Heaven Slaying Demon Saber, Nine Li Treasure!

Heaven-Slaying Demon Saber!

This was the clan treasure of the Nine Li Race!

After hearing Li Guang's words, Li Greed immediately pulled Li Guang and said, "Let's go back to Earth Star!"

"Ah? Big Brother, it will take at least two to three days to go back. Are you really going?"

Li Guang asked in a deep voice, "If we leave, what about the battlefield?"

"Nothing will happen. Besides, nothing is more important than the Heaven Slaying Demon Saber… Do you still remember what the ancestor said before he died?" Li Greed asked.

"Yes, of course I remember!"

Li Guang immediately recited, "When you find an existence that can resonate with this demonic saber, then our Nine Li Clan's demonic saber will be born. Only then will the demonic bloodline in your bodies be completely activated… However, Big Brother, how can we be sure that the Human Emperor is an existence that can resonate with the demonic saber?"