Chapter 5


l walked down the stairs in my uniform carrying my satchel and my cellphone in my other hand. L could smell some pancakes and the smell of fresh lemons filled the room. L made my way to the kitchen only to meet a shirtless guy in an apron cooking breakfast for the whole family. I must say l have to get used to seeing more of this body frequently. 

"morning sister"

"l still don't get why you call me sister"

"you are younger than me so why not" he said turning his attention towards me. 

"your pot is burning dummy" 

"what" then he laughs turning back to his pot then he sets the table. Lily and mom come down the stairs minutes later and join for breakfast , to me it felt impossible after five years of having our separate breakfasts l just couldn't believe it. L turn to look at Ethan and his looking at my sister with a sharp stare that kinda hurt l didn't even know why.

Walking into the school gate l saw Rome and his cousin standing by the gate. L began walking slowly taking my time hoping they would go away but instead they looked my direction and laughed out loud. Rome moved towards my direction and stopped moving when we were now half way. 

"You still mad at me"

"Being angry is an understatement"

"well you still have to be stuck with me until the project is over" 

" l can still write the essay and put your name on it"

"we are a team, we do things together"

"why did you start attending Bio class all of a sudden"

"cause lm smart, people are tired of you continuously being the highest" 

"what makes you think you can beat me" he chuckled then began walking , l just followed behind him like a lost puppy then he shouted.

"l don't beat girls, l win and give the people what they want ,we meet at your house tonight partner"

His unbelievable, his arrogant ass needs a serious whooping. The day went on pretty fast and boring l just can't wait to go to uni. I walked home and it looked like it wanted to rain, as l got by the gate it was locked, l checked everywhere for my keys and they were nowhere to be found. L must've forgotten them inside the house.

L tried calling my mom and sister but it sent me straight to voicemail. The clouds got bigger and a few droplets fell on my head. There was a loud bang of thunder and l curled myself into a ball, shaking violently. The rain got worse and l was getting drenched. 

From a distance l noticed a figure in the rain holding an umbrella walking towards me. L sat by the corner shaking not being able to utter a single word. As he got closer he ran towards me and helped me up, then he took hold of me and walked towards our gate. He didn't even bother asking for the keys, he opened the gate and led me inside. 

After opening the main door we got inside and luckily the lights were on so everything was clear now. My uniform hung on my body showing every part of my body without fail. I wrapped my arms around my chest still shivering then he took of his coat and wrapped it around my body, with his eyes still glued onto my body. 

Lust was written all over his face, he took a few steps towards me and our bodies were almost in contact. l turned to look down then he raised my chin with his other thumb removing the strands of hair on my face. Our eyes locked and l got lost , my mind became blank. He leaned closer as his lips were about to get in contact with mine my phone rang from my satchel , then we moved away from each other.


"Oh um mom said she's caught up in traffic so she's sleeping at a friend's house until the storm is over" lily said 

"Umm okei"

"Lm not coming also so enjoy being alone" 

"Oh WO…" then she cut the call what a bitch. L placed my phone on the couch then l sneezed twice in a row.

"You okay?" 

"Yeah just a flue"

"You might wanna change into something warm l guess" Rome said with his hand in his hair. L walked to my room then changed into my pajamas, wore my bunnies then put my hair in a messy bun then l went downstairs. Rome sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee in his hand l guess, on the table was another cup of coffee. 

"That's your cup of tea if you want it" he said with his eyes glued on the blank TV. When he placed his mug down l noticed trails of blood on the white cup, l swallowed hard before l looked to see where it was coming from. He had cut his palm and it looked quit deep. 

"You cut yourself" 

"It's not painful don't worry about it" 

"Let me at least bandage it to stop you from leaving your blood marks everywhere" then l reached for the first aid box and sat on top of the table facing him. He looked at me for a while before giving me his hand. L used a tissue to wipe of the blood first then l poured some alcohol on it and he winced a bit while biting his lip.

"It's okay to scream or cry you know" l said looking at him

"It's not painful"

"Oh really" l said pressing his wound 

"Fuck….. Okay you win its painful but l can handle it" 

"How did you get hurt?"

"L was trying to open the door"

"You a thief?"

"what" he said looking straight into my eyes, l tried to speak but l was tongue-tied

"You…um…open that door"

"l what" he says looking away whilst holding his laughter , l quickly realize what l had said. 

"lm not a thief l um just acted out of panic" he says leaning closer to me he tucks in a strand of my hair at the back of my ear. Our eyes lock and he whispers in my ear as his hands trail from my other ear to my body. 

"if l was a thief you would be tied to the bed now, I would steal your innocence in the most mind-blowing way. I would paralyze you for days , make you watch me as l please myself whilst you beg for my touch, make you release a multiple times until it too much for you to handle. Make you speak Spanish even though you have never learnt it in your life" he whispers then the leans back and smirks. 

"What's wrong" he asks continuing with dressing his wound 

"Nothing um …" the door knob turns l quickly stand up and drag Rome up to my room. 

"You have to go"


"My parents or our new tenant is here"


"Yes and he can't see you here"


"Rose you there" a deep voice said from downstairs 

"l will be down in a minute" l yell back "you better go now"

"Okay adios" he says then he jumps out of my window , l quickly rush out of my room and meet drenched Ethan shaking violently, l quickly grab a towel and toss it over to him. L couldn't help but notice how sexy he looks with wet hair.

"What are you looking at" Ethan says throwing the towel back at me, 

"Your little miserable self" l say to hear him chuckle then he takes of his coat followed by his shirt, l swallow so hard then l throw the towel to him

"if you think you are doing a good job trying to seduce me find a better teacher hun" 

"Oh really l think it was actually working to a point that a fly got into your mouth"


"You were looking at these sexy babies" 

"You look so gay right now" l say imitating his voice then he starts chasing me around with me laughing and jumping all over. I get drained then l seat down and he seats beside me as we take our breaths. 

"You know l always wished for an older brother" l say turning to look at him 

"You already have one" then he smirks 

"And who would that be, if l may ask"

"Me, l also always wanted a little sister"

"Only child?"

"No l have two older sisters" 

"Where are they?"

"Stay with mom, my parents separated" 

"lm sorry" 

"its aight, you hungry?"

"yes please" he stands up and walks over to the kitchen and he turns on the speaker and starts twerking and doing weird dances l seat on the counter and giggle whilst looking at him. His butt could actually shake than most of the girls at school. This is actually better than being home alone, l later on gave in and stood up as l danced whilst standing on the counter with Ethan hyping me up. 

"Oh shit your soup is burning" l say laughing 

"A real chef never cooks without burning one or two things"

"Oh really"

"Help me set up the table will yaa" 

"Sure, pick your reservation romantic dinner, proposal or movie night"

"Hmm the options sound tricky how about a dinner for two" 

"Coming right up" l say going to set the table my feelings for two people just keep on increasing every minute.