Chapter 13: Has this kid cheated? _1

The second day, after having breakfast, Lin Chen left home and arrived at the meeting place.

Several off-road SUVs were parked by the roadside, like Land Rovers and Hummers. Gu Yuexi leaned against a Mercedes-Benz G-Class with the car door open, while Wu Jiajun stood beside her saying something, but she seemed to be preoccupied.

"Yue Yue."

Gu Yuexi looked up and saw Lin Chen, her eyes suddenly brightened and she waved at him.

Wu Jiajun turned his head and saw Lin Chen, smiling, "Did you take a ride?"

Lin Chen nodded, "Yes."

"It's not very convenient without a car."

Wu Jiajun smiled meaningfully and clapped his hands, "The last person has arrived, let's get in the car and set off!"

Lin Chen was about to go to the passenger seat, but Gu Yuexi stopped him, "You drive, can you?"

Lin Chen laughed, "Sure."

The two got into the car, and as Lin Chen started the engine, he looked sideways at Gu Yuexi. Today she was dressed sporty, T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, hair tied in a ponytail, and wearing a duckbill cap, looking youthful and crisp amidst her charm.

Gu Yuexi laughed, "Do I look good?"

Lin Chen casually replied, "Not bad, you're a good match for me."

Gu Yuexi giggled and raised her fist, "If you weren't driving, would you believe I'd kill you with one punch?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "I don't believe it, your fists couldn't even crush a watermelon, let alone hit people."

Gu Yuexi snorted, "Watermelon? I could crack your fontanelle!"

As the two bantered, the leading car in front suddenly sped up, and at the same time, Wu Jiajun's soaring voice came through the radio on the car.

"Everyone, old rules, race, whose car arrives last, will be responsible for barbecuing and serving everyone!"


Before Lin Chen could speak, Gu Yuexi suddenly became excited, "Lin Chen, go, overtake them, overtake them!"

In the leading Hummer, Wu Jiajun had a smug look on his face as he held the radio and talked on the group channel.

"I've sent the location in the group, whoever gets there first today is the boss, and doesn't have to do anything. The last one to arrive will be punished, helping everyone with BBQ, but you can also get a box of beer as a consolation, to drink while barbecuing!"

Sitting in the co-driver's seat next to Wu Jiajun, a burly man in a black elastic tank top laughed, "You're trying to make him a BBQ minion today?"

Wu Jiajun chuckled, "Yeah, that poor kid doesn't even have a car, how good could his driving skills be? I've already given a heads up beforehand, all the drivers in the cars are skilled racers, he's sure to lose!"

The burly man laughed, "You're quite ruthless!"

Wu Jiajun sneered, "Trying to steal my woman is simply courting death, not to mention he has offended me, if I don't make him lose face today, I'll write my Wu character upside down!"

As Wu Jiajun and the burly man were joking, a Mercedes-Benz G-Class suddenly emerged from the cars behind and passed them on the left side like a black phantom.

Wu Jiajun was stunned, "Zheng Li, is that G-Class Gu Yuexi's?"

The burly man looked a few times, surprised, "Yes...This kid actually caught up?"

Wu Jiajun sneered and stepped on the gas, "Dream on overtaking me!"

Wu Jiajun's eyes instantly turned red as he stomped on the gas and chased after the black G-Class. However, he went too fast and almost crashed into a nearby car when changing lanes, scaring both of them into a cold sweat.

By the time Wu Jiajun managed to stabilize the car, the G-Class ahead had only left a silhouette in the distance.


Wu Jiajun slapped the steering wheel, his face pale, "Is this kid cheating? How can his driving skills be so good?"

Fighting spirit rose in Zheng Li's eyes, "No problem, I'll help you get your face back later. He's a retiree, right? I'll find an excuse to spar with him and directly cripple him."


Mingyue Mountain is located 200 kilometers north of Pingjiang City and is an undeveloped mountain range with dense forests and overgrown weeds. A river runs through the mountains.

When the car drove to the foot of the mountain, Lin Chen stopped the car and said with a smile, "There's no road ahead!"

"Ah, it was so exciting! Lin Chen, you're amazing! I don't want to cook BBQ for them, I want to eat what's ready, by the way, this car race must have been Wu Jiajun targeting you..."

With an excited look on her face, Gu Yuexi got out of the car and took two bottles of drinks from the trunk, handing one to Lin Chen.

"He so generously invited even me, he naturally wants to take the opportunity to target me, make me a laughing stock, lose face, as my girlfriend, you would definitely think I'm useless and weak, and break up with me, then his chance would come, right?"

Lin Chen replied casually, "Just wait and see, they have many tricks to target me in the next couple of days."

After resting for a while, Wu Jiajun's cars finally arrived.

Full of triumph, Gu Yuexi said, "You finally arrived, we've been waiting for you guys half the time, we've already finished a whole bottle of water."

Wu Jiajun stared at Lin Chen with a somewhat stiff expression, "Your driving skills are not bad, were you a car soldier before?"

Lin Chen smiled, "No, just played with the steering wheel a few times in my spare time."Wu Jiajun's face looked even worse.

Are you implying that we are not even as good as amateurs?

"Brother, you're quite impressive. Which unit were you in?"

Zheng Li walked over, stretching out his large hand like a palm fan: "Zheng Li, I served in the Tianeagle Special Forces Brigade, retired due to injury."

Lin Chen shook hands: "Small unit, not many people, not worth mentioning."

As their hands clasped, Lin Chen felt Zheng Li's grip tighten like a pair of pliers.

Trying to assert dominance?

Lin Chen shook his hand and smiled: "You should let go about now. Holding hands with another man is quite awkward."

Zheng Li was surprised in his heart, as he had already used 80% of his strength, yet Lin Chen could still smile?

I don't believe it!

Zheng Li tightened his grip with full force, laughing: "We're both veterans, and it's natural to feel close at the first meeting. Let's have a good drink today."

Lin Chen felt Zheng Li's grip growing stronger, a cold glint in his eyes: "Yes, indeed. We should get to know each other better."

Zheng Li laughed arrogantly: "Absolutely! We... Ah!"

Zheng Li exerted his full force, only to feel Lin Chen's hand suddenly transformed into a tiger's jaws in an instant, clamping onto his four fingers.

Excruciating pain!

Zheng Li couldn't help but let out a scream, attracting everyone's attention.

Lin Chen held Zheng Li's hand, shaking it up and down in a friendly manner: "What was that word again, oh, feel like old friends at first meeting. That's how I feel about my brother Zheng now. We soldiers, just looking at each other, feel so close, don't you think?"

Zheng Li's face flushed, veins bulging on his neck, feeling like his hand was no longer his own, and the only sensation was pain!

Zheng Li's face turned beet red, but in front of so many people, he couldn't say anything, or else he would lose face.

Just at this moment, Lin Chen suddenly released his hand, patted him on the arm, and laughed heartily: "Let's have a good few drinks later!"

Zheng Li felt the grip loosen and quickly withdrew his hand, reluctantly laughing: "Of course."

Lin Chen patted his shoulder: "Sorry about that, I didn't control my strength well for a moment. But we're all soldiers, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Zheng Li cursed inwardly. Could he say that it was a problem?

"No problem, no problem!"

Zheng Li responded twice, turned around, and said: "Everyone, divide up the stuff and prepare to move. We have to walk up the mountain ourselves!"

Zheng Li went to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and prepared to carry things.

Wu Jiajun glanced at the nonchalant Lin Chen, went to the back of the car, and found Zheng Li hiding the upper half of his body in the trunk, his face twisted, furiously rubbing his right hand.

"Let me help you."

Wu Jiajun covered it up with a sentence and walked to Zheng Li's side, stuck his head in the trunk, pretended to move things, and whispered: "What happened?"

Zheng Li put his hand in front of Wu Jiajun and whispered, "Is that guy's hand made of iron?"

Upon seeing it, Wu Jiajun was startled.

Zheng Li's hand was purple and had several clear fingerprints on it.

"Damn, is his strength that great?"

Zheng Li glared: "Now it's not just about you and him. He made me lose face, and I'm going to put him in his place!"

Wu Jiajun nodded: "Alright, we'll find an opportunity later!"

The group divided all the items and carried them along the remote mountain path.

They followed the mountain path to a small pond beneath a waterfall, which was their camping destination.

"There are quite a few fish in this pool, and they taste delicious. We brought fishing gear, so we can grill meat and fish in the afternoon. Let's try to catch more, so we can have grilled fish and fish soup tonight!"

Wu Jiajun clapped his hands and laughed, "Everyone, set up the tents first. To prevent any possible danger, keep your tents close to each other."

Lin Chen looked at Gu Yuexi's tent and wondered: "Just one tent?"

Gu Yuexi nodded naturally: "Yes."

Lin Chen pointed to himself: "Where am I going to sleep?"

Gu Yuexi replied, "This is a double tent. Can't it accommodate us?"

Lin Chen looked at Gu Yuexi in shock, whispering, "We're sleeping in the same tent?"

Gu Yuexi nodded matter-of-factly, a cunning look in her eyes: "We're lovers. Isn't it natural for us to sleep in the same tent?"