
It seems to be time for Robert and Ned's death. Even with the changes I made Ned still found out about Cersei's bastards. Petyr also played his part in manipulating and conspiring against Ned for his gain. Tyrion has come back safely from the North but also brought Bronn with him. Fate seems to have arranged a meeting between them. This morning Robert has left for hunting with the King's guard and also invited Ned to accompany him. However, due to the issue of the legitimacy of his heirs, he rejected him as he wanted to confront Cersei and give her a chance to escape with her children.

As for Jamie Lannister, he was not in King's Landing as he was relieved of his duty as King's guard and sent back to Casterly Rock after he and I had a fight in the streets of King's Landing after he found out that I was fucking his sister/ lover. As Cersei continues to keep him away and finds out that the Queen is using someone else to relieve her desires from the Lannister soldiers that keep her chambers guarded. Jamie wasn't that dumb and figured out that it was me from how close she acted with me and how often we hung out in the name of showing various merchandise that my stores sell. Talking about my stores they have completely spread all over the Westeros's big cities and towns from Dorne to the Ice Wall.

In our fight, he was easily defeated by disarming him without any injuries to him using only my bare hands. As for his men who accompanied him, they had their limbs broken as they didn't have a key role in the upcoming War. I refrained from injuring Jamie as he has to become Rob Stark's prisoner in the coming War. When Robert found out about our fight he called for me to ask the reason behind the fight. 

Ryan: Your grace. As you know my stores that I have set up and the merchandise that we are selling. They have been earning quite a lot of money and seeing this the Lannister soldiers that work in the capital started abusing their power and demanded and threatened my shopkeepers into paying them money. I got information that they were all following Jamie's orders after I handled one of the corrupt soldiers. When I confronted Jamie and that is when the fight happened your grace.

Varys: Your grace. Everything that Lord Ryan said is true about Lannister soldiers and even the Gold cloaks of City Watch are part of this. It seems like they are feeling safe with Ser Jamie acting as your King's guard and personal relationship. I recommend that Ser Jamie be removed from his position and sent back to Casterly Rock so these kinds of actions don't happen again and to decrease House Lannister's power in King's Landing.

Varys and I already planned this meeting and he complied with this as he acknowledged me as someone that benefits the realm and its people. Then Robert stripped Jamie of his position and ordered Jamie to return to Casterly Rock with his men. This led to many Lannister men leaving King's Landing but not all left. Those that are affiliated only with Cersei stayed back and a few other insignificant people.

Now that Robert has left for his hunt, Ned goes to Cersi confronts her, and threatens her to leave with her children before Robert returns. After spending a lot of nights with me her affection towards her children reduced but not enough to not care about them and so she sent orders for her cousin Lancel to arrange for a hunting accident on Robert as she couldn't find me to ask for my help. While I was watching the show from the shadows and enjoying myself.

Soon after a few hours, news came of Robert's hunting accident and everything else followed as in the show. Renly has fled the capital with Loras Tyrell and a few other knights. Ned Stark confronted Cersei and Joffrey but was betrayed by Jonas Slynt and Petyr Baelish and was captured for treason and his men were all slaughtered in the throne room. By the end of the day Ned Stark was imprisoned in the black cells, Sansa was kept arrested in her room, and Arya escaped the capture with the sacrifice of Syrio Forel through the tunnels that she found previously trying to catch Balerion the cat.

As Arya escaped the Red Keep and reached the shores and couldn't decide where to go. A man who seemed to be a merchant came to her and forcefully pulled her away into some alley where no guards were patrolling. The man shouted at her and made her calm down and then introduced himself as a merchant who used to trade with Winterfell and he knew her father Lord Eddard Stark. After Arya calmed down she listened to what he said she had also previously seen him at Winterfell a few times so she trusted his words.

Unknown Merchant: You are brave, girl. Escaping the Red Keep under the Lannister guards' watch. Listen to me The King is dead and your father opposed Joffrey's claim to the throne and now is imprisoned for Treason. Your sister also seems to be caught in the Red Keep. King's Landing is not safe for Stark's now. You have to get back to the North to your brothers. I'll arrange something in a few days till then you are going to hide in my house.

Arya complied and followed him carefully to his house where he had stocked some food and drinks. Making sure that she had everything he ordered her not to make noise and to make sure he would lock the room from outside so no one could find her. Then he went out to find a means of transport for her to the North. 

Closing the door behind him and locking it properly the Merchant went to another room bowed down and said, "The task you have ordered has been done, Lord Ryan. Arya Stark is safe and locked in the next room with enough food and drinks for a week." 

Ryan: Good! Now continue as previously instructed. In a few days Ned Stark will be executed so make sure that she watches it at that time. Then ship her to North in a sealed container with enough food and drinks for her to live in. Don't tell anyone onboard the ship what they are carrying just that it has to reach North.

Unknown Merchant: Yes, Lord Ryan.

Then the man left the room and soon Ryan also disappeared from the room. The Merchant that brought Arya was a merchant who used to trade with Winterfell. After Ryan opened several stores he bought several small merchants shops and employed them himself not before making sure that they became 100 percent loyal to him. 

As per plot after a few days, Ned Stark was brought to be trailed publically for his treason. Snasa has already written a letter to his brother Rob Stark and mother Catelyn Stark asking them to surrender and bend the knee acknowledging their King Joffrey. Rob Stark sent a reply by gathering his army along with all the armies of Houses that were affiliated with House Stark and marched to Moat Cailin. Stannis Baratheon declared himself King. Renly was killed by Loras Tyrell on order from Olenna Tyrell. I and Olenna decided to keep the Tyrell house out of the war and to only work in the shadows in our favor.

Ned Stark was sentenced to execution by Joffrey even with strong opposition from the members of the council consisting of Varys, Tyrion, and Cersei who wanted to send him to the Wall and use Sansa to control the North with Arya gone missing. Ned was executed in front of Sansa while Arya was a little far on the rooftop. As soon as Ned was executed the Merchanrt took away Arya from the shipping area and told her how she was going to be transported and soon closed into a wooden container and taken out to be shipped.

Meanwhile, at the execution, Sansa collapsed losing consciousness, and was taken away by the Hound. Now it was my time to act, I threw down a few pots of wildfire onto the stage, and the erupting flames caused massive chaos among the guards, people, and nobles with everyone running here and there. Using this chaos I came out of the shadows with a cloak covering my face and upper body I killed a few guards, and took away Cersi into an alley, and disappeared never to be found. 

Coming back to my own house with Cersei and threw her onto the bed and revealed my face calming down Cersei. As it was still chaos outside and it would take time for it to settle down I had a good time having sex with Cersei till evening. I washed myself and went out of the room where I met with the Merchant who seemed to be in fear of what to tell me. 

Ryan: How did the task go?

Merchant: My Lord I did everything as you ordered and boarded the container onto a ship that usually goes to the North. 

Ryan: Then what seems to be the problem?

Merchant: After the ship had sailed I got to know that due to the current war between the King and the North, the ship owner and Captain seemed to be heading to Essos for trade and not the North.

It seems fate has once again made changes, interesting. Fine then let fate take its course. I'm interested, Is Arya fated to be one of the Faceless men or is there something else in store for her? No point thinking about it now let us wait and see what is in store for her.

Ryan: No problem, you have done an excellent job. With that, I threw him a bag of 100 gold coins and sent him away to his usual work.