
But I guess I was wrong. I thought before that he was just slowing down because it was getting dark.

How stupid of me?

But I don't want to assume things and quickly judge the driver behind that black car.

I forced myself to believe that he was not following me.

That's exactly what I did for a few minutes.

I kept reminding myself that it might just be a coincidence that the car owner wanted to drive slowly.

From time to time, I look in the rear view mirror.

"Oh, come on! Don't put another dish on my damn plate. I'm fed up with all these weird things lately. I shouted frustratedly.

A few more tears I violently wiped away.

Again, just when I was about to let myself calm down, I noticed that the car behind me was starting to approach.

It is no longer the same as the previous slow run.

Oh, shoot.

When I accelerated the speed of the car, the person behind me also accelerated the speed.

I cried as I drove even faster.

I stepped on the gas. I do not mind if the road is slippery. I hate my tears for being this aggressive. I hate being in this kind of situation. Why is all this happening to me?

"Who the heck are you?" I shouted in between my sobs.

The old, dark atmosphere became even darker.

I didn't notice the trend over time.

I took a quick glance at my wrist watch and realized that it was almost quarter to five in the afternoon.

How many hours do I drive?

I can hardly count the number of my heart beats because of how fast it is pounding. I feel at any moment I will have a heart attack. My trembling hands are not helping.

Because of the trembling in my hand, I could no longer handle the steering wheel properly.

Even if I try to calm it down, I can't do it.

I'm having trouble driving. I also have difficulty breathing properly.

I reached for the aircon switch to lower the cold. I'm starting to feel the chill. I feel like I'm sweating from the cold. I'm sweating from the cold.

I looked in the rear view mirror again. I got colder when I saw that the one behind me was about to catch up with me.

He could hit me if he wanted to, especially since we were in the part again where there weren't many lamp posts.

The road was dark and there was not a single car passing by. I just lost my mind again. Why did this happen today?

I thought of using the phone to ask for help. It fell several times because of the excessive shaking of my hand.

I only used my right hand to try to call my older brother; the left one was on the steering wheel.

It just kept ringing, until the call was cut off and it was not answered.

"Ronald, please! Answer me, please. " I pleaded.

But I failed to connect a call with my brother.

Oh my gosh! What should I do? " I sobbed loudly.

I dialed Mom's number while checking the rearview mirror again.

"Mom, please pick it up." I stuttered. "P-please."