A Single Swing of the Blade, and All Things Cleaved (Part 3)

This didn't weigh that much.

Even if the mech didn't conform to aerodynamic design.

But with enough thrust, even a brick could fly, let alone a mech with a pair of stylish little wings.

As the mech took off, the global onlookers trembled with excitement, dropping their snacks in astonishment.

The mech itself was already a marvel.

Now it could even fly in the sky.

This was just unbelievable.

Relying on its powerful thrusters, the mech entered supersonic cruise.

This speed was incredibly fast, but it was also a huge drain on fuel.

Nuclear fusion didn't just happen out of thin air; it needed fuel too.

The fuel rods inside the mech used deuterium and tritium.

Under normal use, like running around the Earth, the fuel would have been more than sufficient.

But now, with the electric propulsion engine activated, the consumption spiked to 1200 megawatts.