be heard but the chirping of crickets and the gentle breeze on the leaves, accompanied by the dancing of the branches.

I was shocked when the dog barked and was now outside my car window.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed in shock at the dog's sudden bark and appearance at my car's window.

"Go away!"

Tears almost welled up in my eyes.

Out of frustration, I stepped on the gas and quickly maneuvered my car at full speed.

In the middle of the dark road where almost no one lives, I was driving fast to escape the dog and the strange feeling of where I am now. I violently wiped a bead of tears that finally made their way down my left cheek.

How many times have I done that until I no longer have to wipe away one or two grains but a flood of tears?

Even my hand holding the steering wheel was shaking.

The other one was holding a bunch of my hair that I didn't notice was missing from the tie.

I didn't make an effort to fix my hair and just focused on driving.

The road became unusually sleepy.

When I reached the part of the road where there were a few lights and houses, I calmed down a bit.

I held my chest, only to find out that my heart was racing inside as if it was in a race.

I could feel my heart beating.

It calmed down a bit when I was able to take a few deep breaths.

My eyes caught something in the rearview mirror just as my heart began to beat gently."Oh, no. Not again, please. " I whispered, stammering.

I can recognize the panic in my voice.

From behind, there was a black car that had been keeping up with my speed. I thought earlier that he would be ahead of me when it came to the lighted part of the road.