System Evacuation Mission: Citywide

Miyagome was the darling of the Upper Society. She always received the best repairs and upgrades. This was because Miyagome understood that their missions were also part of the entertainment world of the Upper Society. She also recognized that being a female Slayer gave her an advantage in terms of aesthetics.

The more entertained the Upper Society was, the more generous they would be in sponsoring their favorite figures. That's why Miyagome never minded wearing revealing and provocative outfits. She knew that despite the vulnerability to zombie attacks, those outfits would bring her abundant support and luxury.

Miyagome understood the power of her image and the impact it had on the Upper Society. With her alluring appearance, she captivated their attention and garnered a loyal fan base. The Upper Society craved excitement and extravagance, and Miyagome's glamorous and daring style delivered exactly that.

She had become a symbol of beauty and strength, an embodiment of the Upper Society's desires and fantasies. Miyagome embraced this role, fully aware of the advantages it brought her. The sponsorships, endorsements, and lavish rewards she received were a testament to her popularity and the level of entertainment she provided.

While some may question the practicality of her attire in the face of danger, Miyagome saw it as a calculated risk. She understood that her appearance, coupled with her combat skills, created a compelling spectacle that the Upper Society craved. She knew how to balance style and functionality, pushing the boundaries of fashion while still being a formidable Slayer.

For Miyagome, being a Slayer was not just about survival or fulfilling missions—it was about entertainment, indulgence, and embracing her role as an icon of the Upper Society. She used her appearance and the allure of her performance to captivate audiences, ensuring her continued success and the privileges that came with it.

The Upper Society always kept a close watch on the Slayer Knights, perhaps considering them both as subjects of attention and as a source of entertainment. It was unclear which motive prevailed, but one thing was certain: the Upper Society consistently supplied all the needs and luxuries for the Slayer Knights in this post-apocalyptic world plagued by the Montage virus.

Despite the chaos and destruction that the Montage virus had brought upon the world, the Upper Society had managed to maintain its influence and affluence. While the majority of the population struggled to survive and fend off the relentless hordes of infected, the Upper Society lived in opulence and decadence within their well-protected enclaves.

For the Slayer Knights, their role went beyond mere survival. They had become the center of attention, their exploits and battles against the infected capturing the imaginations of the Upper Society. These powerful and skilled warriors were not only relied upon to protect the enclaves but also to provide entertainment in the face of despair.

The Upper Society recognized the value of escapism in such dire circumstances. By lavishing the Slayer Knights with supplies, weaponry, and luxurious accommodations, they ensured that their heroes were not only well-equipped but also elevated to a status of prestige and idolization.

The provision of resources and indulgences served multiple purposes. It kept the Slayer Knights loyal and motivated, providing them with the means to excel in their missions. At the same time, it created a spectacle for the Upper Society, a diversion from the harsh reality outside their fortified walls.

They walked towards the open space where Slayer Knights gathered and interacted. The morning air was bright and refreshing. Many Slayer Knights chose to bask in the sun on the grass while enjoying a cold beer.

"Good morning, Alina, the Cyan Protector!" Mark greeted her with a teasing tone.

Miyagome glanced at him and extended her middle finger in response.

Tibby bowed her head even lower.

"Good morning, Tibby the spread leg girl! Hahaha..." Mark laughed as he walked away.

Rumors about Tibby and her efforts to stay on the same team as Miyagome had spread. It was said that Tibby slept with one of the system control staff members to ensure she would always be paired with Miyagome.

Tibby glanced at Mark with a deep sense of resentment. Miyagome caught a glimpse of that gaze, but chose to ignore it.

As the mission signals echoed through the facility, the Slayer Knights gathered around, their eyes fixed on Miyagome. She stood tall and composed, a beacon of authority amidst the chaotic atmosphere. The lens in her eye glowed softly as the mission details materialized, projecting a holographic display only visible to her and a select few.

The room buzzed with anticipation as the other Slayer Knights adjusted their own lenses, syncing them with the system to receive the mission information. The air crackled with a mix of excitement and tension, knowing that the fate of their next assignment hung in the balance.

Miyagome's gaze swept across the room, taking in the diverse group of warriors assembled before her. Each individual had their own unique skills and strengths, making them invaluable assets in the fight against the relentless zombie threat.

Tibby, still harboring her resentful thoughts towards Mark, couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline as the mission unfolded before her eyes. The holographic display illuminated the room, showcasing a sprawling city engulfed in chaos and despair. Their task was clear—to navigate through the infested streets, rescue survivors, and eliminate any threats along the way.


[System Evacuation Mission]

Location: Citywide

Objective: Evacuate civilians and secure vital assets

Threat Level: High

Assigned Team: Slayer Knight Squad Wolf

Team Members:

1. Alina (Callsign: The Wolf) - Squad Leader

2. Tibby (Callsign: The Cyan)

3. Mark (Callsign: The Shadow)

4. Emily (Callsign: The Phoenix)

5. Alex (Callsign: The Viper)

Mission Briefing:

Slayer Knight Squad Wolf, you have been assigned to a critical evacuation mission in the city. The outbreak of the Montage virus has escalated, and the infected population is rapidly spreading. Your objective is to evacuate as many civilians as possible to designated safe zones and secure vital assets within the city.

To be continued…