Kidnapped (2)

Alex opened his eyes and saw himself standing on top of what seemed to be a body of water covered by a light layer of glass.

He could see his reflection just fine — toned body, white hair, and a dull facial expression.

He sighed at his own image and then looked up. Glancing around, he noticed that he wasn't alone — there were group of people, a hundred... Rather, a thousand of headless figures standing all around him while he was on the middle.

As he looked at them, he tried to figure out who or what they were but his mind was blurry, his head became suddenly empty.

One stepped forward. From the shape of its body, one could tell that it was a female, and another stepped forward, a man.

The female stretched out her hand and unconsciously, Alex did the same. Their hands joined and Alex was able to see memories belonging not just to the female but to every single figure there.