Chapter 12: Be careful, I might sue you for defamation_1

The room instantly went quiet, and everyone looked at each other with strange gazes.

All of those present were adults, and naturally understood what Lin Chen meant.

Wu Jiajun was so young, and he was already having issues?

Gu Yuexi's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, her eyes burning with gossip, this was too explosive, wasn't it?

Wu Jiajun also understood and his face instantly flushed, with an uncontrollable panic flashing in his eyes: "Nonsense!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "There is a plum blossom shaped scar left on your chin, which is one of the symptoms of Flower Poison Syndrome. The transmission route of Flower Poison Syndrome is known to everyone here…"

Flower Poison Syndrome!

All eyes focused on Wu Jiajun's chin, and upon closer inspection, they saw a faint plum blossom-shaped scar.

Bai Qian's smile faded a little bit, her eyes showing a hint of displeasure while looking at Wu Jiajun. Gu Hongtao frowned without saying a word, and Gu Yuexi pursed her lips, her eyes showing obvious contempt.

Although they were not doctors, they knew that normal people who got this disease were basically involved in promiscuous relationships.

Wu Jiajun's eyes were panicked, and he tried to explain: "You are talking nonsense, this was just an allergy I had before, I scratched my skin and then it healed like this…"

Lin Chen calmly continued: "Judging by the degree of healing of your scar, you should have contracted the disease about two months ago. This disease suppresses the production of male hormones. It is not difficult to treat, but during the treatment, you need to abstain from alcohol and sex; it is obvious that you have failed to do so."

"Your face is turning greenish, and the bottom of your eyes are slightly red. These all show that you have recently indulged in alcohol and sex. Haven't you noticed that you are getting worse lately?"

Wu Jiajun strongly denied: "You are talking nonsense! I just stayed up late recently, it has nothing to do with what you said. Be careful I will sue you for defamation!"

Although Wu Jiajun was denying it, the panic in his eyes could not be suppressed, which indirectly confirmed the truth of Lin Chen's words.

Gu Yuexi pursed her lips, her eyes showing disgust, disgusted!

Gu Hongtao frowned: "Although young people are full of vitality, they should also pay attention to rest and not always go to nightclubs and the like. Staying up late less and taking care of your body is the most important thing."

Wu Jiajun let out a sigh of relief and quickly showed humility: "Uncle Gu is right, I will pay attention in the future."

Gu Hongtao raised his glass: "Come on, everyone raise their glasses and let's drink."

Gu Hongtao obviously wanted to give Wu Jiajun a way out and put this matter behind him, otherwise, the clearer Lin Chen spoke, the more convincing the evidence was, and the more embarrassing it would be for Wu Jiajun to continue.

Lin Chen smiled and did not say more; he had no grudge against Wu Jiajun, and this was merely a counterattack against his attempt to humiliate him.

No one has been pointing fingers at his medical skills now, right?

Wu An glared at Wu Jiajun resentfully. You were supposed to make a good impression, but you ended up losing face, and I lost face as well.

But what can be done? He is my son after all.

I have to continue to help him!

Wu An changed the subject: "Jiajun, have you guys organized an outdoor camping trip?"

Wu Jiajun snapped back to reality, and eagerly spoke: "Yes, I almost forgot, Xiaoxi, we're planning to go to Mingyue Mountain for camping, with BBQ and such. You should join us. I came today specifically to invite you."

Before Gu Yuexi could speak, Gu Hongtao interjected: "Tomorrow is the weekend, and you have nothing to do at home, why not go out and have some fun?"

Gu Yuexi declined: "I have plans to go to the movies and shopping with Lin Chen tomorrow."

Gu Hongtao laughed: "Well, why not go together? It's more fun for young people to hang out together. When can't you go to the movies and shopping?"

Wu Jiajun's eyes sparkled, and a smile appeared on his face as he passionately invited: "Lin Chen, why don't you join us? I have a brother who is also a retired veteran. I'm sure you two will have a lot in common."

Just as Lin Chen was about to refuse, Gu Yuexi suddenly spoke up: "Are you inviting me and Lin Chen to go together? If that's the case, then we'll go and consider it an outdoor date."

Wu Jiajun laughed, "That's right, the more the merrier."

Lin Chen looked at Gu Yuexi with a troubled expression and said, "I have something to do tomorrow, as I have told you…"

Gu Yuexi interrupted Lin Chen: "It's the weekend, whatever it is, deal with it next week. You said you would accompany me. Going camping is the same as keeping your word."

"Alright then!"

Under the scrutiny of the crowd, Lin Chen naturally couldn't refuse Gu Yuexi, especially after boasting that he would take good care of her.

Because of the previous incident, Father Wu and his son were not in the mood for dinner. As soon as the matter was settled, they hurriedly finished their meal and the gathering dispersed.

"Why did you agree? Weren't you supposed to refuse?"

At the entrance of the villa, Lin Chen looked helplessly at Gu Yuexi: "You come up with ideas on the spot, and I can't keep up with them."

Gu Yuexi explained: "Just help me this one time. As you can see, my dad is on their side, and I can't refuse. If you don't go, I'll have to go alone, and you can imagine what might happen then…"

Lin Chen frowned: "One time after another, there's no end to it! I don't have that much time!"

Gu Yuexi held up her index finger, looking pitiful: "Just this one time, please? This time, when we go out, we pretend to be a couple and make Wu Jiajun give up. After that, there won't be any more issues, right?"

She paused and then continued: "How about I pay you more, is that okay? Another 50,000?"

Lin Chen didn't respond, he was reluctant to continue playing the role!Playing a married couple at home and lovers outside...

What the hell is this?

Gu Yuexi noticed Lin Chen's expression and knew he didn't want to agree, so she grabbed Lin Chen's arm and shook it, coquettishly saying, "Just help me out this once. It's the weekend, you don't have anything else to do, right? It's like going out for fun, and you don't need to spend any money, plus there's a pretty woman to accompany you..."

Lin Chen had no choice but to give in to Gu Yuexi's pestering, so he reluctantly smiled bitterly, "Alright, alright. See you tomorrow."

Gu Yuexi finally nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Where do you live? I'll drive to pick you up."

Lin Chen didn't want Gu Yuexi to know about his relationship with Chu Jiaxue, so he casually said, "No need, just tell me a place, and we'll meet there."


After leaving the Gu Family, Lin Chen went back to the company for an afternoon and clocked off for the day as usual.

When he arrived home, Chu Jiaxue had already changed into her loungewear and was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, hugging a tablet and reading documents. It had to be said that a beautiful goddess, no matter what she wore or what she did, always looked pleasing to the eye.

Chu Baisen laughed, "Xiao Lin, you're back. Why didn't you come back with Jiaxue?"

"I was dealing with something and got delayed."

Lin Chen laughed and explained, "We have different jobs, so it's hard to synchronize our schedules. It's much more convenient for each of us to do our own thing."

Chu Baisen nodded his head and didn't think much of it, "That's true. Since you're both going your separate ways, then Xiao Lin, we have several cars in the garage. Go pick one that you like..."

Lin Chen laughed, "Alright, I'll go take a look later."

Chu Baisen laughed, "Why wait? Go now, Xiao Xue, take Xiao Lin."

Chu Jiaxue nodded her head and stood up, and Lin Chen had no choice but to follow.

There was a row of cars in the garage, an Audi A8, a BMW 1 Series, and a BMW X7. In addition, there were two cars covered with car blankets.

Chu Jiaxue stood at the entrance with her arms crossed, "Go ahead and pick."

Lin Chen pulled the blankets off the two cars, and his eyes suddenly brightened!

Oh my god, sports cars!

A Maserati MC20.

A Ferrari 812GTS.

Lin Chen curiously asked, "Whose sports cars are these, yours, or the old man's?"

Chu Jiaxue pursed her lips, "The Audi A8 is grandpa's, the X7 and the two sports cars are mine. I usually drive the X7 for work, and for leisure outings, I drive a sports car."

Lin Chen's eyes fell on the 200,000+ BMW 1 Series, and he laughed, "Your cars are too flashy. It's not suitable for me to drive them and attract attention. I'll take this BMW 1 Series instead."

Chu Jiaxue pursed her lips, "That's the car the housekeeper uses to buy groceries."

The housekeeper's car?

Lin Chen was speechless for a moment, "Do I have to choose between these two sports cars?"

Chu Jiaxue nodded, "Don't you men like to drive sports cars? It's so convenient for picking up girls. You don't even have to try, just put the car there, and pretty women will come to ask for a ride."

Lin Chen shook his head, "I'm not into that. How about you drive a sports car, and I'll drive your X7?"

Chu Jiaxue gave Lin Chen a disdainful glance, "In your dreams."

Lin Chen thought about it and decided to give up, "Forget it, these two cars are too eye-catching. I'll buy one myself later."

Chu Jiaxue looked a little surprised, "Pick one, and in three months, the car will be yours."

Lin Chen shook his head firmly, "The cars are nice, but they're not suitable for me. Forget it."

Chu Jiaxue's eyes showed some surprise. These were cars worth millions, yet Lin Chen had refused without even a second's hesitation?

"What do you want to buy?"

Lin Chen casually said, "I just need a car worth around two or three hundred thousand for daily commuting."

Chu Jiaxue whispered, "Alright, I'll give you the money for the car."

Lin Chen shook his head, "No need, we're not a real married couple, it's better to keep things clear. I don't want to take advantage of you for no reason."

Chu Jiaxue asked, "Do you have the money to buy one?"

Lin Chen nodded, "I've made some money treating patients recently."

Chu Jiaxue looked surprised, "You can treat patients?"

Lin Chen nodded, "Yes, I learned from my master. Although I can't compare to my master, I'm still better than most doctors. Oh, by the way, I need to go out and do something tomorrow, so I won't be home over the weekend."

Chu Jiaxue's footsteps paused, "Hmm."

Watching Chu Jiaxue's retreating figure, Lin Chen smiled. She must have breathed a sigh of relief, after all, she wouldn't have to act with him over the weekend.