Craster's Keep

After stating my leave, I reached for the balcony, jumped onto my ship, and soared into the clouds. Once safely above, I stowed the ship back in my inventory and flew northward, heading beyond the Wall. As I traveled, the darkness of night swallowed me whole, a stark contrast to the early morning light south of the Wall. My destination was Craster's Keep. Using my super hearing, I had overheard arguments there and learned that members of the Night's Watch had rebelled against their Lord Commander, Jeor Mormont, resulting in his imminent death.

Determined to intervene, I teleported near Craster's Keep, summoned Storm, and equipped my spear and sword. Racing towards the battle, I hurled my spear at Karl Tanner, who was about to strike down Jeor Mormont. The spear flew with precision, piercing Tanner and pinning him to the wall with such force that it momentarily stunned the combatants. This brief lull allowed Commander Jeor to regain control, ordering his men to subdue the rebels or capture those who surrendered.

Within minutes, the fighting ceased. I approached Jeor Mormont, formally introducing myself as the Lord of Skagos. I advised him to take the remaining rebels captive and return to the Wall for their punishment. Once Jeor had given his loyal men the necessary orders, we entered the house. Inside, I saw Grenn, Eddison, Pypar, and Jendry among those loyal to Jeor. Yoren and Gendry had survived, with Gendry now a member of the Night's Watch. Arya's change in path had preserved both Yoren and Gendry's lives, and my intervention had saved Jeor.

However, I could not find Sam. It seemed Sam had escaped with Gilly and her son during the chaos.

Jeor and I discussed the threat of the White Walkers. I informed him that my men and I were working to spread the word and urged him to vacate the area as it would soon become a battleground between the living and the dead. I also proposed taking charge at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, given its proximity to Skagos. Jeor agreed but needed to consult with the King about permitting the people beyond the Wall to enter Northern Westeros. I wanted to convince him to make the decision himself, but before I could speak, screams erupted outside.

Jeor and I rushed out to find ourselves surrounded by about a hundred White Walkers. Jeor took command of his men, instructing them to hold their ground despite the odds. Realizing the situation was dire, I quickly grabbed a jar of alcohol and hurled it into the ranks of the dead, following it with a flaming stick from my fire magic. The resulting explosion engulfed many White Walkers in flames, but it wasn't enough to turn the tide.

Jeor approached, urging a retreat to the Wall. He asked me to create a path with my fire magic. I summoned my spear back to me, causing awe among those watching. Without hesitation, I cast a fireball at the wooden fence surrounding Craster's Keep, setting it ablaze. I announced that the firewall would only be temporary and urged everyone to evacuate quickly. The Craster family and the Night's Watch formed a protective square, with soldiers guarding the perimeter.

I then felled two massive trees, ensuring they fell towards the Wall, blocking the path. The flames from the fence and burning trees created a formidable barrier, incinerating any White Walkers caught between. With the gap cleared, both sides were secured by the fire. Commander Jeor Mormont led the evacuation, with me covering their retreat. The fire followed my will and surrounded the white walkers and burned them all to ash along with those fallen in the previous battle and the Craster Keep itself leaving no sign of its existence there except the ash and a huge pit. 

As the last of the Night's Watch and Craster's family members reached the Wall, the enormity of what we had faced began to sink in. Jeor and I made our way to Castle Black, where we were met with a mixture of relief and astonishment from the other members of the Night's Watch. News of our narrow escape spread quickly. As we discussed the next steps, Jeor turned to me, gratitude and resolve evident in his eyes.

"We owe you our lives," Jeor said solemnly. "But now we must prepare for the coming storm. You spoke of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. I believe it is time we solidify our defenses." I nodded, agreeing with his assessment. "We need to fortify Eastwatch and ensure that the people from beyond the Wall are integrated and protected.

As we began to plan our next moves, a squire arrived with urgent news. It seems Jon has escaped from the Wildlings that climbed over the Wall similarly as shown in the series with arrows piercing his back. Jeor Mormont, ever the stalwart leader, worked tirelessly to coordinate the defense and organize the newly arrived settlers that escaped from the nearby villages that were attacked by Wildlings. Ravens were also sent to the various factions of Westeros seeking their support but no reply was received as no one believed in the stories of White Walkers.

Leaving the matters of the Wildlings to the plot I took off to Skagos and then to the Eastwatch. The journey to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea was arduous but necessary. My men and I traveled swiftly, preparing the way for the influx of refugees and the fortification of the castle. The once-quiet outpost now buzzed with activity as we set about reinforcing its defenses and preparing for the anticipated attack from the Night King.