Chapter 14: Am I that terrifying? _1

Setting up a tent was a piece of cake for Lin Chen, and he quickly set it up under a shady tree.

The weather was quite hot, and Lin Chen was sweating profusely. Just as he was about to wipe the sweat off, Gu Yuexi came over with a clean white towel in her hand.

"You're sweating all over. Let me wipe it for you."

Gu Yuexi stood in front of Lin Chen, practically pressing against him as she wiped the sweat off his face. Her movements were intimate, and her faint fragrance was clearly discernible.

Lin Chen chuckled, "You're really playing the part."

Gu Yuexi's eyes curved in a charming smile, "Just enjoy it secretly."

After wiping the sweat off, Gu Yuexi handed Lin Chen a bottle of water, "Drink some water."

Lin Chen took it with a smile, glanced at Wu Jiajun, and couldn't help but laugh, "It's working, his eyes are practically spewing fire."

Gu Yuexi snorted, "He deserves it! I told him I didn't like him, but he still insisted on sticking to me like gum because of his family connections. So annoying!"

"What's next?"

Gu Yuexi pointed to a small hilltop above the waterfall and smiled, "They're still setting up the BBQ, let's go sit over there."

Lin Chen laughed, "You're just trying to make things even more exciting, aren't you?"

Gu Yuexi covered her mouth with an amused smile: "Get it done once and for all, save the trouble."

Gu Yuexi turned her head and shouted to Wu Jiajun, "We're going for a walk! Call us when the BBQ is ready."

Wu Jiajun clenched his teeth and reluctantly smiled, "Where are you going? Be careful of wild animals."

Gu Yuexi casually hooked her arm around Lin Chen's, "I'm not afraid with Lin Chen here. He'll protect me."

Wu Jiajun's face darkened quite a bit, but he still held back his displeasure: "Go ahead, I'll call you later."

As soon as the two left, Wu Jiajun angrily kicked over a stool in front of him.

The group of young men and women around them didn't seem surprised by this, but instead looked at him with a hint of sympathy.

Wu Jiajun had organized this camping trip to invite Gu Yuexi so that he could show off his merits and deepen her affection for him. Then, after a few drinks, everyone would play games to push their relationship forward. However, no one had expected Lin Chen to show up out of the blue.

Now, with the two of them flaunting their love in public, wasn't this rubbing Wu Jiajun's face in the dirt?

Lin Chen and Gu Yuexi walked along the deserted path and sat down on a grassy spot next to the waterfall after about ten minutes.

Lin Chen casually picked up some broad leaves and placed them on the ground, saying with a smile to Gu Yuexi, "The view is nice here, sit down."

Gu Yuexi sat down on the leaves, her legs closely together and at an angle. Her fair-skinned, slender legs were eye-catching.

"Thank you, you're pretty considerate."

Lin Chen laughed, "Have you discovered another one of my strengths? Just make sure you don't fall in love with me."

Gu Yuexi snorted, "In your dreams!"

Suddenly, Gu Yuexi asked, "By the way, have you met your fiancée from the arranged marriage?"

Lin Chen nodded, "I have."

Gu Yuexi immediately perked up, "How is she? Very ugly, right?"

Lin Chen shook his head, "No, quite the opposite, she's very pretty."

Gu Yuexi widened her eyes in disbelief, "Really? You don't need to save face by lying, I won't laugh at you."

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "I'm not lying, she's very beautiful, and quite similar to you."

Gu Yuexi curiously asked, "Like me? Beautiful and from a good family?"

Lin Chen was actually referring to her looks, but since Gu Yuexi understood it that way, it didn't seem like a problem. So he nodded, "Yes."

Gu Yuexi continued gossiping, "Didn't your fiancée despise you?"

"She did."

Lin Chen replied candidly, "Out of respect for her grandfather, she couldn't say anything, but privately she told me she had no interest in me."

Gu Yuexi suddenly burst out laughing, then quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm not mocking you, I just think it's quite normal."

Lin Chen didn't feel offended and agreed, "Yeah, I understand."

Gu Yuexi stared into Lin Chen's eyes, trying to find any trace of loss, but found nothing. All she could see was calm and composure.

"So, what's the situation between you two now?"

Lin Chen casually plucked a wild grass and put it in his mouth, looking into the distance, "We pretend to be husband and wife in front of her grandfather, but in private we don't care about each other. Anyway, we've already agreed to only pretend for three months, and then go our separate ways."

Gu Yuexi chuckled, "Pretending to be husband and wife?"

Lin Chen knew why Gu Yuexi was laughing and glared at her, "Now you know why I didn't want to pretend to be your boyfriend, right?"

Gu Yuexi almost toppled onto the grass, laughing, "I get it. At home, you have to pretend to be someone's husband, and outside, you have to pretend to be my boyfriend. Two beautiful women - within sight, but out of reach. Isn't that suffocating and frustrating?"

Lin Chen didn't bother correcting her, "As long as you know."

Gu Yuexi laughed, "I suddenly feel a bit sorry for you. You're so unlucky."

Lin Chen widened his eyes, "You dare laugh at me? Don't make me turn around, leave, and tell Wu Jiajun that our relationship is just acting before I go."

"No, no, no!"

Gu Yuexi hurriedly placated him, "Just joking, don't get mad. Besides, even though I'm pretending to be your girlfriend, you see how nice I am to you, right? It's just like the real thing. I've never treated any guy like this before..."Lin Chen casually said, "All you have ever done is pretending; it's not worth mentioning. But since we're on this topic, you're not getting any younger, why not find a proper boyfriend?"

Gu Yuexi rolled her eyes, plucking a blade of wild grass and twirling it around her finger. "None of them seem suitable. Some are only interested in my looks or body, while others are after my family's money. I don't want such people."

Lin Chen scoffed at Gu Yuexi's answer, "That's princess syndrome, needs to be cured! If you weren't rich and looked like a monster, not to mention Wu Jiajun would never pursue you, even if you paid me to pretend to be your boyfriend, I still wouldn't do it!"

Gu Yuexi huffed angrily, "Can't there be pure love that simply likes who I am as a person?"

Lin Chen chuckled but didn't reply.

This woman was quite amusing.

Other rich girls would probably get angry with him for talking to them like this.

A cool breeze swept past, the sunshine warm and comforting.

A man and a woman alone together, the atmosphere was just right!

Down the hill, Wu Jiajun felt like his lungs were about to explode with anger.

He seemed to see Gu Yuexi hugging Lin Chen due to being scared, saw her clinging onto Lin Chen's arm like a fragile bird, saw the two of them chatting and laughing together...

That person beside Gu Yuexi should have been him, but now someone else had taken his place, and he had become a mere spectator!

He couldn't go on like this!

Otherwise, even if he won and Gu Yuexi became his wife in the end, what happened this afternoon would still be a thorn in his heart!

"Zheng Li, when you get the chance, provoke him and cripple him!"

Zheng Li nodded, "Okay!"

With the BBQ almost ready, Wu Jiajun began to call people. The two who were leisurely sitting atop the hill finally stood up and slowly made their way down.

"You guys are so relaxed, we were working hard while you were up there enjoying the scenery..."

Gu Yuexi giggled and said, "Wasn't it you who said that whoever gets to the front doesn't have to do anything?"

Wu Jiajun's face stiffened, almost slapping himself.

Mouthing off!

Stirring up trouble for himself!

"Yes, you deserve it. Here, have some BBQ and wine!"

Wu Jiajun forced a laugh twice, trying hard to make himself seem less embarrassed.

Everyone gathered and started to have lunch.

Gu Yuexi's drama queen side surfaced once more. She took the initiative to open Lin Chen's wine, pour it, and even fed him skewers of meat. She was so affectionate that even Lin Chen's warning glances couldn't stop her.

Wu Jiajun was seething with rage in his heart. He shot a glance at Zheng Li.

Zheng Li nodded, raising his beer. "Lin Chen, let's have a drink. We've both served in the army, let's each have a can!"

Lin Chen didn't refuse, and each of them downed a can.

After finishing his beer, Zheng Li grabbed the can with one hand and crumpled it into an aluminum ball.

"Lin Chen, let's have a friendly sparring match."

Seeing Zheng Li's provocative gaze, Lin Chen chuckled lightly, "Forget it, it's not good to get injured while fighting."

The reason for his refusal was that Lin Chen simply wasn't interested in competing with Zheng Li, as all his skills were meant for killing, which was very different from someone from regular forces like Zheng Li.

However, others didn't think the same way. Seeing Lin Chen's refusal, they subconsciously assumed that he was afraid and didn't dare to fight with Zheng Li.

"Lin Chen, are you scared? Don't worry, Xiaoxi won't be so petty. Right, Xiaoxi?"

Having been holding a grudge for the entire journey, Wu Jiajun finally found Lin Chen's weakness. His eyes gleamed with excitement, and he continued to agitate while constantly glancing at Gu Yuexi.

Gu Yuexi snorted coldly, "What's it to you?"

Wu Jiajun was instantly awkward, his face turning an iron shade of blue as he forced a laugh. "Xiaoxi, this kind of cowardly man, how can he be worthy of you? He doesn't even have the courage to accept a challenge, and you expect him to protect you in times of danger?"

In the midst of his words, Wu Jiajun's disdainful gaze fell upon Lin Chen.

Lin Chen listened with amusement, not saying a word. He sat on the side, drinking beer while quietly observing Gu Yuexi's reaction. Most girls would probably be angry or even dissatisfied with their boyfriend upon losing face in public.

Although the relationship between Lin Chen and Gu Yuexi was fake, he was still curious about how she would react at this moment.

However, Gu Yuexi's reaction was beyond Lin Chen's expectations. She abruptly leaned over, hugged Lin Chen's arm, quickly pecked him on the cheek, and then looked at Wu Jiajun with a defiant snort, "I'm happy with my choice. What's it to you? I'd rather not have him protect me than rely on you for protection!"


The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became delicate. Everyone knew that the young men and women present were all looking at each other with strange expressions.

Wu Jiajun couldn't let this display of affection go. He immediately puffed his chest out, putting on a confident smile on his face as he adopted a gentlemanly demeanor, "Xiaoxi, if you were with me, I can guarantee that I would never abandon you in times of danger. At the very least, I wouldn't be like a certain someone who doesn't even have the courage to accept a challenge!"

As he spoke, Wu Jiajun didn't forget to cast a disdainful glance at Lin Chen.

"Wu Shao is a real man, ha! Lin Chen, what do you say? We both come from the same military background, and I believe your training didn't teach you to be a coward in battle. Dare to fight me and prove yourself?"

Zheng Li had secretly compared strength with Lin Chen earlier, and coming out worse for wear already left him dissatisfied. He added fuel to the fire.

The young men and women around them all focused their gazes on Lin Chen. If he still hesitated to fight, it would be truly unacceptable.

Feeling the gazes around him, Lin Chen remained unfazed. He shook his head with a light laugh, "All I've learned are killing techniques, you're no match for me!"