The demons agreement

Waking up again starting the causal day I always been through, being the daughter of the king of lythra had Maids all over me, my room so very elegant but the only thing was my sister and father, Clervae and Sarak. I was the hated child ever since my mother died from giving birth to me. I had planned a escape but I did the unthinkable and waited for my father to assign me a marrige so i didn't have to go through the trouble, We had our ups and down with the city of Acaria as the rumors state demons lie deep in the city. I believe my father would send me there as he wanted me to suffer just like my mother did. I looked in the mirror only to see my dark red hair flowing covering the scars on my shoulders from being mistreated by my own kind, but deep within me I told myself "Valine, you will be free soon. Free from the haunted people around you." I got called away from my chambers after hearing I was needed for a important meeting. I put on a elegant, detailed black dress decorated with flowers going down on my small but secure shoulder lace.

Once I stepped one foot in the meeting room I could already feel a dark,heavy presence around the room I thought it was simply my fathers aura, but when I looked up it was a devils, I assumed he was from Acaria meaning I might have a chance of marrying this man but he didn't look as if he had power moreover, like a bodyguard or a messenger. My father looked at me with a deadly glance telling me to sit down just with his eyes, before I could even sit down I felt a even more deadly aura coming from behind me, when I turned around I was faced to the most powerful demon in all Acaria, The Prince himself, Sire was before me as I sat there dumbfounded at his amazing appearance. He had deep red eyes with a masculine shape with tattoos all over his body, neck down. His glance was enough to make a mere human kneel before him. Everyone in the room including me lowered there head to him in greeting him trying not to ruin his mood that was already burning to burst hanging by a mere thread, wrong move.. he looked as if he could kill at most 100 people all alone.

He glanced at me quickly as I looked away remembering even my own dad had a deep hatred for me….so maybe the prince would to as I probably looked like a mere piece of glass he could break with just a vital touch. I felt the scars all over my body…though he couldn't see them, they were starting to hurt for some reason. I didn't know but the prince saw my utter movement of pain that came out by accident, I knew most of my major scars where healed rather than the smaller ones my father knew to keep my body elegant as I would be the person to withstand a heir in my own stomach.

Suddenly the bearable sound of silence was broken by my father once again greeting the prince. "Prince Sire I would like you to meet my lovely daughter, Valine. She is a beautiful princess that I think would be great to lead your community alongside with you." I knew he was lying on the spot when he said i was a beautiful princess as he called me a ugly bitch… while beating me with a stick with thorns on it. I got used to embracing that I, myself was ugly but not accordingly the prince responded,"King Sarak I do understand that you want me to marry your daughter but do you mind telling me some background information about her before I make this decision", I didn't know what those fire,red eyes had wanted to know about me, I could feel him staring at me with those eyes even though he calmed down I could feel his glances at me, while he looked me up and down with a deep like hunger in his eyes I was unknown of as I simply heard my father have a long speech about me " Well my daughter here, Valine is 27 she has a sister Clervae who is 21, Valine is like a goddess when it comes to dancing,archery and cooking, she is top placing number 2 in academic level higher than all 17 prince and princess's in the land of lythra. I hope this is enough information for you to be able to agree to marry my daughter,Valine." I was shocked that my own father that hated me remembered all my skills and level in academic! I was shocked to even think that this was my father.

Weirdly, trapped in my mind and thoughts this whole time it dawned on me that I was marrying a beast not joking, an actual beast , I had to stop myself from trembling as I was to caught up in listening rather than comprehending, who I was marrying. I felt a little calmer thinking the prince of Acaria wouldn't agree as I knew he also had a hatred for women that came his way, but that didn't explain why he looked at me with hunger like i was a exception just for him, still in my thoughts i got snapped out as I heard the prince say "I think ill accept your proposal" while smirking at me as if he read my thoughts.

Slowly starting to tremble as I heard his response.

-RENEX <3-