Chapter 9: Foolish! _1

The middle-aged man was stunned, and he turned his head in disbelief: "Dad..."

The old man glared at the middle-aged man: "Mr. Lin is the one who saved my life, and this is how you speak to someone who showed us kindness? Mr. Wen is a renowned doctor who has saved countless lives. Even if he can't cure my illness, it's my fate. There is no forcing a doctor to make a guarantee, if every patient were like you, which doctor would dare to treat anyone?"

The middle-aged man was scolded by the old man, not daring to retort, and whispered, "I'm just worried about you. Lin Chen saved you, and I have already given him a reward of five million. It's him who doesn't want it..."


The old man's voice was resolute, scolding without reservation: "I see you've been floating in the sky for too long and have forgotten how to interact with people normally!"

Although the middle-aged man was unwilling, he finally didn't dare to go against his father's words and turned to say: "Doctor Lin, Dr. Wen, I apologize for being rude in my haste to be concerned about my father's condition. Please forgive me."

Lin Chen calmly replied: "You all may leave."

The old man gestured to the bodyguards to stabilize him and insisted on bowing to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, I deeply apologize for any offense from my son. I am deeply grateful for you saving my life. Once my health recovers, I will visit you again."

Lin Chen's expression softened a little: "Old sir, please don't be so polite. You don't need to come back later. I am not from Yu'an Pavilion. I just happened to be here to buy a box of silver needles and helped out by chance."

The old man's expression showed a slight surprise, and then he took the card from the middle-aged man's hand and handed it over respectfully with both hands.

"Mr. Lin, your assistance today may have been a simple gesture for you, but to me, it was a true life-saving grace. Please accept this card. It's just a little consultation fee, a doctor who treats and saves people should accept fees, right?"

The old man's words were respectful, and you could tell he was genuinely grateful. As he handed it over so respectfully, Lin Chen didn't feel it was appropriate to refuse, so he accepted the card.

He had saved the old man's life, and he deserved the money without any guilt.

"Alright, I'll accept the card."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Wen Yu'an: "Mr. Wen, once my illness is cured, I will visit you to express my gratitude. There will be a generous gift!"

Wen Yu'an waved his hand: "Mr. Mo, you're too polite. I didn't do anything, so I don't deserve your thanks!"

The old man laughed: "If it wasn't for Mr. Wen, how would Mr. Lin be here? And if Mr. Lin wasn't here, I would be dead by now. Although I am over sixty-five, I still want to live a few more years."

The old man turned his head, took out a business card, and handed it to Lin Chen with both hands: "Mr. Lin, I am Mo Dahong, the Chairman of Hongxiang Group, and this is my son Mo Junwu. If you ever have any trouble or need anything in Pingjiang in the future, please feel free to call me."

"Alright, then I will thank Old Master Mo in advance!"

Although Lin Chen was very displeased with Mo Junwu, he couldn't help but appreciate Mo Dahong's excellent social skills, which made it difficult to dislike him.

After saying goodbye, Lin Chen asked Wen Yu'an for a set of silver needles and then left. Mo Junwu and his father also left by car.

"Dad, I admit that Lin Chen's medical skills are incredible, but is it necessary to go this far?"

Mo Junwu asked a question that had been on his mind for a long time in the speeding Mercedes-Benz.

Mo Dahong leaned on the back of the chair, staring at Mo Junwu with a faint hint of disappointment in his eyes: "How did I get injured?"

Mo Junwu answered: "You were attacked by an enemy."

Mo Dahong continued to ask: "What did he say?"

Mo Junwu hesitated for a moment and said: "He said that I should prepare for your funeral."

Mo Dahong sighed: "I was injured by a cultivator, and ordinary doctors can't treat me. As for going to the hospital for surgery, I might have been dead before I even entered the operating room. So that's why he told you to prepare for my funeral, he wanted me to experience the pain of death during this time."

"Wen Yu'an is known as one of the Four Famous Doctors, and this title is not in vain. He was helpless, but Lin Chen easily cured me. What does this mean?"

Mo Junwu subconsciously replied: "It means Lin Chen's medical skills are better than Wen Yu'an's?"


Mo Dahong scolded and said angrily: "Wen Yu'an's inability to cure me is not only because his medical skills are not good enough, the biggest reason is that he is an ordinary person, not a cultivator, he does not have inner qi, so he cannot dissolve my internal injuries in my five internal organs and six hollow organs."

Mo Junwu suddenly widened his eyes, surprised, and said: "Lin Chen is a cultivator?"Mo Dahong stared at the ignorant Mo Junwu and sighed, "My enemy is a cultivator. This time, he wanted to torture me and let me experience the pain before death, so he gave me a chance to live. But what about next time?"

Hearing Mo Dahong's words, Mo Junwu's face turned pale in an instant.

"Lin Chen can treat internal injuries, which indicates that he is also a cultivator. He is so young and already possesses inner qi. This means either he is exceptionally talented or he has a formidable master guiding him!"

"If my enemy failed today, he will definitely attack me again. As long as I am still alive, he won't give up!"

"Lin Chen saved my life today, and that's a favor as well as an opportunity. Through this incident, we might be able to befriend Lin Chen, or even ask him or the people behind him to help us solve our problems. Yet you, a fool, not only didn't take advantage of the situation to win him over, but also offended him. Do you really want me to die as soon as possible so you can take over Hongxiang entirely?"

Mo Junwu's face turned red and then pale, and he reluctantly said with a bitter smile, "Dad, you know I didn't mean that, I just..."

Mo Dahong interrupted Mo Junwu's words with a cold snort, "You just think you're rich and powerful, and superior to others. You think money can buy everything, but let me ask you, what role did money play when our enemy targeted me this time?"

Mo Junwu's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he sincerely apologized, "Dad, I was wrong!"

Mo Dahong sighed, "Junwu, remember that there are many people in this world whom we cannot afford to offend, not only the higher-level dignitaries, but also those cultivators. If you offend the dignitaries, at worst, you will lose money, but if you offend the cultivators, you will often lose your life. In their eyes, there is no distinction between the rich and the poor, only those they can and cannot kill since everyone has only one life."

Mo Junwu's cold sweat became even more intense, as he finally understood what a foolish thing he had done today.

"Dad, I'll go and apologize in person tomorrow."

"Not for now. He already has a prejudice against you, and even if you go to his door and apologize, he might not accept it. Tomorrow, give five million to Wen Yu'an as well and then inquire about Lin Chen, see what he does, and help him indirectly based on the situation."

Mo Dahong's old eyes were filled with the radiance of wisdom, gently guiding Mo Junwu.

Mo Junwu nodded seriously, "Dad, I understand. Don't worry, I know what to do."

Mo Dahong nodded, "Don't think about gains and losses, don't calculate profits. If you truly treat someone like Lin Chen as a friend, he will naturally treat you as one."

Of course, Lin Chen did not know about the conversation between the Mo family father and son. After returning to his place, he went to bed early.

The next morning, Lin Chen went to his appointment to give Old Master Gu acupuncture as scheduled.

"I'm here."

Lin Chen stood in front of a detached villa halfway up the mountain, admiring the surrounding scenery and thinking to himself that the Gu family was quite wealthy.

This villa must be worth at least tens of millions, right?

Gu Yuexi came out quickly, wearing a one-shoulder dress that accentuated her delicate collarbone. A platinum necklace pendant around her neck drew one's gaze subconsciously to her snowy cleavage, making her look charming and seductive.

Gu Yuexi frowned, "Why did you just arrive?"

Lin Chen asked curiously, "Didn't you say to be here at eleven? I'm very punctual."

Gu Yuexi pouted, "Fine, it's not that you arrived late, but someone arrived early."

Lin Chen laughed, "Who? Someone you don't like?"

Gu Yuexi didn't answer but walked over, took Lin Chen's arm, and whispered, "Let's go in. Just act naturally, and don't give yourself away."

Lin Chen lowered his head and glanced at their touching arms, feeling the soft touch on his elbow due to the light summer clothing.

Gu Yuexi noticed Lin Chen's gaze, her face flushed slightly, and she glared at Lin Chen fiercely, "Don't think nonsense, it's just an act for the people inside."

Lin Chen blinked, "The person inside... your suitor?"

Gu Yuexi pulled Lin Chen inside, "It's none of your business. Just remember that you're my boyfriend now and do what a boyfriend should do!"

As they were talking, the two entered the villa's living room. Gu Yuexi called out cheerfully, "Dad, Lin Chen is here!"

Before Lin Chen could speak, a young man sitting on the sofa suddenly stood up, staring intently at Lin Chen, or to be precise, at Lin Chen's elbow that was pressed against Gu Yuexi's chest, his eyes burning with jealousy.

"Xiaoxi, who is he!"