Chapter 11: You're not good at that anymore _1

"Xiao Lin, come sit."

Gu Hongtao was lukewarm to Lin Chen, but Gu Yuexi's mother Bai Qian was quite enthusiastic to Lin Chen, with a gentle smile on her face, making her quite amiable.

Lin Chen naturally sat next to Gu Yuexi. Wu Jiajun originally wanted to sit next to Gu Yuexi, but Wu An pulled him back and sat him across from Lin Chen.

The dishes were plentiful, and the wine was good. The 30-Year Cellar Aged Feitian was brought by Father and Son Wu.

Gu Hongtao opened the wine and smiled, "Thirty years, and it's still so well preserved, it's rare."

Wu An laughed, "A friend of mine is in the wine business, and his family has a huge wine cellar. Every year, he stores a large amount of good wine in it. I bought two cases of it when I went to his place the last time. If you like it, Old Gu, I can get you some more later."

Gu Hongtao laughed, "If I can't get used to such good wine, what's the point of drinking any wine at all?"

Wu An laughed heartily, "Alright, I'll get you a few cases later."

Four men, each with a glass, about two ounces each, and a bottle of white wine was gone.

Wu Jiajun handed a glass of wine to Lin Chen and casually asked, "I heard you were in the army before, Lin Chen?"

Lin Chen nodded, "Yes."

Wu Jiajun laughed, "What branch of the military?"


Without waiting for Wu Jiajun to continue asking questions, Lin Chen laughed, "Just an ordinary soldier, served my time and then retired."

Wu Jiajun chuckled, "You served for a few years and then retired, it's really a waste of time. After all, being a soldier only earns you a few thousand yuan a month, not even enough to buy such a bottle of wine. After retiring, no job is assigned either, the skills learned in the army are useless in the city anyway. Many retired soldiers can only become security guards, making only three or four thousand yuan a month... "

This was teasing.

Lin Chen chuckled inwardly, his expression natural, without the slightest embarrassment from being ridiculed, "Yeah, I came to Pingjiang and I don't even know where to find a job."

Wu Jiajun's eyes lit up, looking eager to help: "Do you have any specific skills?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "What I know, these jobs don't need."

Wu Jiajun agreed wholeheartedly, "Exactly, what use is your marksmanship, your excellent training records, and your tank driving abilities in society?"

Lin Chen echoed, "True!"

Gu Yuexi, listening to Lin Chen's echo, was suddenly annoyed. How could you let this guy act so arrogant?

Gu Yuexi raised her foot and stepped on Lin Chen's foot, giving him a gentle, yet warning look, and then she interrupted the conversation, "Lin Chen's medical skills are very good. My grandpa's illness, which even one of the Four Famous Doctors, Wen Yu'an, couldn't cure, was saved by Lin Chen's treatment. I think Lin Chen should open a clinic in the future and become a famous divine doctor with a far-reaching reputation. By then, those powerful people will have to beg Lin Chen for treatment."

Gu Hongtao interrupted, "Doesn't Xiao Lin not have a medical license?"

Gu Yuexi laughed, "Just take the exam, with Lin Chen's excellent medical skills, getting a license would be a piece of cake, wouldn't it?"

Gu Hongtao couldn't say anything more explicit, so he lifted his wine glass and laughed, "Come on, everyone, let's have a drink."

The dinner started, and Gu Hongtao intentionally touted Wu Jiajun, asking about his recent work. Wu Jiajun took the opportunity to talk about the business he was in charge of, brimming with enthusiasm and boasting.

Lin Chen buried himself in eating, not making a sound, nor toasting. When others called for a drink, he would raise his glass, then put it down and continue eating, looking very natural.

Gu Yuexi saw this and was instantly annoyed. She knew he didn't have any abilities, but at least try to fight back. By surrendering so easily, she was losing face.


In the blink of an eye, two bottles of white wine were finished. Each of them had roughly half a pound. Wu Jiajun boasted for a while, and when he saw that Gu Yuexi's attention was all on Lin Chen, clamping food for him and pouring him wine, he couldn't help but feel more jealous and decided not to pretend anymore.

"Lin Chen, there are some things I'm not sure whether to say or not..."Lin Chen smiled and said, "Since you're not sure, don't bother saying it!"


Wu Jiajun opened his mouth wide, his expression instantly frozen, how was he supposed to respond to that?

Wu Jiajun awkwardly paused for two seconds, then laughed and said, "Actually, I just wanted to share some heartfelt advice. Please don't blame me for delving deep, but I just think it's for your own good. I just feel that you and Xiaoxi aren't suitable for each other..."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I think we're quite suitable, you know. I like her, and she likes me. Isn't that enough? Right, Yue Yue?"

You finally helped me out!

In her heart, Gu Yuexi gave Lin Chen a thumbs up and took over the conversation, "Yes, love is about two people. I love him, and he loves me. Nothing else matters."

Wu Jiajun felt as if someone had stabbed him in the chest, and it was bloody and uncomfortable.

"But love isn't everything in life. Life is about daily necessities, not like what's written in novels where love is enough to live on. Life requires money, a lot of money."

Wu Jiajun looked at Lin Chen with a face full of pity and sympathy, "Xiaoxi has been living a privileged life since childhood, and her daily expenses are not small. Can you afford it? Buying clothes, cosmetics, bags... I won't exaggerate, but one of her bags might take you a whole year to save up for..."

"It's okay if Lin Chen doesn't have money, my family does."

Before Lin Chen could reply, Gu Yuexi preemptively answered, "My dad only has one daughter. He wouldn't let me suffer, so as long as Lin Chen loves me and treats me well, that's enough. Right, dad? You also want me to find someone who treats me well, not just someone rich, right?"

Wu Jiajun was suddenly at a loss for words, is this how it's going to be?

A freeloader?

Gu Hongtao's face darkened, as his daughter's words made it difficult for him to argue or agree. He was caught in a dilemma.

Lin Chen, however, remained calm, unaffected by Wu Jiajun's words. He confidently said, "I may not be able to provide Yue Yue with a life of luxury, but a comfortable life is no problem. Not to mention my medical skills, it's easy for me to earn millions a year."

Wu Jiajun sneered, "Keep boasting. You just happened to cure Old Master Gu by sheer luck. Do you really think you can pull it off every time? If your medical skills were that good, you would have been in the army hospital by now, not discharged."

Lin Chen stared at Wu Jiajun and chuckled softly, "Don't you believe me? Do you want me to diagnose you?"

Wu Jiajun scoffed, "I'm young and fit, what is there to check? What, are you going to advise me to eat less chili and drink more water?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "No, you are sick."

Wu Jiajun instinctively retorted, "You're the one who's sick!"

Wu An, who had been silent the whole time, waved his hand to stop Wu Jiajun and said with a smile, "Lin Chen, why don't you tell us what kind of illness Jiajun has?"

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, "It's not appropriate to say."

Wu Jiajun sneered, "Is it not appropriate to say, or is there nothing to say? What, are you going to scare me first, then try to con me? That trick is so old and worn out."

Gu Hongtao spoke up, "Lin Chen, if there's something, just say it directly. There's no need to worry."

Wu An also urged, "Yes, just say it. If there's really an illness, we'll treat it."

Lin Chen stared at Wu Jiajun with an expression that seemed to say 'It's not that I want to say it, but you're forcing me to': "Shall I say it then?"

Wu Jiajun unhesitatingly replied, "Say it! If you can't come up with an explanation today, it means you're a liar! Xiaoxi, you have to keep your eyes open and not be deceived!"

Lin Chen sighed, "You're not capable."

Wu Jiajun angrily retorted, "You said you were going to diagnose me, so what's this nonsense about being incapable? Quit beating around the bush!"

Lin Chen calmly replied, "I am diagnosing you. I'm saying, you have a problem in that area."