Chapter 8: You are Worthy to be My Teacher_1

After hanging up Gu Yuexi's call, Lin Chen idled away until it was time to get off work. He was planning to go out and buy a set of silver needles, but received a call from Wen Yu'an again.

Wen Yu'an invited him to have tea, expressing gratitude for his help the other day, and also mentioned having some unresolved confusion he'd like to consult Lin Chen about.

Lin Chen thought about it and agreed.

Back at the Chu family residence, Lin Chen had to pretend to be an affectionate couple with Chu Jiaxue in front of Old Master Chu, which was very awkward. It would be better to take this opportunity to stay out a little longer and return later, wouldn't it?

There must be silver needles at Wen Yu'an's place, and Lin Chen could just borrow a suitable set when the time came.

Lin Chen took a taxi to Wen Yu'an's medical clinic. At the moment, in a private room on the second floor of the clinic, two people were sitting - Wen Yu'an and her granddaughter, Wen Qiaoqiao.

Wen Qiaoqiao was about seventeen or eighteen, with a small melon seed face and a petite figure, but with proud curves on her chest. She had a standard Lolita face and an enchanting body. She wore a simple white T-shirt, black shorts, and sneakers, full of youthful vigor.

"Is Miss Wen also studying medicine?"

Wen Yu'an laughed, "No, she has just finished her college entrance examination. Her parents are on a business trip abroad, so she is here to stay with me for a while... Mr. Lin, you can call her Qiaoqiao."

Wen Qiaoqiao curiously asked, "Mr. Lin, my grandpa said that your medical skills are even better than his. Is that true?"

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "That's just your grandpa being modest. You mustn't take his words seriously."

Wen Yu'an laughed, "I'm not being modest here. Although I have only seen Mr. Lin perform acupuncture once and prescribe medicine once, it's enough to prove that he's much better than this old man."

Wen Qiaoqiao's eyes suddenly brightened, as she had never heard her grandfather praise someone in the field of medicine so highly before. However, she still had some doubts in her heart, after all, the Lin Chen in front of her was too young.

Just at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door downstairs. A patient had arrived.

Wen Yu'an, Lin Chen, and Wen Qiaoqiao heard the noise and stopped having tea. They went down from the second floor.

At the entrance of the clinic, a middle-aged man in his forties was walking in front, followed by two bodyguards supporting a silver-haired old man in his sixties.

The silver-haired old man had a flushed face, rapid breathing, leaned weakly on the bodyguards, and kept his eyes closed, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Wen Yu'an's face changed slightly, "Mr. Mo!"

The middle-aged man spoke in a deep voice, "Hurry up and treat him. Cure my father, and I'll reward you with a million."

"Let him lie down first."

After the old man lay down, Wen Yu'an began to diagnose and treat him, frowning deeply.

The middle-aged man asked, "How is it?"

Wen Yu'an's face was solemn, "Qi and blood are disordered, and the five internal organs are damaged. Is this an internal injury?"

The middle-aged man's face showed a hint of joy, "Yes, can you treat it?"

Wen Yu'an gave a bitter smile, "I have no confidence in treating this kind of internal injury, but I can only give it my best try."

The middle-aged man's face suddenly darkened, "Dr. Wen, you are a famous doctor in the world. How can you only try your best? If you can't cure him, I'll find another famous doctor. Don't delay my father's condition!"

Wen Yu'an's expression changed slightly, and he was caught in a dilemma.

Who could guarantee a hundred percent success in treating patients?

Just as Wen Yu'an was caught in a dilemma, Lin Chen suddenly spoke up with a cold tone, "I've seen people seeking medical treatment for life prolongation, but I've never seen anyone threatening a doctor for it. Today, I've expanded my horizons!"

The middle-aged man's cold gaze fell on Lin Chen, "Who are you?"

Wen Yu'an snapped out of it, and seeing Lin Chen standing beside him, his eyes brightened. How could he have forgotten about Lin Chen!

Just because he couldn't do it didn't mean Lin Chen couldn't!

Wen Yu'an hurriedly introduced, "Mr. Mo, this is Lin Chen. He is also a doctor."

The middle-aged man disdainfully glanced at Lin Chen and sneered, "A greenhorn who doesn't know the heights of heaven and the depths of the earth. There are many things you haven't seen."

After mocking Lin Chen, the middle-aged man looked at Wen Yu'an and said coldly, "It seems impossible. Dr. Wen, it seems there is a lot of water in the reputation of the Four Famous Doctors. It's just as well that Yu'an Pavilion is not open... Let's go!"

The middle-aged man turned and walked towards the door, while the two bodyguards hurriedly went to support the old man lying down.

Lin Chen spoke indifferently, "He probably has about fifteen minutes left to live."The middle-aged man suddenly stopped, turned his head, and stared coldly at Lin Chen, "Are you trying to scare me?"

Lin Chen pointed to the door, "The door is right there. No one is stopping you. You can leave!"

Wen Yu'an hurriedly tried to smooth things over, "Mr. Mo, Mr. Lin is extremely skilled in medicine, much better than me."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, looking skeptical, "Him?"

Wen Yu'an smiled bitterly. "Mr. Mo Senior is seriously injured. Even if you change places now, let alone finding a capable doctor, you can't afford to waste time. Although my medical skills are not as good as Mr. Lin's, and I can't accurately judge the time, based on my judgment, if the old man isn't treated quickly, I'm afraid he won't make it."

Only then did the middle-aged man really look at Lin Chen, "Can you cure my father?"

Lin Chen's face was indifferent, "Yes."

The middle-aged man frowned but quickly made a decision, "Please save my father. As long as he is cured, I'll give you 5 million!"

Lin Chen gave a cold smile, borrowed a set of silver needles from Wen Yu'an, and went directly to the bedside of the patient, unbuttoning the old man's clothes.

Lin Chen's needlework was as fast as the wind; in the blink of an eye, the old man's body was filled with silver needles.

As the silver needles fell, the old man's skin eerily turned red, and his face gradually reddened. He opened his mouth, gasping, seemingly wanting to cough, but couldn't.

Lin Chen quietly waited for about thirty seconds before helping the old man sit up, his right palm pressed against the man's back, slowly pushing upwards. He did this twice before changing his hand gesture and forcefully slapped him, making a 'pa' sound.


The old man let out a short sound, his body lunged forward, and he spewed out a large mouthful of foul air.

With the expulsion of the foul air, the old man's face and body quickly lost its redness, and his breathing became smooth.

Lin Chen helped the old man lie down, then picked up a pen and wrote a prescription, tossing it casually onto the table.

"He's fine for now. Just let him rest. Take this medicine three times a day, each prescription for two days, and continue for three rounds. His injuries will heal."

The middle-aged man's face showed joy, and he approached the bed, asking, "Dad, how do you feel?"

Although the old man's face was still pale, his breathing was steady, and his eyes were clear. He replied, "I'm fine, just couldn't breathe just now..."

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man finally let out a long sigh of relief. He turned and took out a bank card, speaking more politely, "Dr. Lin, thank you for saving my father. Here's 5 million, please accept it."

Lin Chen didn't reach out, speaking coldly, "No need for the money. Please leave, Yu'an Pavilion is too small to accommodate you big shots. Don't come again."

Wen Yu'an was surprised, looking at Lin Chen. That was 5 million! How could Lin Chen just refuse it casually?

More importantly, Lin Chen was actually standing up for Yu'an Pavilion and for himself!

Wen Qiaoqiao's eyes were shining brightly on the side as she looked at Lin Chen with undisguised admiration!

So manly!

So charming!

The middle-aged man frowned, clearly not expecting his 5 million to be refused, even more that he was bluntly rejected by Lin Chen!

"Do you know who I am? Talking to me like this?"

Lin Chen laughed.

"Is there a problem with how I'm speaking?"

The middle-aged man stared coldly at Lin Chen, "Do you know, with just one word, Yu'an Pavilion will have to close down tomorrow."

"And then what? I should fawn over you and be extremely respectful to you?"

Lin Chen smiled, looking disdainful, "I know you are either rich or powerful, or both. But so what? Did I eat your rice and have to look at your face?"

The middle-aged man's face instantly turned ugly, "Arrogant because of your talent! Dr. Lin, how do you know you won't need me someday?"

Lin Chen spoke lightly, "Beg, do you even know how to write this character? Do you understand its meaning? I won't die if I don't beg you, but you will watch your father die in front of you if you don't beg me. What can your billions do then?"

The middle-aged man's face grew even colder. He was in a high position and hadn't had anyone talk to him like this for a very long time.

He was about to speak when the old man behind him suddenly took a deep breath and spoke weakly, "Jun Wu, apologize!"