Chapter 10: You can't cheat me for a lifetime, right? _1


Lin Chen swept his gaze over the young man, feeling amused in his heart.

He had become a human shield.

Gu Yue Xi had no feelings towards the young man, and with rolling eyes, she introduced him nonchalantly, "Lin Chen, my boyfriend."


The young man's voice suddenly went up a few notches, but he quickly realized that his reaction was too intense. He tried to act nonchalant, "How come you suddenly have a boyfriend, I've never heard you mention him before. Could it be that you got someone to pretend just to deal with your uncle and aunt?"

You're so right about that!

Lin Chen inwardly laughed but wore a puzzled expression on his face, "Yue Yue, who is this…"

Gu Yue Xi introduced, "Wu Jiajun, this is Uncle Wu An, a friend of my dad and the chairman of Jian'an Real Estate. They are visiting Grandpa today."

Lin Chen understood immediately upon hearing this.

Wu An and Gu Hongtao were friends, Gu Hongtao had a daughter, and Wu An had a son. What else could be going on when they both came here together?

It was obviously to take a step further, turning friends into family!

Gu Hongtao seemed to be satisfied with Wu Jiajun and had such intentions, but Gu Yue Xi probably didn't care much about Wu Jiajun, so she used herself as a shield to cope with it.

Instead of answering Wu Jiajun's question, Gu Yue Xi turned her head to her father, "Dad, you talk first, I'll take Lin Chen to treat Grandpa."

Gu Hong Tao's face remained unchanging, his emotions unreadable, "Go ahead, Lin Chen, thank you."

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "We are family, there's nothing to be thankful for. Uncle, please take care of your guests, I'll give acupuncture to Grandpa."

Gu Hong Tao raised an eyebrow, his breathing getting slightly heavier.

Who thinks you're family?

Who approves you?

You want to enter Gu's household, dream on!

It looked like he needed to give Wu Jiajun a hint to get Lin Chen away from Xiaoxi.

"Well done!"

Upon reaching the second floor, Gu Yue Xi stopped, gave Lin Chen a thumbs up, and whispered, "Keep it up, drive that stinky guy away!"

Lin Chen chuckled, "You didn't mention this part before."

Gu Yue Xi snorted, "You are my boyfriend, right? Protecting your girlfriend from harassment by other men is what a boyfriend should do, isn't it?"

Lin Chen's eyes widened, "You are really dreaming!"

"Who's dreaming?"

Gu Yue Xi slapped Lin Chen's arm, but then suddenly came to her senses, realizing this gesture might be a bit too intimate. She glared at Lin Chen, "We made an agreement, remember that!"

"Alright, I got it!"

Lin Chen laughed, and followed Gu Yue Xi into Gu Jianjun's room.

Gu Jianjun was leaning against the bed, looking very happy to see Lin Chen, with the demeanor of looking at his future grandson-in-law.

First, Lin Chen did a check-up for Gu Jianjun, then acupuncture.

After finishing the treatment and chatting casually with Gu Jianjun, Lin Chen and Gu Yue Xi left the room.

"I'm done, I'm going back."

Gu Yue Xi grabbed Lin Chen's arm, "What's the hurry? Isn't it time for dinner? You should at least stay for dinner before you leave…"

Lin Chen laughed at Gu Yue Xi, "You want me to be your shield? You're so beautiful, yet you're still daydreaming!"

Gu Yue Xi, seeing that Lin Chen was about to leave, suddenly panicked, "Why are you like this? Wasn't that what we agreed on? You…you looked at my chest, and you're not taking responsibility!"

Lin Chen laughed in disbelief, "There's no cheating, that was an accident, and it was to save you. You've already taken advantage of me once, you can't use this to take advantage of me for a lifetime."

Gu Yue Xi suddenly smiled seductively at Lin Chen, grabbed the edge of her shirt collar, "Or, do you want to look again?"

Look again?

Lin Chen laughed, not even trying to avoid her gaze, but just staring at Gu Yue Xi with a grin, "I don't mind!"

Gu Yue Xi's hand, which was holding the collar, suddenly froze.

According to her thinking, if she made a move to open her clothes, Lin Chen would definitely feel awkward and back off.

But this guy isn't playing according to the script!

His eyes are so wide open, and he really dares to look!

Gu Yue Xi's cheeks flushed red, and she snorted, "Pervert!"Lin Chen spread his hands, a face of innocent smile: "Wasn't this what you said? How am I being indecent? Haha, trying to deceive me? Women, don't compete with men in this aspect, you'll eventually lose. Alright, stop pretending, put your hand down."

Lin Chen's smile fell into Gu Yuexi's eyes, as if it was an undisguised mockery, and the last sentence made her blood boil.


Are you mocking me for not daring to open my clothes, mocking me for putting on airs!?

Today I will open it and see what you have to say!

Anyway, it's not like you haven't seen it before, so what's the big deal about seeing it again!

Gu Yuexi's mind heated up, and her hands suddenly exerted force, directly opening the front collar.

Lin Chen's smile on his face suddenly froze.

This woman...

She actually opened it!

Lin Chen was not inexperienced with women, but at this moment, he was also attracted by the beautiful scenery.

So beautiful!

The next second, Gu Yuexi quickly closed her clothes again, covering up all the beauty.

Lin Chen came back to his senses, his mouth dry and tongue parched: "I'm going,'re really serious?"

Gu Yuexi's face was already as red as a burning cloud, her cheeks burning hot, and her heart full of regret.

What was she thinking? She actually actively opened her clothes in front of this stinky man?

She must be crazy!

Oh my God!

What on earth is he thinking about me now?

Gu Yuexi gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Chen, only to find that Lin Chen's face was full of embarrassment and awkwardness, which made her inexplicably relieved.

It seems that he was shocked by me?


Alright, as long as I'm not embarrassed, he's the one who's embarrassed!

Gu Yuexi quickly made a psychological adjustment, steadied her heart and mind, and pretended to be calm: "Did you like what you saw?"

Lin Chen had no words to say.

Did he like it?

Of course, he did!

But he couldn't say it!

Lin Chen smiled helplessly: "Are you always this competitive?"

"Of course not!"

Gu Yuexi subconsciously retorted, then quickly regained her composure and brought the topic back: "Stay for dinner, help me get rid of that guy, can you?"

Lin Chen sighed: "Alright, I'll help you, but don't do this kind of thing again in the future, my heart can't take it."

Can't take the stimulation?

Gu Yuexi had a strange thought in her mind: was it too good to look at?

"Alright, let's go downstairs."

Lin Chen didn't move, pointed at Gu Yuexi's face: "Your face is as red as a red cloth, even your neck is red, just wait a little longer before going downstairs."

Gu Yuexi bit her lip, suddenly reached out, and took Lin Chen's hand: "Let's go down like this, let them think whatever they want, that's the best effect!"

Lin Chen thought about it and it seemed to be true.

Gu Yuexi held Lin Chen's hand and walked down the stairs. The sound of footsteps alerted the people in the living room, who all turned their heads.

Gu Yuexi's face was blushing, and the pink on her neck had not completely receded. She looked shy and was holding Lin Chen's hand. Seeing this scene, everyone's faces darkened, especially Wu Jiajun's, his eyes seemed to be on fire, and even his fists were clenched.

Gu Hongtao felt quite awkward in his heart. Just after giving Wu Jiajun some advice, his daughter staged such an act. Wasn't this a slap in the face?

Gu Hongtao quickly changed the subject: "How's the old man?"

Lin Chen walked confidently into the living room and replied, "He's much better. Just keep taking the medicine."

Gu Hongtao breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't like Lin Chen, he was very concerned about his father's health.

Gu Yuexi smiled and sagte, "We're all hungry, can we eat now?"

Gu Hongtao glanced at Lin Chen and found that Lin Chen had no intention of leaving. He snorted coldly in his heart and nodded calmly: "Yes, let's start the meal, Xiao Lin, thank you for your hard work. Let's have a drink at noon..."