
Jaakobah, child of greed, also the most inconsequential servant of the 7 Lords. But that wasn't the person my mother named me after. "Who is this Jaakobah and the 7 Lords' ' you may ask? Well you see: It happened back in about 120,000 years ago. There were many stories of people visiting the "City in the Clouds, Glastoria". It was told that if one shall enter they must showcase their talents to the head council which had seven members and each had the role to assist one of the 7 Lord's of Glastoria, also known as the founding fathers. But of all the wonderful councilors, one in particular was always so acrimonious, Jaakobah. Everyone always found it strange why he was always so rude and out of tune with everyone, being an oppressive being. But even so, everyone must respect him because he was strong and a good strategist.

Eventually the leaders of Glastoria held a meeting concluding with an ideology that no matter how strong Jaakobah may be, someone with the status of a head council must be leading and put his people before himself, which he no longer comprehended. It was difficult but the Lord's all had the opinion, a leader like Jaakobah who is full of hatred and jealousy towards the mortals and even creatures of magic, can lead Glastoria to catastrophic war, falling to its demise. And so he was demoted, then eventually banished from Glastoria.

Jaakobah was always driven to be number 1 of the head councils, but seeing how it was no longer possible, it later on turned to hate and swiftly transitioned to revenge. It was then that the 7 Lords had a report from one of the assistant's that Jaakobah had shown signs lurking in the city. And so they devised a plan to capture Jaakobah and imprisoned him but unfortunately little did they know, they had caught him too late. He had already entered in the use of dark magic just as the clairvoyant had predicted. The oracle had said to not place that boy in the counselor seat because he carried the mark of a demonic worshiper. A demonic worshiper has a unique black aura infused with white aura because although they're doing evil they believe that what they are doing is good. Unfortunately by the time that the 7 Lords had started the ritual to prohibit the entrance of Jaakobah from Glastoria (because they had to disinfuse the link between the lord and Jaakobah so that he won't be able to hold partially of the power a demigod) his contract between Mammon, the son of the fallen angel, Satan, had already been fulfilled.

That fateful day was then the start of "Blessings's War" due to the immense destruction which brought the beautiful, enchanted Glastoria to the brink of destruction.

It has also proven that with the right amount of danger can also bring races of many kind together to fight for the home they love. Demons, Succubus, and other dark creatures against the humans, elves, and other creatures of the light, including the 7 lords had fought in this war.

Many earthlings claim that the war between both sides was so intense that the waters and lands shook from every strike and shout. And when there were tears being shed, sharp heavy rain would fall from the gray swirling sky and when there was too much for the earth to carry it would try to stabilize itself by rising waves and waves of tsunamis, going so far to touch deserts forming beaches.

The battles lasted for 34 days and during the battle 3 of the 7 lords were lost. Kairo, the Knight, Anthanaise, ruler of the Sunlign ( people of the sun who worship Amaterasu Ōmikami), and Charmayanne, the magical physician. Not to mention the 4,387 beings of light including 7 million mortals that died. When so many, including the greats were lost, and so was hope. Has Jaakobah really accomplished what so many have failed to do? Doubt had grown on top of everyone like moles and later it was as though the air was becoming thin and suffocating. Depression then weakened their strength and weapons started to break. But in the stillness and silence of the battlefield, there were still swords hitting, clicking and slashing, defeating the enemy at hand by one single man. Many had stared and wondered where the light in that man was coming from? If not, then is he that very light himself? A shimmer of faith flashed in the good beings eyes. 

"…W-what is his name…?" a quivering voice asked.

"Carwyn Edel Verlice", indeed it was him. The weakest of the 7 lords yet he has proven at that moment that he was the strongest. He had refused to give up at the hands of the wrong dowers when so many lives have been sacrificed. Tears of loved ones had shed, it was time to fight…and so they did. And the moment that the last weapon, a hammer, rose from the ground, Blessing (the god of that universe) had felt Sr. Verlice's holy magic surging out to him. And so he descended.

"Oh my, I do not recall leaving my world in such a state. Therefore I will not show amnesty, Mammon".

An enchanted voice, neither masculine nor feminine, had stopped everyone's attention at the war. Their gaze then shifted to his figure, a figure that defined perfection and embodied light. Blessing had then ripped a piece of his garment and shredded it to seven pieces.

"I will now give my creation a sixth gift. First came the universe then came upond a world, my world was filled with wonderful creatures but felt as though it was deficient—incomplete, so I placed humans. The humans were shells so I filled those shells with vehemence, ardor, sediment, anguish, or in other words, emotions. Eventually everything became stable except for the evil creatures that developed overtime therefore I placed the 7 Lords. And now I shall place 7 fragments with a piece of me. When evil should ever come, apart from today, they will find their way here. And when their job is done they shall return to their realm that I have assigned them accordingly and condon". 

"አስማትን እንደ ህግ እዘጋለሁ. Loki በሩን ዘጋሁት"።

(I enclose the enchantment as a law. Loki, I shut the door).

Blessing then left the fragments and ascended to the multiverse of LERP (Leisure, Eternity, Remembrance, and Peace). By the time the war resumed the very thought of victory was already guaranteed.Eventually they won and locked all of the remaining enemies (including Jaakobah) in Tátaros. And after everything Glastoria, also magic itself, was never heard of nor spoken of again. Slowly shifting to the present day. 

As the morning sun rises higher, so does Brain's consciousness. He opened his protuberant eyes scrutinizing the area, quivering and clenching his bruised arms around his wet heavy clothes. A river was just right across from his damped boots and the forest was silent with only the voices of birds singing. Brian tries his best to stabilize his breathing pattern and concentration of thought. But nothing is working. So he came to a conclusion to just scream for help but that was not what his body responded to.

The one word he did not think would be yelled was a name. A strange name that he had never heard of. No one came, but luckily after that confusing moment he had he finally calmed down. He stood up feeling groggy and sores pining at various locations of his body. He knew had a job, a mission but first he had to find the nearest city and figure out who he was. The first order of business was to leave the forest so once again he shouted:

"Hello!? Is anyone there"?

 He paused and thought of another way to find help. He shouted that name one more time:

Carwyn Oswal! Are you here?

Appearing from behind the trees was a boy in his middle teens. He slowly approaches Brian as if he were a disease. The boy's hazel eyes went up and down scanning Brian thoroughly. He gave a cautious but nasty look. 

"Who are you? And why have you called my name"?

At that moment, things were changing and so was the world. On the other side Carwyn was not the only one that was found, an evil is also honing his weapons and yet no one knows.

To Be Continued…