Lin Chen Also Can't Do It. He Just Beat the Flying Tiger Alone (2)

However, if the soul did not die, it might be resurrected.

However, first, you had to have a powerful person who was willing to help you reconstruct your body.

There was a high chance that the souls of these battlefield minions would not receive such treatment.

However, their survival instincts would still drive them to escape.

Lin Chen was not polite at all. He devoured all the souls he caught along the way…

However, the experience points gained from devouring these souls was too little.

The points ranged from 1,000 to 2,000 per soul.

However, no matter how small a mosquito's leg was, it was still meat.

Moreover, this was a battlefield.

If the quality of the souls was not enough, he would make up for it with quantity!

In just a short while, Lin Chen had already devoured more than a hundred souls and increased his soul experience by more than 100,000.