wild stone

all walking then scene change to them in the cafeteria. Then she spooted jenna and walked towards her

Addison: hay

J: hay, how you doing

Addison: much better (lean towards her ears, quietly)


J: (smiled, then tried to carry a hip of dishes)

Addison: I could help

J: no I wouldn't....

Addison: it okay (took some of the dishes from jenna's hands) to were

J: follow me

Addison: aya captain (chuckled)

The store room

[indiscriminate chatting]

Random1: what happened yesterday with the Barbie doll

Addison walking in

Dave: nothing she was just over reacting I gave her a bottle of sweat heart water it was pure pretend

Random1: it sure is sweet

Random2: I love my self some sugary goodness

Dave: and she started making a scene she should go to acting school cause she's good rich people are plagues diseases and there so basic, fake with so much money they still beg, for attention jezz (leans on the iron bar shelves)

Addison came out from behind the iron bar shelves

Addison: ya shes so over dramatic, Mm, and yeah she'll be soo good but sadly that wasn't a show and most rich people aren't basic or fake nor do we beg for attention (about to walk away then turned around) for your information it not the wealth it the person because even people with no money still behave like ass holes (turned around then left)

Random1 & random2: uhhh

Both random1 and random2 laughed then dave walked out

Both walking {love the way you lie by Eminem ft rhiana}

Screen in half, then shows only Addison Walking toward her parent table {music fade}

Waiter: hay you

Addison: hay

Waiter: how are you, you okay you nooo…

Addison: am fine

Waiter: really

Addison: ya, I gotta go see you later

Waiter: okay

Addison: (smiled) cool

{scene slowly turned dark as Addison walked towards her parent}


Addison writing something a slow and quiet foot step approaching

J: what are you doing

Addison: (panting will holding her chest) nothing

J: there something happen next weekend you wanna come

Addison: where

J: the beach

Addison: I'll come, (smiles) in any form

J: (awkwardly) okay

Addison: thanks for been a good human being

J: thanks

Addison walking back to her room in front of her parent room she collapsed then her mom opened the door saw Addison {intence music playing in the back ground} panicking screen turns black then shows what going on repeatedly

Addison open her eyes slowly mom sitting close to her bed

Mom: (speaking Romania) Will, she's awake

Every medical personal entering Addison room


Doctor: (speaking Romania) I cant deny that she's strong but not for long

Mom: (speaking Romania) what are you saying

Doctor: (speaking Romania) the disease is eating her from the inside out

Mom: (panicking) (speaking Romania) they said there were new treatment

Doctor: (speaking Romania) there are and there's an opening Addison can be administered for the program now

Addison hospital room

Mom & doctor opened the door

Mom: (speaking Romania) your getting admitted we'll go get your stuff, okay (about to leave)

Addison: I wanna come

Doctor: you cant come

Addison: am not a helpless girl, okay, so keep your suggestion to yourself (about to get up removed the blanket from her legs )

Doctor: your diseases need to be controlled what happended wasn't normal if you go…..

Addison: lady am dying so don't preach crap to me okay, so save it (stood up then moved towards the door) (speaking Romania) mom let go



Addison on her bed scribbling something a man walking in

Dave: your breakfast (shocked) you

Addison: (smiled) ya the over reacting queen or should I say the pretender

Dave: uhm….

Mom: (came in the room carried the food) thank you

Dave: (disappointed in him self then walked away)

Mom: (speaking Romania) who was he

Addison: (speaking Romania) he works in the hotel

Mum: (speaking Romania) uhh but I prefer the waiter boy

Addison: (smiling and blushing) (speaking Romania) mom (both chuckled)

Male nurse: mam the doctor will like to see you

Addison: (scribbling something) (speaking Romania) the doctor will like to grace your presence,(chuckled) you guys seriously need to learn to speak english

Mom: yeah

(both laughed)

Addison walking in the hallway the bump into dave that coming from the opposite direction Addison rolled her eyes then wanted to walk the other way

Dave: am sorry

Addison: (chuckled and smiled) apologizing to a plague first I've heard

Dave: I no I fucked up but am sorry

Addison: I don't accept apologies,

Dave: what

Addison: you have to show me your sorry

Dave: how

Addison: I don't know but my policy is action speak louder than words

Then Addison walked away as Dave stared at her turned around and went the opposite direction

Addison's hotel room

Addison heared a knocked stood up to open it

Addison: what are you guys doing her

Jenna: we heard what happened so we said we should come visit

Addison: hay (referring to the waiter)

Waiter: hay (handed her flowers) this is for you

Addison: thanks come in

Dave saw the waiter in addisons room then Addison locked the door


Addison siting down then dave sat in her table across her

Addison: I didn't say you could sit

Dave: you should stay away from jay

Addison: why

Dave: his dangerous his not what he seems

Addison: and you are, don't waste my time

Addison' s phone rang

Waiter: hay

Addison: were did you get my number from

Waiter: the internet, uhm, hem, well I wanted to invite you out

Addison: what

Waiter: I really like you Addison Katherine dobre

Addison: (smiles) what time

Waiter: eight I'll pick you up

Addison: cool (squeals)

Addison and the waiter in a restaurant

Addison: how did you afford this

Waiter: I work here

Addison: ohh (addison noticed he looked down)

What wrong

Waiter: my family is going through a lot my sis has type 1 diabetic and the money for her insulin will soon run out

Addison: I could help

Waiter: I wouldn't

Addison: it fine


Addison smiling

Mom: what happening

Addison: (chuckled)what

Mom: you look happy it a good look

Montage of Addison sneaking out to go on date with waiter boy. For 8 days straight.