
Entering the room we went down in the elevator and followed the stairs down and walked through the pipes and machinery and reached the room where Sherry Birkin was hiding from the transformed William. Claire saw Sherry and tried to help her but at this moment William dropped on me and Leon from above making us fall to the lower floor. I took most of the attack from William to prevent Leon from any injuries. Getting on our feet we fired at William and after some time the eyeball on his arm opened so Leon launched a grenade at it blowing it up to pieces and making him fall deep down into the sewer.

We looked down to make sure that he fell when Claire dropped a ladder down we climbed up and followed the path along with Sherry to a bigger room which looked like a swage maintenance room. From there, I ordered Leon to go up to make sure that everything is safe above. Getting into the parking lot he looked around but didn't find any zombies. Suddenly a door opened on the side and a girl rushed out like fleeing from somebody seeing Leon she came to him and asked for help. Following the girl Chief Irons with a gun in his hand and a disgusting expression on his face. Without any delay, Leon put a bullet in his head and walked up to his corpse, and searched him for a key card for the parking lot and found it. Hearing what happened above we got up to the parking lot and found a girl kissing Leon. After they had enough they came to my senses and told us what happened and also introduced herself. I just nodded acknowledging Leon's actions and showing him a thumbs-up indicating that he can have the girl. I told the girl to stick with Leon so he can keep her safe and also gave her a gun with Infinite bullets and as she accepted I made her my slave. Katherine told us that there was a person alive in the prison whom Chief Irons has arrested.

At that time it came to my mind that I might meet Ada there so we headed into the prison and found him the journalist that was investigating for Ada. As he monologed his dialogues the sounds of high heels hitting the ground. A smile came to my face as I turned to the side when Ada walked up to us and introduced herself as an FBI agent. I just laughed at her and told, " I know who you are Ada stop acting. I'm a special agent from The White House and I know very well about you but I don't care what your goal here is. But If you help me get the evidence I need on Umbrella then I will help you achieve your goal even if it is the virus itself. So what do you say deal?

She thought for some time and was about to say no but at that time loud footsteps were heard and as Ben backed up in his cell a massive hand broke through the wall and caught him by the face and crushed his face and dropped him and walked away. Seeing this happen Ada's face became ugly and looked at me smiling at her. Then she accepted my offer and we decided to head together.

Coming out of the prison the Tyrant was waiting for us Leon was about blow him up but I stopped him. I walked forward to face the Tyrant alone with my fists. It has been a long since I used my Superman powers I would love a little exercise. Tyrant speed-walked and punched his fist at me. I caught his fist easily it was too weak. I punched him in the chest making him shoot straight into the wall and stuck in it. Well, that was a bummer I didn't even use 1 percent of my power. He seems to be unmoving and there seems to be a gaping hole in his chest. Knowing how gross he will become after mutating I decided to end him right here and used my heat vision and burned it all. Everyone except Ada and Sherry is my slave so they didn't feel shocked. Sherry didn't see as Claire covered her eyes. Only Ada was shocked terrified to never get on my bad side. While she was in shock I hugged her waist and kissed her. She wanted to revolt but the image of me hitting the Tyrant came into her mind and gave into me.

After a passionate kiss, her face was red and her eyes showed lust for more. I slapped her ass and told her that she will get more later and continued on the way after Leon opened the parking lot.