Jill Valentine

We followed the road and entered the gun shop. The moment we entered the gun shop there were already people in there and they pointed guns at us. They are none other than Jill and Kendo behind them is Kendo's daughter who has recently been infected. Looking at Leon's uniform Jill lowered her vigilance and introduced herself. She then asked Leon what happened. Then Leon shortly explained to her what had happened till now. As Leon introduced me I asked her what she was doing and then she told me about the evacuation of survivors through the subway by U.B.C.S which made us laugh. Jill was confused and I told her the truth.

Ryan: Well you won't make it out alive none of those survivors will as U.B.C.S were sent here as test subjects to collect the combat data of Umbrella's bioweapons. The interesting thing is they themselves don't know that they are just test subjects. If I am not wrong you were already attacked by some huge ugly monster. That thing is sent to kill all the survivors. So what you are doing here roaming around trying to turn on the subway is pointless because the tracks have already been destroyed after some distance the train will crash. So you have two choices believe me and come with me to the Umbrella secret base to find the virus and evidence that you have been looking for, if lucky you might find an antidote or you can go on playing how the Umbrella wants you to play to collect combat data against their bioweapons.

After thinking it over continuously she accepted to come with us and used the walkie-talkie and told Carlos that she can't continue the mission as she was going into the Umbrella facility. Carlos wanted to inquire but Jill cut off the transmission and asked me where we are going. I pointed her in the direction and told her, " Before we leave let's solve the problem here and I pulled out a syringe filled with some blue liquid. This was the injection I bought from the shop that could cure Kendo's little girl. I gave it to Jill and told her that it can cure the girl. She was surprised that I have a cure so I told her that it can only cure people those who bit within an hour. Kendo didn't want some unknown thing to be injected into her daughter but Jill convinced him and then injected Emma. Ada looked at me with some doubt so I just her that you have your secrets and I have mine.

After a few minutes, Emma threw up something disgusting out of her mouth. As soon as she threw up her skin started to become colored from her pale look from before. This showed the proper blood flow through her body. Kendo hugged his daughter and cried and smiled with happiness and thanked me for saving his daughter. Then I gave them all an energy drink to replenish their energy and two chocolates for Sherry and Emma. As soon as I pulled out these things Jill and Ada were again shocked where did I pull those things out?

Ryan: What are you looking at me for? Dead people are coming back to life as zombies and you can't believe that I have some portable space device. Which one is hard to believe really?

They acknowledge my word and drank them. As soon as they started drinking I turned Kendo, Emma, and Sherry into my slaves. After the break, Ada led the way across the destroyed road on wooden planks. We reached down to the sewer gate and to be on the safe side Leon took the lead and followed Ada, Claire, Sherry, Emma, Kendo, Jill, and me at the back. Jill didn't want to take Kendo and Emma with us but I told her tomorrow at first light the city is going to be bombed to cover up everything. So it would be safe to come with us as there will be an emergency escape in all Umbrella facilities.

Leon lead the way as in the game and reached the drop sown into the sewer where the big alligator attacks him. Before he dropped down I stopped him and told Ada to find another way and I floated down but not entering the water so that the alligator can get a good look at me. Within a few seconds, it jumped at me with its mouth wide open for me to laser into and so I did just that. The heat vision pierced its brain through its mouth and hit the ceiling above and causing the sewer to drop down on the alligator and buried it. I returned to the group and we went on the other way.

Jill: What are you?

Ryan: I was sent alone to deal with the situation for a reason. In simple words, I'm just an alien who's not from this planet that's all. Don't think too much about it beautiful.