A Single Swing of the Blade, and All Things Cleaved (Part 2)

"Put him through."

"President Tang, an elder of the Hoopoe Presbyterian Church wants to talk to you. They went through a lot of trouble for this."

"Just a call, no other demands?"

"None. This matter doesn't involve us, you can handle it however you like."


Tang Rui nodded, getting the hint from his superiors.

He was just a weapon leaser. What others did with the weapons had nothing to do with him.

Soon after, the communication with that elder was connected.

"Respected Mr. Tang, hello, I am Apu from the Hoopoe Elder Council. I apologize for disturbing your rest."

The other party's attitude was very humble and respectful.

But Tang Rui just smirked.

He didn't take it seriously.

Who the other party was, the whole world knew.

The reason Sandezi targeted them wasn't just because they were wealthy, but how they got their money.