A Mercy

Hobe looked at her, furrowing his brow. His eyes didn't recognize Alina. Alina let out a gentle laugh; of course, Hobe wouldn't recognize her.

"Now, I need everyone to stay calm and follow my instructions. We're going to make our way to the evacuation point. Stick close to me and the other Slayer Knights. We'll get through this together," Alina said firmly.

The survivors followed her from behind, their expressions filled with shock and horror as they witnessed the gruesome aftermath of Alina's merciless slaying of the zombies.

Some immediately felt nauseous and others closed their eyes tightly, letting out piercing screams.

Hobe stared in awe at the sight before him. His eyes traced the path of Moonfang blade and the dripping black blood of the zombies.

Did this girl single-handedly decimate all of these creatures?

As they walked past the still twitching and writhing bodies of the defeated zombies, a few of the creatures managed to stretch their decaying arms towards the group, their fingers clawing at the air.

Alina swiftly dispatched them with quick slashes of her blade, severing their limbs and silencing their feeble attempts to cause harm.

"I'll only speak once, and there will be no repeats as I'll be extremely busy. Be cautious of your legs; the infected will still attempt to claw at them. We won't provide antidotes freely to infected humans, as those are reserved for the Slayer Knights, not ordinary civilians like you. If you're interested, you can join us once we reach the quarantine—"

"ARGHHH!!!" Suddenly, a scream pierced the air.

Alina's piercing gaze swept across the group, her eyes lingering on the young man clutching his injured leg, his flesh marred by claw marks.

A half-torso of a zombie lurked nearby, its decaying torso licking its fingers, stained with the fresh blood and flesh of the wounded youth.

"Get back!" Alina barked at the onlookers, her voice laced with authority. She reached for her Moonfang blade, the silver edge gleaming with deadly intent.

Without hesitation, Alina let out a disapproving click of her tongue, her resolve hardening. With a swift motion, she swung Moonfang, her blade slicing through the air with a menacing hiss.

The cold steel found its mark, severing the young man's leg just below the knee. Blood sprayed from the severed limb as the agonizing scream echoed through the air.

As the severed limb fell to the ground, the young man let out a bloodcurdling scream. Writhing in agony, he clutched the stump where his leg used to be, blood gushing from the wound.

His face contorted with pain, sweat dripping down his forehead, and his breathing grew shallow and rapid.

The young man's eyes widened with shock and terror as he realized the gravity of his situation. His complexion grew pale, and he struggled to maintain consciousness amidst the excruciating pain.

His body trembled uncontrollably, a mixture of fear and shock coursing through his veins.

Alina, her face impassive, approached the injured young man. "Consider this a mercy," she said coldly, her voice devoid of remorse. "You won't have to suffer the fate of becoming one of them."

With a swift movement, she raised Moonfang once more, delivering a decisive strike to the writhing zombie, severing its head from its decaying body. The lifeless corpse fell to the ground, a pool of darkened blood forming around it.

Alina turned her attention back to the young man, who was now on the brink of losing consciousness.

She quickly tore a piece of fabric from her tattered cloak and tightly wrapped it around the severed limb, attempting to stem the bleeding.

"Hold on," she whispered, her voice tinged with a hint of compassion amidst the harsh reality of their situation. "Help is on its way."

The young man's eyes flickered, a mix of pain, gratitude, and resignation. He nodded weakly, knowing that his fate now rested in the hands of the Slayer Knights, hoping that their promised assistance would arrive in time to save him from the encroaching darkness.

Alina's eyes turned to the group, her voice firm but tinged with urgency. "He will either die as a mindless zombie or bleed out if you don't act. Is anyone willing to carry him to the quarantine area?"

A heavy silence descended upon the group, their collective breath held in anticipation. Each face displayed a mixture of unease and desperation as they grappled with the weight of Alina's words.

Alina's figure stood tall and commanding, Moonfang poised at the young man's neck. Her eyes bore into his, mirroring a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

The flickering torchlight cast an eerie glow upon her face, accentuating the resolve etched across her features.

Her voice, though firm, carried a hint of compassion. "Or shall I end his suffering right now?"

Her words hung in the air, as if time itself held its breath. The young man's eyes widened, his body frozen in a mix of terror and hope.

Alina's gaze softened for a moment, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "I cannot bear the burden of both preserving lives and exterminating the horde of zombies that surrounds us," she added.

"Consider all of my actions an act of mercy. I will end you swiftly, so you won't even know when it happens," Alina murmured coldly.

"Someone, please, carry my sister. I will bear the weight," Hobe asserted firmly, stepping forward to intercept the swing of Alina's blade.

The others stared at Hobe with a mix of curiosity and disbelief. They remained silent, secretly hoping that Alina would end the man's life swiftly.

One swift strike would solve the problem, and their lingering guilt would fade away.

"My sister is not heavy," Hobe insisted, his voice filled with determination.

Still, the rest of the group remained hesitant, reluctant to take on the responsibility.

"Hmph!" Hobe grunted in frustration. "Come on!"

Alina locked eyes with Hobe. "Playing the hero, huh, Hobe?"

Hobe was taken aback, his gaze fixed on Alina. It was in that moment, as he stared at her, that Hobe realized she was Miyagome, the girl he had crushed since two years ago.

"Miya..." Hobe whispered.