Consequences and Sansa

Tyrion's POV:

Within a few days, news has traveled to all parts of Westeros. This incident pushed Westeros into a War where everyone had their own goals. Some for the throne, power, status, family, etc. Now everyone's goal is to take over King's Landing. But the current King Joffery has no idea what his actions have led to and the consequences he and the kingdom have to face.

That day, after all the chaos ended and the wildfire was dealt with. I returned to the Red Keep and was told that the Queen Cersei had been missing. A search was done throughout the city but no clue to her whereabouts was found. With Ned Stark dead, and his daughter Arya Stark missing the hold we had over the North has dwindled with only Sansa Stark still in captivity.

The next day my father arrived in King's Landing with his men and took control of the city making sure nothing unexpected would happen. His presence brought my nephew the King under control. As the Hand of the King and his grandfather, he has decided that on his upcoming name day, he would marry Sansa Stark so that we can keep the North at bay and support his claim to the Iron Throne.

Stannis Baratheon with his followers declared himself as King and is currently recruiting soldiers at Dragon Stone to fight for his claim. Renly Baratheon has been missing since he fled King's Landing. Rumors have been floating around that he was killed by the Tyrells. They seem to have their own goals and have already sent a letter saying that they would not be supporting either Joffrey or Stannis for their claim to the Iron Throne.

Ned Stark's first son Rob Stark with the support of all the noble Houses of the North was declared King in the North and marched to Moat Cailin with his army and sent orders to all his bannermen to gather there and is currently helping relieve the Riverlands from Lannister forces attacks.

As for the Targaryen, they seem to have gone silent but with the last news being the girl married to a Khal who has fifty thousand Dothraki riders under his command. They are not a threat yet with them being on the other side of the Narrow Sea, but are not to be taken lightly.

My father Tywin Lannister has left for the battlefield today to take charge as commander of the army against the North. Leaving me in charge to act as Hand of the King in his absence, to keep my Nephew in check and run the capital, and also to guard the capital from being invaded by Stannis Baratheon. So since then, I have been trying to recruit soldiers from the refugees that arrived at the capital due to the War, with good food, shelter, and promise of good pay once the War is over to defend the capital from the invasion from Stannis.

Tyrion POV End.


Sansa Stark POV:

I don't know what went wrong, my father is executed for treason, my sister has been missing, my septa and other members of House Stark that accompanied us to King's Lading are all dead with their heads kept on spikes at the Red Keep on command of the King Joffrey. 

I always wanted to marry a prince and become his queen, and my wishes came true in the form of Prince Joffrey with whom my wedding was decided. I was so happy that my dreams are coming true, even though the prince might sometimes act violent and cruel it didn't bother me at all. He was the future King and sometimes to act justice he has to be violent and cruel, as nobles he was right to punish that peasent boy on our way to King's Landing. It was Arya first who became a thorn for me and Prince relationship and now my father Ned Stark as well who opposed my Prince's claim to the throne. It was indeed his fault for my current situation, everyone at King's Landing were so nice to me especially my Prince Joffrey and Queen Cersei and her other children. If only my father didn't commit treason I would have happily married my King Joffrey and given him beautiful children as his Queen.

At first I was sad that my father died but then after I was explained everything by the Queen I understood he was the one at fault and it was right by my King Joffrey to execute Justice upon him. Now I am alone at the capital and everyone was talking that my marriage with my King Joffrey is going to be broken. But god's are in my favour and the new Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister, grandfather to the King had declared that our marriage is happening on the upcoming nameday of my King Joffrey and soon I am to provide him heirs. I was again happy that my dreams are coming true. 

But to keep my status, position and favour of my King Joffrey I have to give my full support to his claim even if I have to oppose rest of my family who have also committed treaon against the King and the Realm and needed to be punished. Their fate is sealed for opposing the King, so I have to look after and think about myself first.

First, I have to gain the trust of my King soon to be my Husband even if he is going to punish me for my family's sins I have to endure them for my future. Next, I have to make sure that I give healthy offsprings as his heirs. This will make my position as his Queen solid in a few years.

From the day Lord Tywin announce of our marriage I followed around King Joffrey and did whatever he asked of me that pleased him. Wether looking at my fathers head on spike or agreeing to his words of my family and their punishments that he was going to give them. And slowly I myself has also started bad mouthing my family according to my King's wishes. All my actions past this few days has pleased my king and soon he introduce me to his world of pleasure from torturing. At first he showed the cruelty of killing animals and forcing me to do the same. Over the few weeks I have done many actions like that and soon they stopped bothering my mind and heart. Now I seems to be enjoying myself with those actions. 

Today was a little special as my King Joffrey called me to his chambers. When I entered his chambers I saw him sitting on the chair while watching a two whores pleasuring each other on the bed. Seeing them doing those things made my body slightly heat up especially down there at my private parts. I know and understand what they were doing as I have been told about these things by my septa as I was soon going to marry the King and have to satisfy his desires. Joffrey called me this side and as I was about to sit beside him he pulled me over to sit on his lap with his arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel his manhood poking my ass from behind through his clothes. I could feel it was big, hard and warm making my body heat up even more. His hands started to roam around on my body over my clothes playing with my growing breasts that are comparatively bigger than my age girls. As the whores continued pleasuring themselves I was experiencing the most pleasurable act of my life as Joffrey played with my breasts while kissing my neck, ear, lips, and soon his hands moved down to my private part. I don't know how much time passed but I felt a sudden feeling of wanting to pee but I couldn't get free from Joffrey's hands and soon I lost my hold and released everything making our clothes wet and Joffrey's hand was drenched with my juices. I felt so much pleaurre that I didn't feel embarrassed from doing those things infornt of two whores. 

By the time I came to my senses I heard the whores laughing at me seeing myself cumming just like a whore. At that time Jofferey stood up with me still being supported by him. Then Joffrey picked up a whip that was beside the chair and put it in my hands.

Joffrey: Take it Sansa. Use it and punish these whores for laughing at heir future Queen. 

I don't know why wether it was pride, shame, or due to his order I turned around to the whores and without any thought untied the whip and started whipping at the naked whores. As time passed I started feeling good and increased how hard I whipped. I continued until I was satisfied. Then Joffrey called for the guards. Then two guards entered and asked for orders. Joffrey threw a pouched with five gold dragons in it at the guards and told the them to take back the whores and give those as their payment. The guards followed his orders and soon left the room.

Joffrey: I like this very much let's do it more often Sansa. Now go back to your room. 

Sansa: As you wish you grace. I would love to do anything that will satisfy you. 

With that I returned back to my room and lied down on the bed recalling all the events that happened and my feelings on those actions. Soon I felt aroused again and remembered what those whore were doing to pleasure each other. Without a thought I followed their actions and soon I was experiencing the same pleasure but not as much that I received from Joffrey's hands. But soon I cummed and unknowingly fell asleep just like that with all my clothes, body, and bed drenched with my jiuces.

Sansa Stark POV End.
