After entering the city all we could see were left out vehicles and silent streets filled with some creepy feeling. Seeing this live is as much exciting as it was when I first watched the scene play out in the game. But with the addition of increased heartbeat and blood running faster due to the excitement and thrill.

We soon reached the blockade where the oil tanker would come and hit us from behind and then explode. I told them to get out quickly and cross the blockade as I could see the truck coming far behind us. We got out of the car and ran across the blockade and reached enough distance from the point of impact that will happen. Looking back we saw the truck driver trying to stop the truck and hitting the cars on the side which resulted in the overturning of the vehicle and also crashing into my vehicle and moving forward while dragging on the road and hitting the barricade and coming to a stop. Claire wanted to go and save the driver but I pulled her back into a hug and turned back lowering down to protect her from the blast. Seeing that the truck was about to explode Leon tried to find a cover but as soon as the truck exploded the shockwave threw him a few metres far into the air and hit the side of a car and fell down. After the shockwave has passed I asked Claire whether she was ok and helped her stand up and went to Leon thinking that he broke some bones considering that this was reality not a game to restart from a save point.

To my surprise he was fine. Maybe this is what you call a plot armor saving its Hero. I helped him up and told them that we had to hurry as the zombies would be attracted by the sound of the blast. We moved through the alley while eliminating the zombies on the way. We had silencers on all the guns so I didn't want to take any chance of being overwhelmed by the number of zombies attacking us anywhere. Soon we reached the massive beautiful yet frighteningly amazing building that once was a museum which was converted into a police station hiding one of the entrances to the underground Umbrella facility, Raccoon City Police Department, or simply R.P.D.

Claire pulled me out of my thoughts and we made our way to the police station and killed zombies that were lying at the gate and closed the gate behind us after entering the station exterior. Entering the station it was empty, Leon went to check the computer and found a survivor that has found the way out of this place. Then I ordered Leon to go to the location where the survivor asked to come. I told Claire to look around in the rooms if she could find anyone or something useful while I would go through the documents and the computer to find anything useful.

After they both left for their tasks I created an access card for the armory and some buttons for the keypad. After a few minutes, Claire came back and told me that all the rooms were locked except one but that too was a dead end as the inside door was locked. At that time the main door opened and an injured police officer came in and tried to close the door and asked us to help him. We helped him and introduced ourselves before he could introduce himself Leon came out from the side shutter crawling and was stuck as the door wasn't completely open so I moved quickly and pulled him out before he could be bit by any zombies on the other side and closed the shutter door crushing the zombie that tried to crawl out.

After having a narrow escape Leon took a moment of break. Then he explained what the other officer has found and what happened to him. Then Marvin introduced himself and gave Leon the rules of what to do in this apocalypse. Then he showed him police equipment for him to change into. I asked Leon why he didn't kill all the zombies before trying to escape to which he replied that he didn't want to waste the bullets now that they have limited equipment and also that there were too many of them. It was a mistake on my part and took his gun and applied Infinity on it and gave it back and told him that now he has infinite bullets so he should kill every zombie that comes his way without any consideration. Now that he is my slave I have to provide him proper resources for him to grow so that he will become more useful in the future. I'm going to train him to become one of the army commanders for my future adventures. He would be a good assistant for me in worlds like John Wick, The Walking Dead, and even as an agent in the MCU.

After Leon was set Marvin told us about the way out and tasked Leon to find it. I took the book from Marvin and told Claire about the lion statue and looking at the code she ran up to bring back the disc key even without any orders from me. She is quite an active person. Within a minute she returned with the disc and showed it as her trophy. Then we put it onto the pedestal making the walls move down a bit showing us that there is a passage down there. Then we made our way to the other side of the station after opening the closed shutter gate. Knowing the position of the horse statue I pointed it to everyone and told Leon to jump up and retrieve the disc key. I got into position with my palms one over the other to give Leon a little push when he jumps and he ran up to me with my hands as a stepping stone with me pushing him up he easily crossed the height over to the top floor.

This was reality so we could do this the easy way than to find all the keys by saving the puzzles. Getting up and securing the place he entered the password and got the disc key. Before he could jump down I told him to stay there as from the building map there is a way from there leading to the library and then to the upper floor where the last statue is. So he dropped the key to Claire and we headed back to the pedestal to put in the second key. After putting in the second key we returned back but Leon was not there. But I could see and hear what he was doing so I helped Claire to jump just like Leon. But Claire didn't jump over the railing but was only able to catch and climb from there.

After she claimed up she turned around and looked down at me while I was out in my lustful thoughts after seeing Claire's ass shape due to her tight pants. She didn't understand why I was dreaming at this time and shouted at me bringing me to realization. I immediately took a few steps back and ran forward and using the sidewall as support I jumped up and easily passed over the railing but Claire was standing in my way and I crashed into her and fell down on top of her and kissed her lips. To her, it was an accident but I could have stopped after falling down. But I used this chance to kiss her to develop feelings between us.

After a good kiss, Claire came to the realization and pushed me away and got up, and did nothing but feel embarrassed. I got up and at the same time, Leon came out from the library and felt a little confused about what happened but still told us that he has killed all the zombies inside. So we continued our mission and entered the library looking around it seems that Leon has practiced his marksmanship on the zombies which are quite good practice dummies being still targets and also being moving targets. This is what I expect from my slaves trying to improve their strengths to become more useful to me. Then we headed upstairs and then to the other side of the library and through the door leading to a store room where the goddess statue is.

Entering the room and finding the statue Claire read the documents and told us that we need a switch to explode the C4. But I just smiled at her and pulled out a mini bomb and placed it on the C4 and took cover behind the boxes after activating it. After 5 seconds the bomb exploded causing the C4 to also explode blowing apart the blockage. At the same time, we heard the roar of a beast knowing what that is I threw my assault rifle to Leon and told him to cover our backs and took out my handguns. While Claire entered the password we were standing guard for her. Within no time the Licker came into the room from the other door and Leon was ready t and the moment it jumped at us he launched the grenade in its mouth. The moment the grenade came in contact with the Licker's mouth it exploded. What we experienced was just gore, rain of blood and flesh we smelled like shit.

Ryan: Well now that we have got the final disc key before going back we need to take a shower very badly.

Both of them agreed with me and with the map in my eyes I guided them the way the Licker came and we entered a room that had a broken wall that lead to stairs. There was the key lying on the table that opened the main hall to other rooms. We went down the stairs to the second floor where the bathrooms are with a pipe leak blocking the way but that didn't stop us. Leon didn't go in to wash and said I think there were bathrooms on the first floor also I'll go there. Before going I gave him some clothes from inventory and he showed a thumbs up to me signaling to have a good time master. I'm going to have to give him quite a power upgrade for his service.

Taking this opportunity I got naked and walked into the open bathrooms and entered Claire's hugged her from behind scaring her. She turned around and finding me she dropped her guard and stood there with a blush on her face. I moved down to her face and kissed her while my hands roamed her body passing over her breasts, back, and ass. I lifted her up with her legs spread open for my cock to penetrate. I adjusted my dick to enter her pussy and thrust hard and deep into her. She started to moan into my mouth as I continued to fuck her. After half an hour I finally cummed inside her making her my lover.

After coming out of the shower I injected her with super soldier serum making her strong just like my other lovers and gave her a battle uniform just like the ones I gave to Peggy and Lorraine. Coming out Leon was waiting for us on the stairs. We moved down to the ground floor and went inside the armory. I gave the access card to Leon to pick up the shotgun and other stuff while I inserted the keys I created and opened all the locked storage lockers. After collecting the shotgun I used Infinity on it and gave it to Claire. Now Leon is equipped with an assault rifle with a grenade launcher and Claire with a shotgun and I am equipped with my two pistols. We returned back to the main hall and finally inserted the last disc key and the passage completely opened. Leon wanted Marvin to come with us but he rejected as he was on his final moments before becoming a zombie so I asked him to kill him while he was still a human and he accepted. I put him to rest showing respect. We entered the passage and it closed behind us.