what happens next


Walking to the entrance of the hotel her parent gazed at her from their room then she turned around and stared at the waiter then a bike full speed ahead almost crashed her then she fell . Addison was in shock biker dude stopped the bike

Mom: (she screamed from up stair and left the window) Addison!!!!!!!!!!


Waiter: (ran toward Addison the crowed gathered) are you okay

Addison: am okay (trying to stand up the waiter helped her up )

The biker dude walking away with no remorse covered by the crowed all went into the lobby


Mom: (running down the stairs) (speaking Romania) Addy are you okay

Addison: (sitting down) (speaking Romania) am fine

Addison's mum sat beside her and hugged her

Addison's dad came downstairs and stood in front of Addison and held her chin

Dad: (speaking Romania) Are you okay

Addison: am fine (turned from facing Addison)

Dad: (speaking Romania) Who is the cause of this accident (no one under stood him)

Addison: (speaking Romania said it in a frustrated way ) I said am fine, okay Jezz (she stood up and turned around to face the bicker dude with his helmet still on his head then turned around then walked away)


Addison walked into her room then went to her bed area

Dad: (speaking Romania) what was the meaning of that (Addison dressing her bed then the dad turned her around then he yells)You almost died Addison

Addison: (speaking Romania) it was gonna happen sooner or later so what if it happens ealier than expected(removed his hand from her shoulder)

Mom: Addison (in a soft voice)

Addison: (speaking Romania) am I lying

Mom: Addison (in a soft voice)

Addison: (speaking Romania) no right (then she yelled) so stop f*cking pretending that you think I'll survive this plague

mom: Addison (in a soft voice)

Addison: (speaking Romania) mom am tied

Dad: (about to talk)

Addison: (speaking Romania) (walked towards the door) save it (about to leave the room)

Dad: (speaking Romania) your not allowed to leave this room, understand (in a strict voice with his head lowered)

Addison: (speaking Romania) why,(smirked then chuckled) all your've always portrayed as a man is weakness

Mom: (speaking Romania) don't talk to your dad that way

Addison: (she smiled then said it sarcastically)okay (opened the door slamed it then left)

Dad: (shouted) Addison

Addison walking through the hall crying

while wiping her tear's back in her room her dad sitting on her bed while crying and hugging her mom


Addison is still crying and scribbling something in a note book.

Jenna: (is a female) what are you doing

Addison: (wiping her tears then sniffed in her mucus) uhm I'm sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed her

Jenna: well you're not allowed here but (sat beside her) I won't tell anyone shhhh (put her fingers on her lips)

Addison: (laughed like a crying person laughs) well thanks

Jenna: May I ask what wrong

Addison: am tired

Jenna: why

Addison: life isn't really easy or bearable any more

Jenna: we have like our whole life ahead of us were still young

Addison: well I've lived my life in pain, so isn't it better to die than dying everyday over and over again (crying)

Jenna: that suck's well there's a secrete staff party tonight wanna come

Addison: uhm

Jenna: you can take your time

Addison: I'll be there

Jenna: great, am jenna (brought out her hand for a hand shake)

Addison: Addison (shakes her)

Jenna: well meet here by 8pm,

Addison: okay

Jenna: great see you then (stood up )

Then she left, then Addison smiled softly


In her bed in the night facing up

then she stood up sharply carried her bag opened the door went out then locked it behind her then her mom opened her door and watched as she went away.

Boiler room

Addison standing then a shadow coming behind her (scary music playing)

Jenna: buhhhhhh (laughing)

Addison: (screams, panting) please don't do that again

Jenna: let go (held her hand then pulled her softly)

Walking through a dark room then Jenna opened a curtain

Addison: are you sure this safe?

Jenna: yeah

Addison: (exhaled softly)

Still walking then they reached a place where a boy was standing at an entrance

Jenna: hay Dave

Dave: who's she

Addison: I'm Addison

Jenna: could you open the door, now

Dave: weren't you the one involved in the accident, jen she's not an employee she's stays in the hotel like…

Jenna: I know but she's pretty cool now open the door would u

Dave opened the door into the party then Addison and Jenna went into the party

Waiter: hay

Addison: it you

Waiter: you want a soda

Addison: Am not allowed to have one

Waiter: really that must suck

Addison: don't laugh, I've never had a sodar before

Waiter: what

Addison: yap (both laughs)

Waiter: that most seriously suck

Addison: yeah

Party still going on Addison on the refreshment table deciding what to carry

Dave: hay

Addison: (faced him) hello

Dave: so many option to pick from

Addison: yeah, but am not allowed to eat oil or carbonated meals

Dave: uhhh

Dave walked away then came back

Dave: here you go (handed her a bottle)

Addison: (slowly carried the bottle) what is this

Dave: sweet heart water

Addison: uhh, thanks (Addison drinking the water)

It taste weird

Soon after Addison started coughing people gathered

Jenna: what happen

Dave: I don't know

Stranger: he gave the girl something to drink

Addison's eyes opened

Dave: I gave her a bottle of water that it

Waiter: dave what the freak

Then Addison started coughing blood

then she passed out



Addison's eye slowly opened Jenna at her bedside

Addison: what happened

Jenna: the doctor said your sugar level increased, why didn't you tell me you were diabetic

Addison: is not something you go around saying, and it not that big of a deal

Addison hotel room

Addison opened the door and see's her mom on the bed and her dad standing

Dad: (speaking Romania) where have you been

Addison: (ignores)

Dad: (speaking Romania) am talking to you

Addison: (speaking Romania) will that information benefit you Mr Dobre, will it

Mom: (in s soft voice) Addison

Addison: (speaking Romania) I went out okay

Mom: (speaking Romania) by 8 pm darling

Addison: (speaking Romania) so your keeping an eye on me (exhaled softly,quietly) mrs dobre am a teenager is what we do understand

Mom: (about to talk)

Addison: (speaking Romania) please leave my room if you have nothing better to say cause you're wasting the time I don't have or isn't that important to you

Dad: Addison (yelled)

Addison: (shouted it) (speaking Romania) get out!!!,

you're not the only one in the family that knows how to yell

Her parent left then Addison ran to the rest room and started vomiting blood

she stopped then exhaled softly she sat on the floor and silently sobbing.

Addison: I don't like people involved with my pain or pitting me it my problem so I do all I can to shift people away to make the pain less for them when I leave, if you were me would you do the same.


Addison's hotel room

Mom: (knocks) (speaking Romania) Sweety, could you please come down for breakfast, sweety I know your still mad

Dad: (speaking Romania) we should stop pampering her

Mom: (speaking Romania) (mom rolled her eyes) baby, please

Then Addison opened the door walked five step ahead of them.

Addison: (speaking Romania) aren't you coming

Dad: (speaking Romania) have you taking your medication

Addison: (speaking Romania) I have father, shall we

Dad: (speaking Romania) your mood swings are really something

Addison slightly smiled