
-Side notes(vampires and demons are in the land of Acaria combined, they formed a alliance long ago but vampires hate humans, some demons don't like humans but not all. Valine has abusive ex that is the leader of a gang. Sire couldn't use his powers with her because she is human such as teleportation.(if he does she will have major side effects)Sire does drink blood but only at night And only needs a small amount. They are married by contract) enjoy the story!

2days later

we arrived at the side of the castle and I was so shocked because his castle was so huge. Actually bigger than my fathers! "OH!"

I started trembling like crazy when I saw someone sucking a maids blood in the grassland of the village. My husband pulled me in a straddling position as he crawled up my dress with his hand and rubbed my back in a circular motion, calming me down.

'Mmm I love the way your body reacts when I touch you baby." I shiver with pleasure at his response,

though I was still scared I nuzzled my head in his shoulder. "Baby does this calm you down?" He said.

"uhm..y-yes my b-back is s..sensitive and this m-makes..me..sleepy"

"They wont hurt you darling, you belong to me. Your mine, do you understand baby?"

I just nodded my head that was still buried in his muscular shoulders. "Uh do you h-have any uh boundaries, like s-something you d..don't want me t-to do" I wondered if he would be offended in anyway but instead he didn't seem like that at all

"Mm…no darling just don't lie to me don't be scared to tell me the truth my love."

"O-okay thats fine"

"Are you comfortable with speaking to others yet? I understand if your not, and if you can only speak to certain people."

"No! Pl-please I don't want to speak to an-anyone" I say quickly, and raised my head off his body.

I think I can talk regularly in-front of him if I try hard enough.

"Hmm well who do you want to talk to, you have to take baths and put on clothes and I bet your gonna need help."

I wanted to ask him to do it but I knew that's just a weird question. I saw his eyes turn a deep shade of red. What was he doing?

He looks as me with glimmering eyes after they turned back to normal " It's not a weird question darling I'm your husband now, ill do it. if you want to practice talking to me normally you can if that can ease your lingering thought." Did he just read my mind?! At this point I might as-well get used to it. I started by asking a easy question to see if I can overcome my small fear.

"How….tall are you?

"Mm around 6,7" Im just now realizing how small I must be to him. "Im…sorry" I only told him before

I looked down. " What the fuck are you sorry for its nothing to be sorry about." He looked at me with questioning eyes, after pulling my head back up I told him clear. "I must be very…small to you…which might not be to….your liking..as I'm guessing you don't like…w-weak women."

He mumbles something I couldn't quite hear.

He looked at me before kissing me passionately. He try's to put his tongue in but i didn't give him access. "Are you not ready my love? We are 20 minutes from the castle, let me show you how much of a woman you are to me" I just look at his lips for a moment before pushing my hands on his shoulders making him hit the carriage wall with his body. Im practically pinning him in a straddling position.

He looks at me with a burning fire in his eyes. "Do you want me to take back over my little brave baby" My cheeks turned red at his comment. These names,his voice,everything is just perfect to me..

I shake my head after thinking about what I will do next. I decided to give in, I just hopes he doesn't

break my heart like my father and Dennis.

she closed the space, their lips meeting in a tender and passionate kiss. Time seemed to stand still as their mouths moved in perfect harmony, exchanging both patience and love. She was happy with the result but before she could pull away Sire grabbed her head and pushed her deeper their tongue getting more intertwined each second.

"Mmm..Sire let me breathe" just that one sentence caused him to let go "Sorry if I pushed you to far, I wont do it again" before looking away from her

Tears threatening to come out my eyes, as I tried to hold them back. "D-did…I..do..so-som- something w…wrong? Tears coming out my eyes, I put up my wall back up that was broken down by him. I wont let it happen again. My heart can't take another heartbreak. I get off of him and ramble to the other side of the carriage trying to cover my tears coming out like a waterfall.

Sire looked at me quickly panicked like he didn't know what to do or say. "No! Fuck!…Don't cry baby I didn't mean to upset you. I just said that because I thought I was going to fast with you. Please don't cry over this! I would kiss you day and night if I could!" I looked up at him still defensive, he could tell my wall was back up but this time I wouldn't let him break it down….but maybe this one time since it was a misunderstanding but I wont talk to him for now.

"Baby please forgive me..Give me anything you want, a scar,a condition,promise anything for you to forgive me baby" -Sire's thoughts- She was the only woman id do this for and I knew it when i first met her again standing all sexy in her black dress with red hair and those almost yellow eyes she was so beautiful and so my type and her personality just adds on. I love a challenge an thats what she was giving me. I knew it would take a while for her to open up and trust me but I really fucked up. I didn't think that she would act like this. I had to fix it. Anything to do it, I already feel shattered without her in my arms straddling me. Don't get me started when she pinned me..Damn…she was hot to me the hottest woman I ever met. Id die for her right now and it hasn't been that long, yes I'm a tad bit attached and obsessive but, with her Id flip the world over. Now I blew it I didn't want to read her mind but I'm tempted..ill wait for her to think of a punishment. I hope its not to harsh because I need her touch right about now. —

I wanted to give him a scar not just any scar..a hickey and some other things ill make him say a promise to me and maybe a condition just to put my mind at ease. I didn't want to talk to him but how else was I supposed to tell him my condition. My plan was to give him maybe 5 hickeys, my condition was to stay loyal to me and don't fall for other women. Thats all nice and simple.

I walked towards him and decided to change it up we arrived at the castle and I heard men outside "THE ALL MIGHTY PRINCE IS BACK" cheers and screams could be heard

"Y-you will carry me bridal style and k-kiss me in-front of everyone but thats not a-all."

"Wow..haha thats easy baby. I want you to beware of the daughter of Elladon though she has liked me for almost 10 months now I avoid her but she appears out of nowhere and is annoying so be careful"

"Your first punishment isn't really a punishment thought darling."

"Y-yes..yes it is! Now d-do it!" My cheeks turn a bright red, before I feel a pair of strong arms lift me up.

He was doing it.. I closed my eyes before feeling the strong breeze outside.


We paused unexpectedly still in the walkway into the castle. His lips were on mine for about 2 seconds before walking all the way into the castle


When he carried me into the castle it was already damn near night, my estimate was about 7:00 pm or 8:00

Right now it was about 65 people inside the castle, mostly in maid attire, some were cooks and everything, he had the whole pack. My body started to react by instinct, trembling without anyone noticing. Sire kissed my head and spoke.

"Everyone this is my wife Valine Maraende and she shall be treated with the same respect you give me as this is now her home I expect you guys to make her feel like it. As of now I will be taking care of her for the next month or so.Does everyone understand?

"YES SIR PRINCE!" We walked up the stairs as I looked at the interior it was so modern for a demon's home or let me correct that a vampire and demon's home.

We where in the room