Demonic Sense Resonance

The gods and demons had just exchanged blows.

In the next moment, those weak gods also attacked one after another to suppress the weak gods of the Demon Race.

A strong god made a move to suppress a strong god.

Below, Lin Chen's sword had killed countless Lei Yin Beasts. When the sword beam was still 300 meters away, he shouted and slashed at the five Semi-Divinity beasts!

This time, the sword beam was completely slashed out by Lin Chen, hitting a Lei Yin Beast in the air.


In the sky, dark clouds descended divine lightning, intending to shatter the sword light.


The sword beam was struck by lightning, but it only shrank to a hundred meters tall. It still struck the Lei Yin beast.


The Semi-Divinity Lei Yin roared into the sky.

Then, it slowly collapsed.

At the same time, Lin Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed another Semi-Divinity Lei Yin Beast.