Chapter 6: Which newlywed couple sleeps in separate rooms? _1

Elder sister or younger sister?

Chu Jiaxue's eyes suddenly became two degrees colder, and the disdain in her heart instantly expanded.

Seeing that he cannot marry me, he wants to hit on my elder or younger sister?

You're really disgusting!

Chu Jiaxue replied coldly: "No, I'm my parents' only daughter."


Then why do Gu Yuexi and Chu Jiaxue look so alike, just like twins? What a coincidence!

Lin Chen found it strange, but since Chu Jiaxue was ignoring him, he didn't ask any further. Anyway, as long as he could stick out for three months and get the jade pendant, it would be enough!

No point in talking when opinions don't match. Chu Jiaxue didn't speak to Lin Chen anymore and turned around to go home, her figure graceful. Because she was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, her long white legs looked even more slender.

Lin Chen watched Chu Jiaxue's legs, couldn't help but mutter, "tsk tsk, there are so many beautiful women with long white legs. Gu Yuexi is one of them, and now Chu Jiaxue. However, it's a pity that these two women are destined to have nothing to do with me."

Back in the room, Chu Baisen sat on the sofa, scanning his eyes back and forth on their faces, looking forward expectantly: "How was your chat?"

Chu Jiaxue sat next to Chu Baisen, holding his arm, and chuckled lightly, "Pretty good."

Chu Baisen was immediately delighted: "So, will you get the marriage certificate tomorrow?"

Chu Jiaxue nodded briskly, "Sure!"

Chu Baisen stared at Lin Chen: "Xiao Lin, you don't have any objections, do you?"

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "Jiaxue is so beautiful. I'm so happy to marry her."

Chu Baisen looked at Chu Jiaxue affectionately: "Little Xue's parents passed away early, and I'm getting old. I don't know when I'll close my eyes and never wake up again. I don't care about anything else, but I'm just worried about Little Xue. If I'm gone, she won't have anyone to take care of her. Now that you're there, Xiao Lin, I'm completely relieved and have nothing to worry about."

Chu Jiaxue's eyes reddened slightly: "Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about? You'll definitely live a long life."

Chu Baisen laughed, "Yes, I want to see you two get married and have children. Haha, Xiao Lin, she's my only granddaughter. You're a capable man, so the old man doesn't have any other requests. Just protect Little Xue no matter what storms you face in the future."

This sounded a bit strange, as if he were making a deathbed confession?

Playing his part completely, Lin Chen naturally agreed with a smile: "Once we're married, Jiaxue will be my wife, and I will naturally protect her!"

Chu Baisen laughed heartily: "Good, with your words, I'm relieved. Xiao Lin, tonight let's have a good drink during dinner!"


Chu Baisen might have really put down a big stone in his heart. That night, he didn't drink much but was genuinely happy, showing a contented and pleased expression.

Lin Chen slept in the guest room, and as he was about to rest, Chu Jiaxue knocked on the door and entered with two printed contracts in her hand.

"Sign it."

Lin Chen took the contract and glanced over it briefly, which was generally the content they discussed during the day.

Without any hesitation, Lin Chen signed one of the contracts and stamped his fingerprints.

After signing, Chu Jiaxue snorted coldly, turned around, and left. Lin Chen stopped her: "Jiaxue..."

Chu Jiaxue stopped, turned around, and stared at Lin Chen with a cold face and wary eyes.

Lin Chen laughed bitterly, "I just wanted to remind you that after getting the marriage certificate, we will be legally married. If you treat me like this every day, we won't be able to carry on the act. Also, I have no problem sleeping in the guest room tonight, but after getting the marriage certificate, I can't always sleep in the guest room, right?"

Chu Jiaxue's face changed abruptly, and she remembered indeed she had forgotten this point before.

Which newlyweds sleep in separate rooms?

Would she have to sleep in the same room with this disgusting man for three months?

Chu Jiaxue's mind was suddenly in chaos!

On the other hand, Lin Chen just laughed lightly, not caring, and turned to go to the guest room to sleep.The next morning, Lin Chen and Chu Jiaxue got their marriage certificate.

Chu Baisen was naturally overjoyed, looking at the marriage certificate over and over again before asking Lin Chen, "Xiao Lin, now that you're back from the military, what are your plans for the future?"

Lin Chen casually replied, "I'll look for a job later."

Chu Baisen laughed and said, "We have our own company. You don't need to go find a job elsewhere. Xiao Xue, arrange a senior executive position for Xiao Lin in the company."

Chu Jiaxue's eyes widened, a look of resistance on her face.

She was already annoyed with him at home, would she not be bothered to death if she worked with him? And what if he talks nonsense in the company and ruins her reputation?

She couldn't speak up to refute, so she could only give Lin Chen a hint to refuse.

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "Grandpa, I only served in the army before, I have no idea about company management. If you let me be a senior executive, it would be embarrassing and I will be criticized by others."

Chu Jiaxue chimed in, "Grandpa, you're well aware of the situation in the company. Those people are trying to make trouble for me. If I promote Lin Chen to a senior executive position, they will definitely use it to attack me."

Chu Baisen frowned, "Exactly because you're in a difficult situation now, I wanted Xiao Lin to help you share the pressure. The company is so big, how could it not accommodate one more person! Not every position requires professional skills. Enough said, it's settled!"

Lin Chen helplessly spread his hands towards Chu Jiaxue, making an 'I tried my best' expression.

Chu Jiaxue was choked with anger, but couldn't object.

After dinner, under the old man's personal intervention, Lin Chen moved into the master bedroom.

Once the old man left, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward.

Chu Jiaxue sat on the edge of the bed, her fists clenched lightly with a slightly unnatural look on her face.

She had never been alone with a man for so long...

After a while of silence, Lin Chen took the initiative to speak, "The room is quite spacious, I can sleep on the floor."

Chu Jiaxue ignored Lin Chen, got up, opened the wardrobe, took out a quilt, and made a bed on the floor. She calmly said, "You sleep on the bed, I sleep on the floor."

After saying this, Chu Jiaxue lay down directly on the floor, turned her back to Lin Chen, leaving him a beautiful slender figure.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, not being pretentious, "Alright, then I'll take a shower... Can I use the master bathroom?"

Chu Jiaxue was silent for a few seconds, then hummed her agreement.

Lin Chen walked into the bathroom with his change of clothes, suddenly stopped, and looked a little strange at the sight before him.

In front of him, a black lace bra hung boldly on the rack.

It had a beautiful design.

Lin Chen cleared his throat, "Jia Xue, your...clothes."

Chu Jiaxue's face suddenly flushed red, all the way to the base of her neck. She quickly got up, rushed into the bathroom, grabbed the bra and glared at Lin Chen standing by the door, weakly scolding, "Don't think about anything!"

Chu Jiaxue hid her bra and lay down again, her face burning hot.

At this moment, the sound of splashing water came from the bathroom. Because of the earlier incident, Chu Jiaxue couldn't help but think of Lin Chen bathing in her bathroom, maybe he was having dirty thoughts or doing something indecent...

Chu Jiaxue's heart was in turmoil.

After Lin Chen finished his shower, dried his hair, and put on a T-shirt and shorts, he returned to the bed and looked at Chu Jiaxue, who was pretending to be asleep, with an amused smile.

Any normal woman would choose to sleep on the bed and let the man sleep on the floor, but she readily gave the bed to herself.

This woman may seem cold and distant, but she's reasonable and has her own pride.

Her pride doesn't come from being a beautiful woman, but from her rational heart.

Lin Chen hadn't dried his hair properly, so he leaned against the head of the bed and played with his phone. As he did, Chu Jiaxue on the floor suddenly spoke softly, "Can you not use the bathtub...?"