Lin Chen Also Can't Do It. He Just Beat the Flying Tiger Alone

The Flying Tigers were also a First Rank army.

They were unlike Tiger Aotian, who was at the First Rank, as he was an elite.

He was the top of the top.

There was also a difference between those in the so-called First Rank.

For example, in online games, Lin Chen used to be a Level 100 max-level character.

However, in guild wars and country wars, they could only be cannon fodder.



The equipment was not good.

The attributes were not good either.

Then, they could only be reduced to the bottom.

It was the same after the game descended into reality.

Those with insufficient talent, bloodline, and various abilities could only be soldiers who charged into battle.

Humans were like this.

The Flying Tiger Clan was the same.

On Lin Chen's side, there were about 3,000 people attacking.

There were exactly 3,000 defenders from the Flying Tiger Clan.