Classes In Youra

"I, hereby, declare an official match between the students of Youra and the students of Loogam!"

Obviously, every student was surprised at first.

"In two weeks, we will hold a three-on-three match between the academies. Each side will decide, who will represent them!" Cylia added.

The students of Youra unconsciously shifted their gaze to Asak and Payl, who was still knocked out.

"The assembly is now over! Please, head to your classes!" Cylia closed her speech off.

Then, the students made their way out of the auditorium, whereas the students of Loogam and the Tiam siblings remained for further instructions. Asak and his companions had to carry Payl away.

And after the other teachers were dismissed, Cylia and Ophelia walked over to the group.

"You're truly an interesting lot." Cylia stated with a faint smirk.

"Haha..." Mika laughed wryly at her comment.

Cylia looked at their uniforms.