The end is the beginning

Steel titans that once peaked beyond the heavens are now a meagre sight as they lay upon the ground in a position of dust, agony, and misery. Sharp shards are scattered everywhere, waiting for those who dare to walk in their direction. A great emptiness was found in this dilapidated prison, which they once called a city.

Shortly, a few light taps could be heard, and out of one of the dark endless alleyways, a youngish woman in her 20s with short blond hair, a dark green trench coat, a white turtleneck shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of raggedy white sneakers would show herself as the light of the sun grazed her being and made her shine like a star. She was quite as she quickly crouched down behind a wall and watched in the distance as a small brick structure was toppled. As soon as it looked clear, she quickly made her way into an establishment with chairs, tables, lights, and a counter where on one of the walls was a list of different kinds of coffee for certain prices.

"It`s been a while since I've seen one of these."

She said this before snapping back to reality and remembering she was on an important mission to gather supplies and get back home before she was discovered. She quickly scoured the area for any sort of resource, from cups to paper to anything else she could get her hands on, and then turned before stopping.




Her heart started to beat like a drummer who had too much sugar as she slowly looked upwards towards the ceiling, then looked back down towards the entrance of the establishment, and with careful consideration, she moved lightly, getting closer and closer before once again stopping and ducking under one of the square-like windows as a long, lanky, and rather pale hand slipped into the store, and the unknown woman looked up, making sure to avoid the thing above her with all her might.

She then waited, as that was all she could do, and sure enough, eventually she heard the loud steps getting further and further away. She popped her head up so she could just about see the outside world and caught a glimpse of the multiple-armed, multiple-legged, and multiple-headed thing known as a Dreaded.

The woman relaxed slightly and sighed in relief before quickly getting herself back on track and leaving the building, making sure nothing was around to surprise her. She rushed all the way to a rather dirty-looking door, which was the entrance of a metal shelter of some kind, which she entered, and once she was inside, a few footsteps could be heard as a whole host of individuals gathered around her.

"Did you manage to get anything useful?"

One of the people said before the woman would speak: "Just the usual."

The people sighed and sat back down on the floor, chairs, and whatever they had that could be used as a seat. Someone approached the woman.

"We really need to figure something out, Amy. We are running out of resources quickly."

Amy, the one we had been following this entire time, would also sigh as a guilty look plagued her face.

"I know. I know. "It looks like we will have to take a risk and move."

A look of shock appeared on the face of the man who was talking to Amy before it changed into one of understanding and concern.

"Alright. We`ve survived this long thanks to you, so I'll trust you and will make sure evreyone is ready to go."

Amy nodded.

"Thanks Finn."