Violent Welcome

Mika was now standing in front of the podium's desk with his gaze directed at the entire student body.

While most of the teachers were eager to hear Mika's speech, the students were giving him mean stares.

"I don't want to be here..." Mika muttered, inaudible to anyone else.

He took a deep breath.

"Hello, everyone. I am Mika Elbar, the one who will represent the exchange students from Loogam." he began, trying to ignore the students' gazes.

"Many things have happened and now we will stay here for the term. I hope we can get along in that time and if you have anything you want to say to us or me, you can always approach me."

Mika kept it even shorter than Yarjak and his mother. But this little speech of his was everything he could come up with in that little time.
