
Chapter 6


That whole incident had woken up some dead emotions in me. L felt my heart soften for her which is something l would not want. She's the daughter of an enemy and that makes her an enemy as well. Whoever that man was his voice sounded really familiar only if l could have seen him face to face. 

"What you thinking about son"

"Nothing" l say taking the glass of whiskey that he was handing over to me 

"Your wife came to me who is the girl you brought home"

"You never seize to amaze me, l don't want to even marry her" 

"You can take her in as a second wife afterwards" 

"l don't want a wife, l want to be alone what don't you understand"

"This is not up to discussion!"

"Don't yell at me dad, as much as you have your own expectations l also have mine and you can't do anything about it, l messed up yes and lm working on getting your money back"

"It's not about what you want, it's about the decisions you have to take, the sacrifices you make and the power you gain" he says whilst putting bullets in his gun then he points it to my forehead and looks at me "you know you are my son but if you disrespect me l will not hesitate to pull the trigger"

"What do you want?"

"Now we talking, apologize to your wife and get my money back" then he gulps down his whiskey and taps my shoulder then he walks out. I always suspected my dad to be going frantic and l was right who would want to shoot his own son. 

After seeing the type of abuse my dad made my mom go through l didn't want the same for my wife. Growing up my dad always made sure to install hatred of women in me especially my mother. He made sure that l preferred to be alone. The very night he murdered my mother he forced me to stab her lifeless body four times just to prove my loyalty and if l made any mistake he would frame me and throw me to jail for murdering my own mother. I vowed that at some point in life l would murder him with my own bare hands for killing my mother for no reason. 

Rose had brought back my heart from being cold of hatred and guilt l felt safe and free around her but l had to get rid of all those emotions people like me don't deserve love and care we were created to be monsters and behave like machines with no emotions. 

I gulp my whiskey down in one go and l take out my gun, reload it then l point it at the wall, l use all my bullets on the wall and by the time lm done lm breathing heavily and l feel as if someone is seated on my chest. I walk unhurriedly to the wall and punch it several times. 

"Yooh chill dude you okay"

"Lm going to be okay" l say looking at my bleeding knuckles 

"Well let me treat that before it gets worse" Alex says whilst taking his first aid box, l seat opposite him and watch him as he does his thing. 

"So is it pops"

"You know it, he pointed a fricking gun to my face" Alex stops cleaning my wound and looks at me. He knows what l have been through his my best friend and nothing can get in between us our parents even tried. 

"He what!" Alex says then he chuckles before standing up and taking out his gun then he shoots straight into my dad's forehead 


I wake with the sun's rays hitting me straight up in my face. I was enjoying my sleep peacefully. I turn to look aside then l fall of the couch. 


"Arise and shine your mom and sister are fifteen minutes away you might want to clean up"

"I totally forgot shit" 

I rub my forehead looking at the mess we made, argh I quickly fix the couch and take the dirty mugs to the kitchen. I rush back to finish up only to find a stain of blood on the white couch damn it , its all written Rome all over it. 

"are you hurt somewhere?" Ethan says bending down to reach my level 

"Umm no … I mean yes ….but its not that deep .. I mean like it's a small cut barely visible" 

"Why you nervous little one ... you aren't lying are you"

"lm not don't worry like you aren't cut and we are only two"

"Let's see that's quite a lot of blood for a barely visible cut" he says handing out his hand

"Umm.. You want me to show you a nosebleed?"

"Didn't you say it was a cut" 

"Did I I guess slip of the tongue , don't you think we should be cleaning this than debating how it got there"

"Its okay to say you spoiled, I've had girlfriends before I will get you chocolates" he says walking away and lm left there wondering what I did to deserve such humiliation.

the door opens and by the look on my mom's reaction she was expecting to see the house upside down. Not only is it spotless clean, tidy but also breakfast is ready and the table is already set. She drops her handbag and keys on the table then she walks upstairs checking every single room, 

"what are you hiding you naughty child" lily whispers in my ear

"Nothing just a little token of appreciation to the piece you gave me yesterday" I say spreading jam on a slice of bread I pose then look at her "you want some" 

"argh I don't want to lose my life at a young age"

"if I wanted to kill you I would have done that a long time ago baby boo" 

"Nothing stays in the dark forever no matter how cold it is the sun always comes up" she whispers at me whilst snatching the slice of bread from me. 

"where is Ethan?" my mother shouts from upstairs 

"He went to buy something" how am I going to survive in this house. 


"How are they still on a hunt for me lm dead remember"

"They know you have a family, your wife and children are in safe hands but your siblings" 

"Call the guys find me who the traitor is definitely someone is giving out information" 

" yes sir" the man in black hands an envelope to the masked man.

"I need you to transfer 400usd in my account and get me a job as soon as possible" 

"what type of a job sir ?"

"something that goes in hand with my fake cv of course as long as it doesn't destroy my reputation" 

"Delivery boy" he says wiping of the invisible sweat on his forehead 

"the next time you say such nonsense I will cut of your tongue understood" then he wears his black cap and hoodie as he disappears into one off the small roads. The car slowly moves away from the spot.