Ray The Limp

Hobe was taken aback, his gaze fixed on Alina. In that moment, as he stared at her, he noticed a striking resemblance to Miyagome, the girl he had harbored a crush on for the past two years. However, something was different about her now—something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

As Hobe observed her closely, he realized that Miyagome, or rather Alina, had undergone a remarkable transformation.

Her once delicate features now exuded a sense of strength and determination. Her eyes, once soft and innocent, were now sharp and focused, radiating an intensity that demanded attention.

Physically, Alina's stature had changed too. She stood tall and confident, her posture conveying a sense of power and prowess.

Her muscles were well-defined, she had undergone as a Slayer Knight. Every movement she made, even the subtlest of gestures, exuded an aura of controlled strength.

The transformation was profound, as if Alina had shed her former self and emerged as a warrior forged in the crucible of adversity.

Hobe couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe, admiration, and perhaps a hint of intimidation as he gazed upon this new version of Miyagome, now known as Alina.

"Alina," she asserted. "Call me Alina. There's no time for reunions. We have to move now. The mission is ending in ten minutes, or it will be deemed a failure."

With those words, Alina turned on her heels and strode away, leaving Hobe dumbfounded. He stood there, staring after her in a mix of awe and confusion, as the man with the maimed leg continued to plead for his salvation.

Hobe felt torn, his emotions warring within him. He had just reunited with the girl he had longed for, only to have her dismiss their past connection in the urgency of the present moment.

The weight of the decision pressed heavily upon him as he grappled with conflicting desires—to follow Alina and join the group or to stay behind and help the injured man.

"Hari," Hobe murmured, checking on the condition of his sister. He had administered her various sedatives, ensuring that she slept soundly.

Hobe covered Hari's entire body with a long-sleeved jacket and wrapped her snugly in a thick blanket.

Quietly, he berated himself for not immediately severing Hari's hand to prevent the spread of the virus, as Alina had done to the man they encountered earlier.

But upon reflection, Hobe knew he couldn't bring himself to do it. Besides, his mother's bite had occurred too long ago, and the Montage virus had likely already reached Hari's brain.

With a heavy sigh, Hobe resolved to protect Hari as best he could. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his eyes filled with both love and sorrow.

He knew the risks they faced and the grim reality of their situation. But in this moment, all he could do was be there for his sister and hope against hope for a miracle.

Hobe pushed aside his guilt, determined to do whatever it took to protect his sister. He looked at the determined young man before him, who had pleaded to carry Hari.

"I can carry your sister! Whoever you are! Whoever!" Ray exclaimed earnestly. "My name is Ray! Please, help me! Help!"

"Hobe," Hobe replied, his voice filled with hesitation. "Take good care of my sister, her name is Hari." Reluctantly, Hobe handed over his sister, but Ray embraced Hari tightly, burying her head against his neck. Ray's earnest embrace reassured Hobe, and he reached out his hand to support Ray.

Ray let out a pained scream, but he relentlessly pushed forward, desperately trying to catch up with the group ahead of them.

Despite the agony, Ray remained determined, fueled by the desire to join with the rest of the group.

As the group made their way down the stairs, they encountered a malfunctioning elevator, forcing them to descend on foot.

Hobe couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the zombie attacks on Alina had bought them some time to catch up.

Alina, determined and skilled with her Moonfang, swiftly dispatched the approaching zombies on the staircase.

With each swing of her weapon, she decimated the undead creatures, ensuring their demise and clearing the path for her companions.

Her movements were precise and deadly, her strikes calculated to take down multiple zombies at once.

As she fought off the horde, Alina multitasked, swiftly tapping on her communication device to contact her teammates.

Her voice rang out with determination and urgency, relaying crucial information and coordinating their actions.

"Mark, Alex, Emily and Timmy! We've encountered heavy resistance, but we're pushing through. Stay on high alert and rendezvous at the designated extraction point. We can't afford any delays."

Her voice echoed through the earpieces of her fellow Slayers, who acknowledged her command with swift responses.

They understood the gravity of the situation and the need for swift action. With Alina leading the way, they fought their way down the stairs, eliminating any remaining threats and inching closer to their objective.

"Oh, I have to go now, I'm busy. The zombies are chasing me," Emily said, sighing heavily.

"Okay, Emily. Take care."

As Emily hurried away, her heart racing, a group of zombies emerged from the darkness, their decaying forms lurching towards her.

They had been hiding in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The dim light revealed their sunken eyes and rotting flesh, a chilling sight that sent a shiver down Emily's spine.

With quick thinking and agility, Emily darted between the approaching zombies, narrowly avoiding their outstretched hands.

Her senses heightened, she relied on her training as a Slayer to anticipate their movements and find openings to evade their clutches. The relentless pursuit of the undead only fueled her determination to escape unscathed.

Using her surroundings to her advantage, Emily maneuvered through the cramped and eerie space. She leaped over fallen debris, sidestepped broken furniture, and ducked under hanging cobwebs.

The sound of her footsteps echoed in the air as she sprinted, each beat of her heart pushing her forward.

The zombies, driven by their insatiable hunger, closed in on Emily, their moans and groans filling the air.