Chapter 7: I Am the Insider _1

Lin Chen was stunned, it seemed like she was negotiating?

"Fine, I'll just use the shower."

Chu Jiaxue sighed in relief. She didn't have an obsession with cleanliness, but the thought of another man lying in her bathtub made her feel uncomfortable.

Lin Chen didn't know what she was thinking, and after pondering for a moment, said, "Since we've signed the contract, I'll abide by it and complete this cooperation. As the master of this place, I'll respect your wishes and won't do anything you don't allow."

Chu Jiaxue responded with a grunt, "Grandpa said to appoint you as a senior executive, but that would be too eye-catching and cause me a lot of trouble. We're not a real married couple, so I don't plan to do that. Do you have any objections?"

Lin Chen laughed, "No objections, your decision is final."

Chu Jiaxue asked, "Which department do you want to go to?"

Lin Chen casually replied, "It doesn't matter, I'll be leaving in three months anyway, so it's best to have a laid-back position where I can just idle the days away."

Chu Jiaxue replied with annoyance, "Where would the company keep idle people? You can be a security guard if you want, will you do it?"

Lin Chen laughed, "A veteran becoming a security guard, quite suitable, isn't it? I have no problem with it."

Chu Jiaxue was momentarily speechless. She'd said it in anger, but she didn't expect Lin Chen to actually agree.

No ambition!


Chu Jiaxue's thoughts quickly labeled Lin Chen several times, but she couldn't really dare to assign him as a security guard. If her grandfather found out, he would definitely scold her.

After some thought, Chu Jiaxue said, "Go to the Sales Department. Salespeople don't need special skills; their management is relatively relaxed, suitable for you to be lazy."


Hearing Lin Chen agree readily, Chu Jiaxue sighed in relief again.

This guy seemed to be quite reasonable, after all.

It's just that his character was bad, peeping at a woman's chest. Hmph, pervert!


"Lin Chen, print these out."

"Lin Chen, the water dispenser is empty, change the water."

"Lin Chen, deliver these reports to the Finance Department."

After half a day, Lin Chen sat in his chair and sent a message to Chu Jiaxue.

"Jiaxue, what's up with this Sales Department? Why do I feel like I'm being targeted?"

Chu Jiaxue: "I forgot to tell you that the Sales Department Director, Dong Yunjiang, is from the Qian Family. The Qian family is the second-largest shareholder of the company, incompatible with the Chu Family. I informed the Human Resources Department, and they must have treated you as one of my people."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes speechlessly. No wonder he had been targeted by Team Leader Sun Hao and an old employee as soon as he joined Sales Team 8. It turned out that he had been made a scapegoat!

"Aren't you setting me up?"

Chu Jiaxue: "If you can't stand it, you can resign, but you have to explain to my grandfather."

Can't stand it?

What a joke!

Who am I scared of?

In the afternoon, old employee Chen Hai came over with a few folders and slammed them on Lin Chen's desk, "Lin Chen, help me input these reports in the computer."

Lin Chen was playing with his mobile phone with his legs crossed and glanced at Chen Hai, "I'm busy, no time."

Chen Hai was startled. What was wrong with this kid? Wasn't he obedient in the morning?

Trying to rebel?

Chen Hai sternly said, "You just arrived and know nothing. These tasks can help you get familiar with your position quickly."Lin Chen smiled: "I don't need it."

Chen Hai threatened: "These files must be entered into the system before the end of today's work, otherwise, you'll bear the consequences."

Lin Chen slightly narrowed his eyes and stared at Chen Hai, shaking his mobile phone: "Bear the consequences? Fine, why don't I call General Manager Chu and ask her if an employee with insufficient ability should have an assistant to do their job? Also, since I, the new employee, am helping the old employee with his work, can I get his salary too..."

Chen Hai's face changed abruptly, and his eyes softened instantly.

"You know General Manager Chu?"

Lin Chen stood up straight, coldly staring at Chen Hai: "Isn't it because I was arranged by General Manager Chu to come here that you all target me? So do you think I know her or not?"

Chen Hai's heart went cold, sweat broke out on his forehead, he hurriedly picked up the folders on the table, and showed a reluctant smile.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. I really wanted to help you familiarize yourself with the business quickly. Since you don't want to, forget it. I'll do it myself… "

Lin Chen sneered, no need to test anymore. I am indeed a relation-based employee!

Chen Hai left in a dejected manner and then went into Sun Hao's office. Shortly after, Sun Hao came to Lin Chen's side with a cold face, holding a folder.

"Since you refuse Chen Hai's help, you must already be familiar with the business. It's not realistic for you to expand the market as a newcomer. This folder contains the full set of information on the medical equipment we sell and an existing client list. You just follow the client list and try to do your job. I don't expect much, just complete a task before the end of this month, and it will be considered a successful probation. Otherwise, go back to where you came from! Sales Team 8 wants sales elites, not slackers who get by and rely on minimum wages!"

This is an attack.

Lin Chen took a lazy glance at the folder and said indifferently: "Fine, just put it there."

Sun Hao's face turned ugly: "Lin Chen, please correct your attitude. I am assigning you a task!"

Lin Chen moved his gaze from the mobile phone screen and looked up at Sun Hao, his eyes full of ridicule.

"The clients in there, they're all tough nuts for you guys to crack, right? You just want me to fail the business and get me to leave, right? How come you still expect me to respect you after all the targeting? You're daydreaming."

Lin Chen's words were like a slap on Sun Hao's face, and Sun Hao's face turned livid, feeling the burning sensation!

Yes, I targeted you, I made things difficult for you, and I want to drive you away. But can these things be said openly?

There are also two subordinates watching!

"If you can get orders, you can stay. If not, just get lost! Even if it goes to General Manager Chu'sattention, our company doesn't keep idlers!"

With a green face, Sun Hao finished and left without waiting for Lin Chen to respond, secretly determined to drive this guy away. Otherwise, what's left of his authority as team leader?

After Sun Hao left, Lin Chen picked up the folder, flipped through it, and handed it to the young man next to him wearing glasses.

"Gao Feng, do me a favor and have a look, how difficult is it?"

The young man glanced at Sun Hao's office, took the folder, looked through it, and then handed it back, his gaze containing a hint of sympathy.

"I joined not long ago as well, and I don't know everything about this list. However, I've approached a few of the clients before, and the difficulty is... quite high. I didn't make it."

Gao Feng's words were conservative, but Lin Chen understood.

He was right. These are all tough nuts to crack, or even clients that can't be approached at all.

Lin Chen understood and took out a cigarette, tossing one to Gao Feng: "Thanks, have one."

Gao Feng caught the cigarette, thanked him, but didn't smoke it; instead, he put it aside.

He was somewhat worried about Lin Chen. This guy was obviously a thorn in the side and might not last long.

Lin Chen didn't care. Instead, he thought Gao Feng was a nice person and could help out when he had the chance.

As Lin Chen was smoking, his phone rang.

It was Gu Yuexi.

"Tomorrow is my grandpa's acupuncture session. Are you free?"

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "Since I've got the money, of course, I'm free."

"Alright, come by my house tomorrow morning."
