Mad, Everyone Has Gone Mad

As the blade came down, Ah Mu felt completely exhilarated, as if his soul had ascended.

However, the mech's sword was so sharp that it only sliced the church in half without collapsing it.

This wouldn't do.

He swung the sword again, sending several streaks of light flashing through.

The church below was reduced to ruins.

Yet even this didn't satisfy him; he continued to control the mech, stomping on the remains of the church.

Tang Rui, who was watching at home, couldn't wrap his head around the situation. What was going on?

Rushing into Jerusalem, you would think the obvious target would be the Knesset—to decapitate the leadership or destroy the enemy's nerve center, leaving them brainless.

But instead, Ah Mu headed straight for the church.

He sliced the church into more than a dozen pieces and continued to thrash the remains, as if wanting to grind every last piece to dust.

This approach was hard to comprehend.