Red Wedding

At The Twins, today's night was lit with campfires everywhere with most of the Northern army gathered here for the Wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey. All the Lordes of the North were gathered in the main hall. Soon the wedding ceremony was done and after a few hours of eating and drinking Edmure and Roslin were sent for the bedding ceremony. 

All the lords were quite drunk and without anyone suspecting anything the hall doors were closed and surrounded with people of House Frey. Then Walder Frey gathered everyone's attention addressing Robb, The King in the North. As he was addressing Catelyn who didn't drink much observed everything and found something wrong checked Roose Bolton who was sitting beside her and found him to be wearing armor. Understanding everything she hurriedly stood up, slapped Roose Bolton, and shouted for Robb to alert him. By the time Robb turned around to understand what was that loud shout for. Roose Bolton ran away from there under the protection of the people of House Frey. In that instant one man from House Frey came behind Talisa Stark, Robb's newly wedded wife, and stabbed her multiple times in the stomach. Before Robb or any of his bannermen could come out of their shock and react multiple crossbow arrows were shot at them from both sides killing most of them. Robb and Catelyn were also shot with arrows but are still alive whereas the others remaining were killed off by Frey people. Catelyn who was hiding took hostage of Walder Frey's current wife and begged him to leave her son alive. Robb who came to his senses checked on his wife who was still alive on her last breaths. He stood up trying to fight back and called for his mother. At this time Roose Bolton came from the side and was about to stab him saying," The Lannisters send their regards". But before he could finish his action Grey Wind jumped on him from nowhere and bit right his hand off in one single motion. Before the archers could aim at Grey Wind I burst in from the main door and with a single move threw blades and they fell down lifeless from the balcony with throwing knives stuck in their heads. With Grey Wind around Robb and Catelyn, no one tried to attack them. Taking this chance I picked up Talisa and pushed Robb onto Grey Wind's back while applying healing magic to her and Robb. Telling Catelyn to follow we ran out of there to a balcony where my flying ship was ready. Jumping onto the ship and helping Catelyn onto it I threw some big stones down into the lake from my inventory and left the place before anyone could reach the balcony. Those who came following us could find us on the balcony and looked down into the river finding the disturbances in the water from the stones they thought that we jumped down to escape pursuit. Catelyn who was standing at the ledge of the ship as flew away from the castle saw all their bannermen who were being burned and killed in their sleep and drunken state by the House Frey's and Bolton's army. Horrified of their betrayal, the slaughter of her bannermen, and blood loss she fainted. I caught her from falling down and also started healing her. All three were healed but didn't gain consciousness yet as all their energy had been used up for healing their body. Talisa survived but her baby didn't as it died on the first attack itself. Grey Wind lay silently beside Talisa and Robb like a good dog.

Within no time we reached The Riverrun castle. And Catelyn who woke up took control of the castle after explaining what had happened at the wedding. By the time the sun rose Brynden Tully, The Blackfish had also safely returned to his home. He was relieved to find his family still safe. Robb and Talisa also woke up and thanked me for my help. Robb immediately wanted to address his well-being to the people of the North. But I stopped him by explaining his current position to him.

Ryan: You are making the wrong decisions here Robb. It's not your fault for making decisions with the knowledge you have. But after entering the South you have failed miserably in collecting news or information about what is happening in Westeros that could significantly affect your War.

Ryan: Firstly, everyone thinks that you Starks have all died. The War of Kings ended last night with the declaration of your death. Most of your soldiers have been slaughtered at the wedding with a few thousand scattered. All the Lords supporting you have been killed. The Houses of Bolton, Frey, Karstark, and Umber who formed a major part of your army in the rally down south have betrayed you. Roose Bolton and Walder Frey have been given the titles of Warden of the North and Warden of the Riverlands by the current King Joffrey. Only the House Tully and those men in this castle are your support and army. The rest of the houses that support you have already lost their men and lords at the wedding. So If you announce that you are alive it will only take a few more days for them to lay siege of Riverrun and kill the rest of you. I suggest you wait until half a year as then you will have a powerful ally that will be arriving in Westeros, the Targaryens. They will help you reclaim your right as the rightful ruler of the North.

Ryan: Also give up your idea of saving your sisters. As you are not up to date with your news, let me tell you. Stannis has lost at the Battle of Blackwater with most of his men and ships burned alive by the Wildfire. After a few days of that victory, Joffrey and Sansa have been publically married and conceived their marriage. Sansa is currently two months pregnant. All these were done with Sansa's own willingness. Also whatever the letters that you received from King's Landing mentioning your treason and asking for your surrender were all written on her own and not forced by Queen Cersei as she went missing and was declared dead on the day of Ned Stark's death on the chaos that took place due to a wildfire bomb. Also, the Lannisters never had your daughter Arya in captivity as no one found her when Ned was arrested.

Catelyn: I never thought her desire to become Queen was so strong that she would disregard her own family. It's all my fault, I planted all those ideas in her mind.

Ryan: Apart from all these another main reason is The Winter is Coming. These are not just words or climate change. It's the long night that Aegon Targaryen predicted of coming, The White Walkers. The legion of undead that has silently grown powerful beyond the Wall. The Wall is not going to stop them anymore and you need the Targaryens if you want the living to survive. With all these in mind, I ask you to stand down. I know no one will believe in the White Walkers until they see with their own eyes. So I moved forward and touched his shoulder and showed him using my Telepathy just like how Bran was able to see the Night King and his army with the help of Three-Eyed Raven. After seeing the Night King the terror on his face was real his back seemed drenched with sweat. After a few minutes of deep breathing, he calmed down and agreed to stay put and get ready for the long night to come.

Robb: But tell me how the fallen Targaryens going to help us. The last time I heard they were barely able to survive in Essos. 

Ryan: That's where I come in I took Daenerys Targaryen as my second wife and we traveled around Essos subduing the Dotharki khalasars. Currently, we have around 150,000 Dothraki riders under our command. I helped her and her brother Viserys Targaryen hatch two dragons a year back. They are just waiting for the dragons to grow big enough. And the Tyrells supporting me with Margaery as my first wife. It will be easy to capture King's Landing. Oh, I forgot to tell you the main thing the letter both you and Ned received from your sister, telling that the Lannisters were responsible for Jon Arryn's death. It was all a lie and part of the plan for power and desire by Petyr Baelish. He used Lysa Arryn's desire for himself and made her poison her husband. And with that letter, he turned the Starks and Lannisters against each other. Then using your trust in him he played Ned into finding out about the Roberts heirs' illegitmity and finally betrayed him in court. If you think these are lies then think why didn't the Vale send troops to support Robb with Lysa acting as Regent of Vale?

Leaving Catelyn to process all the details of her sister Lysa Arryn. I went out with Robert and Blackfish saying that I would be leaving. I gave them enough supplies for them to stay in the castle and not venture out for a year. As the Frey will soon lay siege outside the castle.