Tibby The Cyan

Miyagome stepped out of her room to find her friend Tibby waiting for her outside. The Slayer Knights resided in a row of apartments within the facility building.

Each apartment was assigned to a different Slayer Knight, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among the warriors.

Tibby, still in the early stages of her journey as a Slayer Knight, had only completed five missions thus far.

Despite their successful outcomes, she had yet to receive any significant upgrades from the Upper Society.

They deemed her contributions to the missions to be minimal, resulting in a lack of recognition and enhancements.

However, Tibby possessed a kind and caring nature, always looking out for her teammates. While she may not have been naturally gifted as a Slayer, her compassion and dedication were unquestionable.

In the system's evaluation, Tibby was categorized as "The Cyan." This term referred to individuals who were deemed incompatible with any available Slayer profiles in the Upper Society's system.

They were considered too weak to become fully-fledged Slayers. However, Tibby managed to defy the odds and survive until now, largely due to being consistently teamed up with Miyagome.

"The Cyan" designation carried a heavy weight of expectation and disappointment.

History had shown that those who fell under this category typically met their demise in their very first mission. It was a harsh reality, an unforgiving truth that Tibby was all too aware of.

Tibby clung to Miyagome, yet Miyagome didn't seem to mind. Like a parasitic organism clinging tightly to its host, Tibby depended on Miyagome for protection.

"Good morning, Alina, how are you?" Tibby's voice echoed through the bustling hallway, filled with the sounds of armored footsteps and whispered conversations.

Every Slayer Knight was reborn with a new identity bestowed upon them by the system. Alina, once known as Miyagome, had fully embraced her new name.

It was as if she had shed her old self and emerged anew, a blank slate with only fragments of her previous existence remaining.

The memories of Miyagome now seemed distant and intangible, like faded echoes of a long-forgotten past. Alina had fully embraced her role as Alina The Wolf, a fearless and formidable warrior.

"Good morning, Tibby. Did the system give you an upgrade from our successful mission yesterday?" Alina asked casually.

Tibby, however, couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness. She knew that in comparison to Alina, her own contributions to their recent successful mission had been minimal at best.

While Alina had fought fiercely, displaying her remarkable skills and strategic prowess, Tibby had found herself mostly in the shadows, unable to match her partner's prowess.

She let out a forced laugh, a feeble attempt to mask her insecurities and downplay her lack of significant achievements.

"Alina, you know I didn't really contribute much to the success of yesterday's mission," Tibby confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and admiration for her companion's abilities.

"Oh. No upgrades then," Alina replied in a flat tone, devoid of any intention to mock or belittle. In this world, there was no value in sugar-coating or giving false hope.

"Yeah," Tibby responded, trailing behind Alina. Her small and frail frame seemed even more pronounced in comparison. Her hair was disheveled, and her worn-out clothes clung to her thin body.

As they made their way through the bustling facility, Tibby couldn't help but feel a pang of self-consciousness.

Surrounded by strong and capable Slayer Knights, she couldn't help but stand out as the weakest link. Her lack of upgrades and physical prowess weighed heavily on her mind, a constant reminder of her limitations.

"You have to fight the zombies in the next mission. Aim for the back of their heads. I'll try to eliminate a few of them to make it easier for you to kill them," Alina said. "But that's if we're on the same team again."

"Can it really be like that?" Tibby asked, still not fully understanding.

Miyagome shrugged. "Who knows. I'm just thinking that even a 0.01% upgrade for you would be better than nothing at all."

Tibby's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and gratitude. She had always admired Alina's combat skills and resilience in the face of danger.

To have her offer such guidance and support was both humbling and empowering.

"Ah, well, thank you for the suggestion. You're a good friend, Alina."

"No. We're not friends. There's no room for friendship among fellow Slayer Knights," Miyagome cut in sharply.

Tibby's face fell, taken aback by Alina's abrupt remark. The words hit her like a blow, leaving her feeling disheartened. She had mistaken her kind demeanor toward her.

Seeing the hurt in Tibby's eyes, Miyagome's stern expression softened slightly. "Tibby, it's not personal. It's the way things are in our world. As Slayer Knights, we are trained soldiers with a singular mission. We can't afford personal connections or attachments. Our purpose is to eradicate the undead threat and safeguard humanity."

Tibby nodded, attempting to conceal her lingering disappointment. She understood the logic behind Miyagome's words.

In their line of duty, forming emotional ties could be a liability, diverting their focus from the mission and potentially endangering their lives.

Tibby lowered her gaze, her attention drawn to her worn-out shoes. Her appearance was a stark contrast to Alina's captivating and well-groomed presence.

Tibby felt like a ragamuffin walking side by side with the radiant Miyagome. She couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy, as if she was always in the shadow of Alina's brilliance.

The difference in their outward appearances only served to highlight the stark contrast in their lives as Slayer Knights.

While Alina exuded confidence and commanded attention with her impeccable image, Tibby felt like an outcast, a stray amidst the polished ranks of their fellow warriors.

Her tattered clothes and unkempt hair were constant reminders of her struggles and limitations.

Deep down, Tibby yearned for a transformation, both externally and internally. She longed to shed her ragged exterior and stand tall with the same confidence that radiated from Alina.

She desired recognition and respect, not only from her fellow Slayer Knights but also from herself.